Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 313: Little official greed

"Have you heard of Qin Tian? The carrier aircraft pilot of the colony fleet?" Princess Jing Xi asked.

Qin Tian? Lu Bin recalled the name carefully in his own mind, and suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

He remembered that there was such a person who seemed to be a hero of the colony fleet. Later, the colony fleet issued a reward. The reward was so dazzling that he passed by his hand when the reward came down. At the time, he was detained by him just like before.

He has done so much, but not only this kind of reward, because the earth is relatively backward, so the empire will take part of the poverty alleviation fund every year and distribute it to the earth, but all these funds have arrived at Lu Bin Pocket.

Thousands of miles are officials only for money. If you go to this desolate planet to serve as a long ball, if it is not for money, what is it for? When is Jiao Yulu?

Lu Bin is here as a local officer for decades. Although the official position is not big, it is just a small role like the village head, but after a long period of accumulation, it is also quite impressive. Typical.

At the same time, his appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and he dares to move anything. He has constantly used money to buy through his superior officials. When an official comes to inspect, as long as he feeds the other party, after going back, naturally He will not speak bad things about him, he has long been accustomed to this official way of doing things.

In this way, he even dared to embezzle even the typical rewards of the heroes erected in the colony, and it was all embezzlement. That is a huge sum!

Since the money has entered his pocket, then the hero's family must naturally be the same as before. Even the heroic deeds of Qin Tian are blocked here. As long as no one knows that Qin Tian is a hero, then Qin Tian Family will not be troubled.

Later, it was found that Qin Tian's remittances to his family were relatively large. They simply transferred the money to their pockets. As long as they have a good relationship with the banking system, it is not a word.

And now, when Lu Bin heard Princess Jingxi saying the name, he thought of it here, and he was trembling in his heart. Is Jingxi Gong investigating this matter?

The princess must not be able to buy it with money, it can only be pushed clean.

"I don't know, Her Royal Highness. For some time, there was a problem with our communication, and we were unable to keep in touch with the colony. Yes, that was the battle that broke out with us. There must have been serious interference. Later, the signal was always there. It's intermittent. "Lu Bin said:" Is this person out of our planet? That's really our hero. "

With a cold heart on Qin Tian's face, this guy is obviously pretending to be confused!

"Contact Kevin." Princess Jingxi did not respond to Lu Bin's words, but turned to issue an order to the AI ​​system.

Bodhidharma's chief, Kevin Mitnick, appeared in front of him almost immediately. In the holographic projection, he was operating something quickly on the computer.

The scientific and technological power of the empire has almost been transferred. Among them is the most famous Bodhidharma. As the chief of the Bodhidharma, Kevin also followed the team and came over together.

Now, Kevin has read all kinds of materials in almost a few clicks. No matter how encrypted the information is, he ca n’t stop him from entering. His fingers jumped fast on the keyboard, followed, just in his hologram Above the projection, those data have already appeared.

The Imperial Calendar, 2473, June, Colony Fleet Reward, Three Million Star Coins, Colonial Government Reward, Three Million Star Coins, transferred to Earth and entered a private account before finally entering Liu Yue'e's account. Liu Yue'e is the name of Qin Tian's mother.

This is the highest reward for the heroes of the colony. At the beginning, according to Qin Tian's wishes, he originally entered his mother's account. These funds were enough for his mother to emigrate to the colonial capital and buy a decent house to live.

The Imperial Calendar, 2473, December, Qin Tian salary transfer, 20,000 Imperial Star coins, six circulations within the Imperial banking system, and finally, also entered a private account.

The other party is very smart. After entering the account, the money does not continue to flow, but it is withdrawn, so that it can be lost in the banking system.

Otherwise, come and go, it is easy to find.

However, Kevin extracted the video in the withdrawal system and compared it. Then, he found a person. This person appeared in another bank and deposited the money twenty minutes after taking it out. Another account.

This time the account is awesomely Lu Bin's private account. The total amount of deposits in it is so high that Lu Bin can't make so much money even for ten thousand years with his salary as the earth ball. !

"Lu Bin, what else do you have to say?" Princess Jing Xi said.

"I don't know. All this, I don't know anything. It was dried by a shovel. That's right. It was dried by a shovel. I never used that account. It was a shovel!"

The shovel is Lu Bin's man. This guy is tall and thin, and his head is still big, like a shovel. He is Lu Bin's most loyal dog. He does everything.

At that time, Lu Bin already had such a plan, no matter what, Lu Bin did not personally contact, so that once the incident happened, he could push all the mistakes to the shovel.

Next to Lu Bin, the shovel is a honest guy, but when he was in front of ordinary people, he changed his face. In the past, the shovel was a gang leader who was walking around the earth. He was promoted by Lu Bin. Next, the shovel washed everything in the past, and felt comfortable working for Lu Bin.

Now, of course, the shovel must be pushed out.

"Until now, you still admit that you are wrong?" Princess Jing Xi looked at the person in front of her, her heart was full of anger, if it was not for him to come in person, if it was not for a genius like Kevin, he wanted to crack such a case, too It's difficult.

"His Royal Highness, the small one is really wrong." Lu Bin knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and said, "The little one doesn't know anything. It was all hurt by his subordinates."

"His Royal Highness, kill him." Qin Tian said aside, this person, bullying the people, and also embezzling his own money, bullying his mother, Qin Tian has made a killing opportunity.

As long as Princess Jingxi nodded, Qin Tian would have a hundred ways to deal with him. Such slag, according to the practice on the earth, it is best to dip the pig cage.

Everyone will clap their hands and say yes.



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