Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1397: went around and came back

What happened?

Everyone looked at Qin Hai nervously. After all, Qin Hai is a quantum ghost. He can easily leave the starship and inquire about the information ahead, so everything depends on him.

But now, Qin Hai didn't say anything, but frowned.

What is waiting for them ahead?

The siren stopped abruptly in the next second, and the entire star warship had already left its original orbit, and was rapidly falling towards the huge gravitational source in the process of advancing.

"Damn, what's going on here?" Pete shouted loudly: "The space here is a bit strange, our vacuum engine is off!"

The vacuum engine was turned off, unable to provide energy, unable to maintain the dimension, and unable to maintain the forward direction, so they began to quickly fall towards the huge gravitational source.

After they have passed the midpoint of their journey, this huge gravitational source must be a black hole. They are falling towards the black hole. It will not be long before they will enter the terrible gravitational tide in the black hole and be torn to pieces. .

The last time I fell into it, I was able to maintain a four-dimensional space. In the fourth dimension, I could avoid the gravitational tide of the black hole in the three-dimensional world. When I got here, it was already a white hole, which was pushed out, so it would not appear. question.

But now, it is a reverse process, which requires a stronger motivation, and it is not clear what the law of the universe looks like on the other side. Therefore, suddenly encountering such a situation now has made everyone helpless.

"This big gift bag is really big enough." Pete said with a sigh.

"It seems that the goddess of the universe is playing with bubbles, and we are the bubbles picked up by the goddess of the universe." Qin Tian said helplessly to Princess Jingxi.

When he said these words, Qin Tian no longer had the mood to tease, and really sighed.

Everyone is ready to give their lives to explore the universe at any time, but when this time really comes, no one wants to die.

The cause of exploring the universe is not over yet. We still don't know what the world looks like.

They have only traveled through two parallel worlds. Are there more parallel worlds here? What else is waiting for them? What does the entire universe look like?

Everyone wants to see it very much. After seeing it, they can close their eyes with peace of mind.

"Forget it, there is a price to be paid for exploring the universe. We are always much better than Gagarin."

Qin Tian thought of Gagarin.

On the blue star, according to the long historical records, Gagarin was the first person to leave the planet. The civilized world at that time could not enter the universe. Later, during the confrontation, there was an intercontinental missile. The human spaceship is launched by the missile at the position of the warhead of the intercontinental missile.

When he came back, he experienced even more twists and turns, because there was no suitable landing method. When he was about to approach the ground, Gagarin would be ejected and then landed with a parachute. As for the return capsule, there would be a huge impact. It is unbearable for people to be inside.

The first astronaut in human history, a great pioneer, died young and lost his life in a flight accident. In contrast, our own side also feels sympathy.

auzw.comQin Tian is not reconciled, he really wants to continue exploring space, and other people are also not reconciled, but at this time they are powerless.

Then, the entire spaceship disintegrated.

Everyone lost consciousness. If the spacecraft can disintegrate, then the people inside must have disintegrated along with the spacecraft.

For them, the universe still has many mysteries, but their lives have already come to an end.

At this moment, Qin Tian held Princess Jingxi's hand, not wanting to let go, but his consciousness was completely lost the next moment.

I don't know how long it has passed, or how far he has traveled in the universe. In short, when Qin Tian's consciousness became clear again, he opened his eyes and saw the sky above his head. In the blue sky, there were white clouds floating. , it looked like he had returned to the blue star where he was.

If there really was a goddess of the universe, perhaps, the other party showed mercy and teleported herself back to her homeland? Don't let yourself wander in the universe?

Qin Tian secretly rang in his heart, his own body was constantly weakening, he stretched out his hand, wanting to touch his lover, he remembered very clearly, when finally disappeared in the black hole, Qin Tian still It was holding Princess Jingxi's hand tightly.

So now, will the two still be together?

Sure enough, he touched it, touched a soft thing, but the outside was a little sticky, it didn't look like a woman's skin, but rather...

Suddenly thought of something, Qin Tian sat up all of a sudden, he was surprised to see what he touched, soft, thick, sticky on the surface, it was...

A giant earthworm!

That's right, it should be an earthworm, but this earthworm is too big, like a boa constrictor.

Beside him was mud. At this time, earthworms were gliding on the mud. Then, he heard something. In the distance, a group of people were coming.

This group of people are standing on a boat. Of course, it’s not a boat. It’s a canoe-like skateboard, sliding sharply on the mud. Underground, let it walk in the mud quickly like propping a boat.

The people above were naked, with an unknown fur wrapped around their waists, a necklace made of bones hung on their chests, and their hair was short, curly, dirty and rotten.

Looking at this scene always gave Qin Tian a somewhat familiar feeling. The consciousness in his brain was slowly recovering, and soon he thought of something.

Isn't this the planet of the Death Star that I went to? How did I come back here?

Everything at the beginning is still recalled in my mind. It was to find Mr. Alpha, and it was Mr. Alpha who possessed a series of advanced technologies that surpassed the entire era. It is unbelievable that Mr. Alpha was also defeated by them later.

At that time, on the Death Star, there was a barbaric era on the front, and a highly civilized base on the back. Human brains and computers were also in the world on the back.

After going around in a circle, did you come back by yourself?

These savages are chasing this big earthworm, as if hunting and killing it. What Qin Tian touched just now was the tail of the earthworm. At this time, those savages also found him. God, I was surprised to find that the people I met on the Death Star spoke the same language, and the current one was Friday who used to be his servant!


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