Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1396: leave

The four-dimensional world is quite vast, and this universe is in a period of vigorous development and is in a state of continuous expansion to the outside world, so it appears even more endless.

In addition to the four-dimensional dimension, another feature is the speed of light here.

The running speed of the computer on the starship is significantly faster. If it is not that the three-dimensional weapons are not fully protected in the four-dimensional, they still want to conduct a flight at the speed of light to determine how fast the speed here is, but now it is judged intuitively, here The speed of light is at least tens of thousands of times faster than the speed of light in our own universe.

This also reflects a deduction from everyone just now, that the entire universe is coming to an end, the dimension is constantly decreasing, and the speed of light is also constantly decreasing.

All of this is caused by wars and destruction. In constant wars, the dimension will continue to drop, and the speed of light will continue to decrease. Will the speed of light decrease to zero in the future? Will the dimension drop to one dimension, or even zero dimension?

No one knows, and everyone doesn't want to know. At that time, the entire universe will be a lonely death zone.

This is what no one wants to see.

When I was moving towards that small and insignificant white hole, a small accident happened. I thought that this white hole was too small and no one would guard it. However, when I drove to the front of here, a A small hypercube starship actually blocked their way ahead.

In this world, all the white holes are endless cornucopias, no matter how small they are, they will be guarded by someone. Compared with the previous starships, this small hypercube starship is like a planet. Although the difference between a battleship and an ordinary battleship is very small, it is also four-dimensional, and the three-dimensional starship of one's own side, in the four-dimensional world, there is always a dimension that is undefended.

When they discovered this accident, everyone felt nervous again, and at this moment, Qin Tian was dispatched again and began to negotiate with them.

"Hey, listen to the people on the other side, there is a big treasure, first come, first served." Qin Tian shouted to the other party.

There was no answer from the other side, and no fire was fired.

"Just when we came here, there was a huge white hole. The two fleets outside were all destroyed in the mutual battle. Now there is no land there. You go there first, and you will definitely get the most and the best things. What kind of development can you achieve by guarding such a small white hole?" Qin Tian shouted to the other party: "The direction there is..."

Before he finished speaking, the hypercube star warship that was blocking the way disappeared in a whiz, and left quickly in the fourth dimension. At this time, even Qin Tian was taken aback.

Here, even a brat is difficult to deal with, but fortunately, he just fooled the other party away.

Of course, in this starry sky, there must be a search method for this starry sky. The other party can easily find that there is no warship waiting in the nearby white hole. At this time, of course, they will rush over quickly.

First come, first served, even if you can't beat others, just occupy the first opportunity, you can get a lot of resources, indeed more than the white holes here.

The other party left, and walked neatly, and everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, Pete said: "Everyone, get ready, let's continue our adventure and see what cosmic gift package is for us on the opposite side."

This four-dimensional space cannot survive the Galileo. Here, the Galileo is as fragile as a piece of paper. Even an ordinary creature in the four-dimensional space, not even an intelligent creature, can bully them. Therefore, they Must leave, leave as soon as possible. At this time, there are naturally two choices.

You can choose their original world, that is, when you just lured the two fleets in to die, they can also follow them back.

But they didn't, that was their mother universe, where they came from, and they left to explore the unknown world, so how can they go back to the original path now?

The other way is to find other white holes, or even black holes, and leave here, but this implies other risks.

Who knows what's on the other side of the white hole connection?

They can indeed tear apart a dimension, and from the fifth dimension, they can pass through without the resistance of white holes and black holes, but what happens after passing through?

If the opposite is the same three-dimensional world, that would be the best.

If the opposite side passes through a four-dimensional world, then they will face the risk of being trampled to death at will. If the other party is not so foolishly fooled by a few words and comes over with real swords and guns, their own side will definitely be killed immediately. All destroyed.

If the opposite is a two-dimensional world, this is the worst case.

It's like a four-dimensional hypercube warship that is crushed almost instantly after passing through it. If one's own side crosses into a two-dimensional flat world, then, after entering, the three-dimensional spherical starship will be flattened into a flat world. A two-dimensional circular surface.

At that time, I don't know how to survive in the two-dimensional world, but one thing is clear, everyone will die.

It would be like being under a 10,000-ton hydraulic press, and it would be directly pressed into meatloaf, and it was still a paper man without thickness.

That scene is scary just thinking about it.

That's why Pete said, look what big gifts the universe is giving us.

This is Pete's joke, and I look forward to some gifts from this cruel universe.

Just like that, the fifth dimension appeared, and everyone rushed into this passage with sureness and determination, not knowing what would be waiting for you inside, but you will not retreat, will not evade, but will only be brave Rush forward to see what is waiting for you ahead.

The outside world is originally invisible, but because the white hole here is also four-dimensional, the three-dimensional star warship is actually transparent, and everything outside can be easily seen from the fourth dimension. But now, the fifth dimension has been torn apart, so it can be seen more clearly.

There, the white hole keeps spewing objects toward the outside world, and the Galileo is in this spewing, dodging with difficulty and moving forward. This time it is going retrograde, which reflects the difficulty even more.

"Perhaps, our universe looks like this." Just at this moment of anxiety, Qin Tian spoke again: "Our entire big universe is like a bathtub full of bubbles. Among the bubbles, one ebbs and flows, some are getting bigger, some are shrinking, and occasionally, the goddess of the universe who is taking a bath will hold out a few bubbles and hold them in her hands to play with..."

"Alarm, alert!" Sure enough, the crow's mouth was the most hateful thing. Qin Tian was about to say that after pinching the bubble, he would crush it, and then the early warning system on the starship sounded.


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