Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1286: Surrounded by

If you can watch from the outside and at a distance at this time, you can find that the exile fleet of the Milky Way is going through a strange process.

When the entire fleet enters the speed of light, the world looks different from the outside of the fleet. The planet in front is passing by fast. The light is like an arrow, which is completely elongated. When you look at the fleet from the outside, you see that it is only the fleet. The afterimage of China lags behind the actual situation of the fleet.

The fleet is sailing at high speed, but, during this voyage, suddenly, as if a violent bison was suddenly pulled, the fleet's speed suddenly decreased.

At this time, just behind the fleet, a silver-white globular star suddenly appeared. The planet was very small and very small, even man-made spaceships were comparable to it, but the special reflection on the surface of the planet The light is absolutely unusual. At this time, the sudden appearance of the planet attracts the fluctuation of the surrounding force field. If the force field is represented by grid lines, the planet is like a sudden on a horizontal net. A falling ball pulled all the grid lines down, turned into an arc, and bent down.

Under the pull of these gravitational forces, all the starships have to be separated from the speed of light. This is not caused by the complete spatial change, but by the force field. Therefore, when the starship is pulled, the starship ’s The hull has even been deformed. If you measure it with a ruler, you can find that the hull is getting longer. This is not a change in size caused by the relativistic effect during high-speed navigation, but a pull of the real starship itself. Long, this caused the starship to tremble with a terrible tremor on the metal structure, and even cause the starship to rupture and damage.

However, this process only took a moment, and then, the nearby starry sky suddenly had one more dimension, and this dimension could not be seen. However, the gravity of the silver ball pulled those starships to change their voyage, just right Just pierced into the head, the timing was quite good. This process was so short that when the sound of the starship's tremor reached the ears of the starship, the starship had actually drilled into the four-dimensional space. Then everything went wrong.

They lost their calibration, lost their course, and they seemed to fall into a strange place they had never been to.

In outer space, looking outside the starship, you see that the starship suddenly slowed down, elongated, and then disappeared.

Some seem to fall into a wormhole, but it is absolutely impossible to have such a huge wormhole in the universe, which can let all starships fall into it.

However, there are no outside observers after all, or they ca n’t see any observers, the starship drops into the four-dimensional space, travels in the four-dimensional space according to the direction of entry, and then comes out of the four-dimensional space. Space, time is not long, it seems just a moment.

The starship returned to normal.

The first thing I restored was the navigation system. When I observed enough stars outside and put them in the database for high-speed comparison, I quickly got my position. Then, everyone exclaimed: "Oh, God of the Galaxy, why should we be sent here? "

After following the navigation system, the outside observation system also began to display the synthesized image in front of them. They can clearly see that at this time, they have come to another starry sky, which is completely different from their intended direction. At this time, there are many planets floating around them. These planets, of course, are not ordinary planets, all are star warships.

They were surrounded, surrounded by a powerful fleet of planets. This situation made them instantly discouraged.

Why is it that they actually came here? It's like drilling a wormhole. After coming out, it enters the encirclement circle. In previous wars, there were often captains who like to wait for the rabbit at the end of the wormhole. Once an enemy drilled, they immediately fell into their own Surrounded, now, my own side has fallen into the trap of the other side. Sure enough, everything is exactly the same as planned, the next is the most important part, at this time, on the starship, the few leaders who really know the secrets are thinking so With.

"The **** of the galaxy? These bugs are still engaged in totem worship." Seeing the other person's panic, Sisyphus was still quite satisfied. This is the same as they used to fight. They used their advanced technology to go. When defeating the opponent, the same expression appeared on the opponent's face.

This is normal. The previous fights were not normal and were disgusting!

With this thought, Sisyphus adjusted his collar, and then turned on the communication device and continued to invade the other party's communication system.

"Bugs, we meet again." Sisyphus' holographic projection appeared on the flagship of the exile fleet. Under the watch of many officers, he appeared in Qin Tian, ​​Princess Jingxi, Commander Anna, etc. The front of the person.

Sisyphus at this time is a winner's face: "Please don't blame your galactic gods, in fact, according to your definition, we are your galactic gods and we will control everything about you . "

Sisyphus's face was full of smiles, and the winner should be like this. Now, they have fallen into their own encirclement. Even if they have only one Class C starship, they can kill them all, and now, their own stay Half of the fleet was left, and the remaining half had already moved towards the galaxy. Midas finally couldn't wait, and decided to solve the galaxy problem as soon as possible.

"Now, don't talk, my time is precious." Sisyphus has already prepared: "Now, you have two options, either choose to resist, and then be completely killed by us, or surrender to us, tell you now Choose, one, two, three. "

He said very quickly that these humans in the galaxy, so resisting their own side, will definitely choose to resist in a short period of time, so they only have a dead end, the Star Warships surrounding them are already prepared, and they will be the first to The entire escaped fleet of the galaxy was destroyed.

One, two, three, get started!

However, just when he just called out three, the other party did not hesitate at all, and immediately said, "We surrender."


What about your guts? Would you rather blow up a spiral arm, and rather turn the entire galaxy into the bones of a slow fog-packed area? Without hesitation, so simply chose to surrender?

Sisyphus opened his mouth wide and planned to completely destroy the other party's actions, which would have begun in the next second, but now, it stopped abruptly.



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