Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1285: Smooth and unexpected

The Galaxy Exile Fleet.

This name sounds tragic, but in fact, that's it. They were born to protect the galaxy, but now they are rejected by the galaxy and forced to leave the galaxy, no matter how good they say. In short, in nature , All belong to exile.

They were forced into exile and went into another world. When they entered the speed of light, they never planned to return.

On the bridge, everyone is waiting quietly. After entering the speed of light, the internal time flow rate is significantly different from the outside. When they go back, will the outside be already a sea of ​​turmoil?

"I remembered the seven princes of the defeated Fibre Empire." Princess Qin Xi said quietly to him beside Qin Tian.

The seven princes of the Fibre Empire were forced to go into exile just after they failed. Although they are two different empires, they all belong to the galaxy. For the outsiders, they were exiled from the galaxy.

"Yeah. We really look like it." Qin Tian said lightly. At this time, his eyes were looking at the holographic projection of the Xinghai, but his heart was mixed. Unexpectedly, he also embarked on this path?

"The universe is too vast. In fact, very early, long ago, I had the idea to explore this vast world." Qin Tian continued: "When I was a child, when I looked up at the starry sky, I was thinking, those watching The blinking stars that I have reached, I do n’t know how far away we are. If we can explore these stars, how good should they be, and outside these stars, they are still stars, exploring the past all the way to the end of the universe, By the way, what is the end of the universe? "

After all, Princess Jingxi is a talented student of astronomy. Now, when I hear Qin Tian ’s question, I ca n’t help but feel mixed feelings: “No one knows that we used to only be in the Milky Way. What we can detect is the surrounding galaxy , We have no ability to contact the local galaxy group, even more distant star sea, even less know, just like a child, looking at the sea, thinking, what is the other side of the sea? The answer is, the other side of the sea , Or the sea. "

"No, no, I think the other side of the sea is us, and every planet is round, so as long as you continue to sail along a line, sooner or later, you will return to our own starting point, so, I was thinking, In the universe, if we just keep sailing at the speed of light and keep moving forward, then we will either reach the edge of the universe or return to our own starting point, um, this is my own idea, I wonder if it can be explained by cosmological theory. "

Hearing Qin Tian's words, Princess Jingxi's heart moved. In fact, this was once a cosmological point of view. When you continue to travel at the speed of light, you will eventually reach the end of the universe, and this end may return to the origin After all, the universe is not a plane, but is built on a space like arc-shaped bubbles, which is the basic principle of the curvature-driven engine.

However, no one will confirm such a theory, because when it reaches the end of the universe, it is not only the end of space, but also the end of time, that is, when sailing towards the edge of the universe At that time, the time outside was also passing by quickly. At that time, the universe had already gone through its entire life, and it had begun to reach the end of the universe.

What is that end? Will it die in infinite expansion, or will it collapse again and become a singularity, looking forward to the next big explosion of the universe, and looking forward to the rebirth of a world?

No one knows, maybe some scientists will be willing to dedicate themselves to this, and come to the end of the universe.

If, together with Qin Tian, ​​go to the end of the universe to see if it would be good?

However, almost at this time, her thoughts had just unfolded, and before opening, she saw that the holographic projection in front suddenly changed, and the starry sky disappeared, turning into a huge red alarm.

Alarm, the space in front suddenly changes!

The alarm, affected by the inexplicable force field, the starship has begun to slow down and exit the speed of light.

Warning, the navigation system is confusing, may have left the original space, and is preparing to relocate.

One by one, the alarms appeared constantly and rapidly. At this time, the atmosphere inside the starship was also pulled to the highest point.

Sailing in the universe and moving forward, it sounds beautiful. In fact, it will encounter various situations, just like sailing in ancient times. If you explore an unknown route, you may encounter a reef. In the event of turbulence and harsh climatic conditions, various situations will be staged.

And now, this kind of exploration is the same. Sailing in the universe may pass inexplicable wormholes, terrible black holes, unexpected sources of gravity, etc., and even fatal disasters.

Now, when they explore unknown routes, they encounter an accident.

"Turn on the shield and turn on at full power." Anna shouted. At this moment, they want to protect their starship, but they can only adopt this passive way. In fact, at the moment the alarm sounds, the starship My own AI has automatically activated the shield according to a predetermined procedure, otherwise, it is too late to rely on manual operation.

However, in the universe, these seemingly powerful starships seem to be like ants and can be crushed by any powerful force at any time. They are too small.

The starship shook suddenly and violently, and the hull made a creaking sound, just like the entire starship was about to be destroyed. At this moment, everyone changed their faces. This is an abnormal space, squeezing their starship. , Is this to crush their starship instantly?

Qin Tian's hand grabbed Princess Jingxi, and then took her in her arms.

Nothing is 100% certain. Previously, in a battle of war, it was so full of adventure. If there is a 30% hope, it will already be quite high.

Now, did you encounter an accident, or did the people of the Large Magellanic Cloud do it? And how did they do it?

These are not important, maybe you will know in the future, if they are now in a disaster, they will still be with their lover and hug their lover tightly. There will be no regrets in this life.

As for whether the galaxy is dead, there is no need to think about it.

Princess Jingxi was just hugged by Qin Tian, ​​with her head on his chest, and hummed like a mosquito: "Everything went well."

Such a situation has long been expected by our own. Now, although it looks very bad, I don't know what happened, but it has proved to be smooth.

If nothing happens, it is called an accident!



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