Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1282: The only flaw

The Milky Way, along with some surrounding galaxies, is called the local galaxy group.

In the past, the star map has been made, but the position of each star in the Milky Way, and even the planets above, are clearly marked. However, the other galaxies are different, but they can be seen blurred. It's just a bunch.

This is also a reason. No matter how big the telescope is, the details will be lost with the distance. The star can be seen because it shines, but the distance is far from a spherical shape, and it degenerates into a point. When the distance is farther away, a huge number of stars will converge and become a group of stars that cannot be distinguished one by one at all.

This becomes a nebula. At far distances, the light that can be distinguished is particularly large, indicating that it is a large galaxy. The light is relatively small, that is, a small galaxy can only be judged based on these.

In the vicinity of the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy was originally relatively large, but the super civilization above, the hostility is unknown, and it is relatively close to the Large Magellanic Cloud Nebula, so Qin Tian did not intend to target it there. Instead, I chose the Triangulum galaxy, which is farther away. This galaxy is the farthest in the local galaxy group that has been identified.

The distance is far and the volume is very large. Such a galaxy is the target explored in Qin Tian's plan.

In the past, no one had too much research on extragalactic galaxies. After all, extragalactic galaxies are too far away. With the current technology of the Milky Way, that is, flying at the speed of light, after arriving there, the Milky Way is already a sea of ​​turmoil. The leap in scope, such exploration, has no appeal to anyone in power.

But now, they have to face this extragalactic galaxy. They already have four-dimensional space technology. In the fourth dimension, they can quickly cross space, so that distant extragalactic galaxies no longer appear so distant. Between the galaxies, just It started to matter.

Of course, only Star Warships have the ability to move in four dimensions. Existing starships in the Galaxy fleet do not have this ability to tear space, which requires a vacuum engine.

They can only fly at the speed of light, and when they fly at the speed of light, it means that they are officially bye bye with the galaxy, they only spent a short time in the spacecraft, in the galaxy, I do n’t know that it has passed It took tens of thousands of years.

This is also one of the cruelest rules of time in the galaxy. If you want to sail, you are destined to be isolated from the world you are in. This is not spatial isolation, but time, and you can never go back.

Now, under the leadership of Qin Tian, ​​these people have chosen to leave the galaxy and chose to break with the current Armenian Empire, because they have completely lost their faith.

Standing on the bridge, Qin Tian's eyes were complicated when they looked at the entire galaxy for the last time.

Beside him, Princess Jingxi stood quietly and looked at the entire Milky Way. I do n’t know what the Milky Way will look like when they reach the Triangulum galaxy, but it is conceivable that there is a high probability that the Milky Way Have entered the world wrapped in slow fog.

"Thank you, you can go with me." Qin Tian said to Princess Jingxi.

"We have done what we should do, and leave the rest to themselves." Princess Jing Xi said: "In the past, we have talked together, any empire is in the previous empire. At the same time, no empire will exist for long, no matter what long empire is called, in fact, no empire can last for tens of thousands of years. On average, the life span of an empire is only a few hundred. It's just a year. "

Princess Jingxi said calmly when she said this: "Now, we have tried our best. Since they have abandoned us, let's make choices for our children."

"Order the fleet and get ready to sail." Qin Tian issued an order. At this time, he tried to make himself look back, not to look at the Milky Way, but this is his home after all, where he once fought and defended. So, at this time, his eyes were still moist.

Qin Hai, why haven't you appeared yet? It seems that it is really difficult to build a ghost force. Qin Tian thought secretly in his heart. Fortunately, even without Qin Hai, his own plan will soon succeed, and he will enter the last key. Link.

Despite being accused by so many people, although he has been ugly in the eyes of the people, Qin Tian still did not give up, and the empire must not be enslaved by the power of another world!

Qin Tian is firm. His loyalty to the Milky Way has never changed.

In fact, they have covered up the whole operation very well, but there is still a very obvious flaw.

They did not take away the scientists.

For any civilized world, the most important thing is not politicians or ordinary people, but scientists. Scientists are the decisive force driving the development of this world.

Without scientists discovering the atomic structure and releasing the power inside the atom, this civilized world cannot enter the aerospace era. The nuclear fusion engine is the only way to the universe. Without the current vacuum energy technology, it is impossible to achieve inter-galaxy Flight.

Civilization cannot develop if it is only tied to its own world.

But now, they have no way to take away the scientists, because this time it seems to be a complete break, to find a new world, in fact, to go to war, they can not take scientists to take risks together, let ’s say, now scientists, still Still staying in the slow fog and working hard to build a Star Wars ship, this project has never stopped.

Their next battle is destined to be very fierce. What if the scientists have lost their precious minds?

Qin Tian would also feel pity.

Therefore, they can only go this way, but Qin Tian is also convinced that the civilizations from the Large Magellanic Cloud at this time cannot see this. This small flaw is no big deal.

Your performance is so wonderful, the price is so great, even a spiral arm is destroyed, and there is a risk that the entire galaxy will be forced into the slow fog at any time. Of course, your own is the most real and will never be doubted.

If the other person has a mind like Margaret, you should know that something is wrong, I am afraid, Margaret at this time should also be reminiscent?



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