Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1281: Love is overflowing

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"The universe is so dark." Marshal Lan En looked at the speech of the commander of the Imperial fleet called Anna with great interest, only to feel that the woman's mind had some problems.

In this icy universe, survival is not easy. In order to survive, you must have enough resources, enough population, if there are too many people, and resources are insufficient, you can only expand outwards. This is an inevitable, they have developed When it comes to this kind of civilization, I do n’t even know that the universe is so cold, it is simply too naive.

"Now, it is the most favorable situation for us." Apollo said: "As long as they leave, then within the galaxy, a power vacuum will briefly appear, and our fleet will be bravely rushed at that time. , Occupy the entire galaxy, um, those who leave, should feel lucky? "

At this time, this side is already a winner's gesture.

This whole conspiracy is simply unbelievable. If they like to watch TV series, they should be able to see the most important kind of palace drama in the cultural heritage of the Milky Way, which is so wonderful, but After all, it was just a palace battle under the screenwriter's hand, not real. Now, it really appeared in front of them. These conspiracies are really wonderful.

Is the person who stays smart or the person who walks away smart? Now that everyone has started to analyze it, perhaps Qin Tian's people are even smarter.

They have given everything to protect the galaxy, and in the end, they have been driven away by these people. They have begun to be dissatisfied with reality. They have been disappointed with the world. So, since they have been abandoned here, they simply left.

When encountering an irresistible strong enemy invasion, it is not shameful to protect their homeland, and it is not shameful to go into exile. This Qin Tian, ​​it is estimated that it was through this opportunity that he decided to leave?

He knew that his ability was limited, and it was impossible to save the galaxy, so he simply walked away, and no one would realize that the other party was originally planning to leave.

Who is better? It's really hard to say. In short, this wonderful scene is too shocking no matter what.

"We are here, lack of such staff." Marshal Lan En said with a sigh.

This remark immediately aroused the vigilance of others. What does Marshal Lan En mean? Do you want to recruit? These people are the best at playing tricks. If these people are brought to Marshal Lan's side, can other people be reused by Marshal Lan? It will definitely be squeezed out.

"Marshal, on the battlefield, ultimately it depends on the strength. These people will only use tricks and tricks. They will not last for a long time. Look at their respective strategies. Isn't the galaxy even weaker in the end? Apollo said quickly.

We can't ask for such a person. We rely on strength, not conspiracy, but also weaken ourselves!

Upon hearing what he said, Dioni reacted and tried to deny the use of these schemes. However, Marshal Lan's eyes seemed to be unmoved. He had looked at the man named Qin Tian.

Qin Tian did not die. After his return, under advanced medical conditions, he recovered again. The poisoned blood in his body has been replaced. However, the whole person has not fully recovered, and his body is still quite weak. Must-read house.bidu 5.

At this time, Qin Tian was on the bridge, there, looking at the huge projection. Above, the fleet ’s going to stay is underway. Many people have made a choice, but what surprised Qin Tian is that he chose to stay Only half of them came down.

According to the original considerations, these leftovers may occupy 70% to 80%. After all, they grew up in the empire. The education they received from childhood was to be loyal to the empire. Now, despite the crisis, they are the Milky Way. According to Anna ’s statement, in the future, he will be in exile in space, and even everyone will never be able to come back, and there will be no home in the future. They may spend their lives on the starship and their own Descendants will become starship citizens.

In fact, this is also one of the design goals of the Star Wars. There are too few places to survive in the universe, and it is likely to live in the starship forever. At this time, the starship is naturally the bigger the better.

This naturally makes people think of transforming the planet into a battleship.

Although there are all kinds of swear words to smear Qin Tian, ​​but Qin Tian ’s prestige still exists, especially those old fleet warriors, they all know that without Qin Tian, ​​there is nothing in the current empire, and now, the empire speaks It ’s just that Queen Margaret, Her Majesty is still in a coma, this empire is no longer of the Cagurila family, but Queen Margaret.

In addition to this reason, there are naturally reasons for Princess Jingxi.

It is difficult to choose between Princess Jingxi and the two. Her Majesty is the brother of Princess Jingxi and her majesty. She should protect the empire and fight for the empire, but on the other hand, General Qin Tian , The lover of Princess Jingxi, came together in battle.

Now that she has chosen, she still has to go with Qin Tian. It is because of her that more people have chosen to go with Princess Jingxi.

In this way, the Imperial Fleet split into two parts.

"We will probably take a hundred battleships and a hundred cruisers." Anna walked to Qin Tian's side: "Now, the palace is negotiating, saying we can go, but the starship You have to stay because these are the wealth of the empire. "

Hearing Anna ’s words, Qin Tian smiled helplessly: “We do n’t have to control them. Anyway, as soon as we leave, they will also push the law, and sentence all of us to death. Your spaceship? "

"So, where are we going?" Anna asked Qin Tian.

The holographic projection screen in front of Qin Tian changed a bit, showing the vast sea of ​​stars. He looked here and looked at the huge number of local galaxies.

The Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud are not very far away. They are the source of evil. They cannot naturally go. The Andromeda Galaxy seems to have a higher level of civilization. I am afraid that it will be more dangerous if you go.

Therefore, you can only aim farther away.

"We go to the Triangulum galaxy." Qin Tian said.


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