Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1173: Neutron Star Cannon

"Sure enough, they also have the same technology, but unfortunately, we still have no advantage." Qin Tian said.

The most important thing to get the other party ’s news this time is your own skynet system. Your own party is heading towards the past, and the other party is launched. So even if both parties start to detect each other at the same time, in fact, it is your own first Can get results.

"Also, since we know that the other party was half a month before the last contact, we were able to detect us. By then, we can complete all preparations, and put our secrets in our brains." Jing Xi Said the princess.

In this war, the role of the brain has been fully manifested. The human brain can operate normally in a world with low speed of light and become a human brain computer. The human brain can also be used to keep secrets. After all, no particles can Find a secret in the gully of the brain.

Even, the human brain can still imagine, just like the astrology that He Xiao said! Now, if you understand the scientific principles, it must also be because of the fantasy ability of the brain.

Therefore, the human brain is the most powerful weapon in the universe.

When our technology is not enough, it depends on our brain!

"Now, we hope that our Skynet system can find the working principle of each other's starship." Qin Tian said: "At least one copy of their weapon system should also be mapped."

The Skynet system mainly works for people. In the past, He Xiao used this way, but at that time, it was because He Xiao who mastered the technical advantages was the secret Mr. Alpha. Since their Technology is the most advanced, so naturally it will not detect technology.

Regardless of whether it is to detect people, intelligence, or technology, the process is actually the same. Each particle is an intelligent system. When it is deployed in a low dimension, it can better detect the world.

Now, what interests us most is the principle of the other party ’s laser cannon. This is the most advanced weapon known so far on the other party ’s Star Warship. What exactly does this weapon do? Was it formed by a special substance like yourself?

With their expectations, the detection particles entered the opposing Star Wars ship and began to detect, and most of these data were sent to Pete.

With the successful test of the power system of your own Star Wars, the next thing is definitely the creation of the weapon system. Everyone has imagined many weapons, including slow fog shells, and even black hole weapons. Even after contacting, even He Xiao did not have any thoughts in this regard. In her plan, she also overcomes the difficulty of the engine first, so that the Star Wars can move.

Now, what does the opponent's weapon look like?

Is there a huge unimaginable ruby ​​in the center?

In the Milky Way, most laser guns use highly concentrated rubies. This kind of thing can be used as jewelry and weapons. When the ruby ​​is excited, when it jumps back to low orbit, it will release its full color. A consistent light comes. The principle is as small as a laser gun and as large as a super cannon of a starship.

Is the inside of the opponent's star cannon super huge ruby?

of course not.

If this is the case, a ruby ​​must be as big as a small planet?

It is not so easy to find such a huge ruby ​​in the galaxy, if any, it has been found long ago?

"Oh, the God of the Galaxy, what the **** is that?"

When the latest photos of the probe particles were sent out, looking at the structure shown above, Pete couldn't help murmuring.

The core of the laser cannon has a small piece of ruby, and the principle of this super cannon is similar to the principle of the laser cannon. It is also formed by the excitation of certain substances, but the substance there is quite unique. .

That substance is very small in volume, but there are strong gravitational wave fluctuations around it. It seems that our own detection particles can be found to be dangerous, and they dare not come close.

The energy of the laser cannon is also from the energy in the universe. It is connected to the vacuum engine. Part of the energy will be input into it. Then, let this part of the energy excite the substance in it, so that the super scary appears. The death laser is many times more powerful than your own. One door can destroy a super battleship star with full protection.

What is this substance?

All starship designers and weapon experts started to freak out at this device, but when this picture was seen by Princess Jing Xi, Princess Jing Xi recognized it at a glance.

"If I am not mistaken, this substance belongs to a fragment of a neutron star, or it is a neutron star at all."

Everyone was shocked.

Neutron star?

Even layman Qin Tian is aware of neutron stars. This is a special celestial body in the universe and a result of the evolution of stars in the universe.

After the star burns, at the end of its life, it will become a red giant star and a white dwarf star, and it will also collapse. When the star begins to collapse, the huge pressure will cause a huge change in its physical structure. Not only the outer shell of the atom was crushed, but also the nucleus of the atom.

The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. The neutrons are uncharged and the protons are positively charged. After the nucleus breaks, the protons will come out and combine with the outside electrons to become uncharged neutrons. All matter becomes neutrons. The whole neutron continues to squeeze into a dense substance. On a neutron star, each cubic centimeter of matter weighs 100 million tons or even 1 billion tons.

If the entire blue star is turned into a neutron star, all matter will be compressed into a sphere with a diameter of tens of meters.

"However, the neutron star is glowing, and the light it emits is still many times the stellar light." Qin Tian first questioned.

"Yes, this is the principle of this super laser cannon. It is equivalent to a neutron star glowing." Princess Jing Xi said: "This can be called a cosmic weapon!"

The neutron star is the brightest planet in the entire universe, and the mass of this planet is quite small. Now, if it is stuffed inside the Star Warship and becomes the light source of the cannon on the Star Warship, it will naturally be super powerful in one launch. Power.

This should be called a neutron star cannon? Its light spreads out, if it is compared to the solar system, it is enough to melt all the planets around, even Pluto will not let go, and the battleship is certainly unbearable!



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