Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1172: Get information

Star warships, in a huge space, store a large number of interstellar immigrants!

When civilization developed to the cosmic level, star warships also appeared. Such a huge planet has huge internal space, so it is also very easy to carry hundreds of thousands of immigrants.

During the interstellar voyage, immigrants are in a state of hibernation. When a suitable galaxy is available, they can colonize and multiply quickly. Any civilization that loses its population will be disastrous.

Every Star Warship is a Noah's Ark, carrying the seeds of a civilized world. Once their home galaxy is destroyed, there are new opportunities.

Now, in their galaxy, there are slow fog areas everywhere. Although they also have this technique of navigating in slow fog areas, but after the speed of light there is reduced, it restricts too many things, so they must look for new ones. Only suitable for living environment.

I knew it would happen, would they still abuse the slow fog weapon?

Of course, they do n’t need it, others use it, even if they know it will eventually destroy the whole world, they have to use it! Because, in this universe, there is already a dead end.

On a planet, if civilization develops, there will inevitably be wars. As a result of the war, a unified regime will be established on the entire planet. However, their resources will still be tight. At this time, they can only be interstellar immigrants. Civilizations clash and interstellar wars, until the entire huge galaxy has become a unified world, after that, there will still be problems of insufficient resources, and in interstellar wars, their own world has also been ruined, can only rely on Powerful force to attack other extragalactic galaxies.

However, this is still problematic, because it is not known whether the extragalactic galaxies have a civilized world, and whether the level of civilization is stronger than their own side. If the other side is stronger, then the past is to find death.

This is why they need to be dispatched to search the universe.

The universe is vast, and these huge galaxies are countless, but it takes a long time to sail once, so even if they do not get any results for a long time, they will not be doubted by the rear.

Even, they may have been killed after approaching each other ’s galaxies. These are normal. At that time, they will be afraid of a powerful presence invading their parent galaxy. After all, although there are The wreckage is, after all, the birthplace of their civilization.

Hades woke up from these thoughts. For him, he still had his own plans.

Occupy the galaxy, and then choose the right planet from the inside to build a starship. When it is found that something is wrong with the rear, his men already have a huge force.

After all, their Star Warship is so huge, all the internal equipment is complete, and even in the hibernation there are special construction personnel to build a new Star Warship, it is a matter of course, but unfortunately, that kind of planet Battleships are so special that only a few planets can satisfy them.

In order to build their fleet, almost all the qualified planets in the Large Magellanic Cloud have been transformed, which is why they have to expand externally. Otherwise, their fleet will lose its supply source and will only continue to weaken.

"Our ice shields are a bit more consumed. In the past, we better not attack first, find a Mercury, absorb enough water, and then enter the battle state." Borne said.

They didn't know that just as they spoke, an unknown particle had flown far away into their world. The angle at which this particle entered was very tricky, it was sucked in with the vacuum-powered engine , And then passed through the molecular gap of the engine shell and drilled in, perfectly avoiding their anti-reconnaissance system of detecting particles.

Time has passed two years, the construction of the Star Wars is continuing, and the number of transport ships around the Star Wars has increased again. At this time, on one of the ships, Princess Jingxi is listening to the progress report of the construction .

At this moment, a smile appeared on Qin Tian's face: "Good news, good news."

Since learning that there is a huge existence to invade the Milky Way, Princess Jingxi has never had a good night's sleep, and she is worried every day. Now, Qin Tian said that there is good news, and immediately let Princess Jingxi guess what .

"Is there any news in our Skynet system?" Princess Jing Xi asked.

Qin Tian nodded.

After a long time, the detection particles launched by the Skynet system finally entered the target. Moreover, they successfully sent back the message. Now, at the terminal of the Skynet system, you have seen the Large Magellanic Cloud for the first time. Civilized people.

Those people are bigger and their basic body structure is somewhat similar to their own. At this time, due to the long distance, the image is somewhat blurred, and it is no longer a three-dimensional projection, and it becomes a two-dimensional plane. However, the sound inside is still relatively clear.

After being interpreted by the computer system, these conversations were translated, so, for the first time, the Armenian Empire learned the truth and reality of the other party.

The other party has a huge fleet, this starship is called 176, so it shows that the other party also has at least hundreds of starships of the same type!

There is only one such ship, which is difficult to deal with, not to mention hundreds of ships, so if the opponent's fleet is killed together, they have no choice at all.

However, there is good news. The commander of the other party does not intend to report the news, but intends to come alone to attack, so that the pressure on his own side is much less.

Moreover, the other party also said a more important aspect, they lack water.

Their ice shields are constantly consuming water sources, so they need to constantly replenish water sources. In order to respond to the invasion war after their own here, they must find a Mercury supplement in advance.

So, how to deal with this big guy, there are plans!

"They call us bugs, let them see the wisdom of bugs." Qin Tian said: "We have to make a perfect plan, even if we don't use the Star Wars under construction, we have the ability to come Deal with them! "

Knowing oneself and knowing the other is very important. Now that you know what the other party is going to do, from this moment on, Qin Tian ’s brain has been running at a high speed and thought of a battle plan against the other party!



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