Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1112: Feeling scared for the first time

It can be felt that the tide of the universe is constantly rising and falling, and the method should be drawing energy from the universe. At this time, is the method attacking the method?

No, I have slowly gained the trust of Fazi. Fazi did n’t kill himself. After discovering that he could collapse into this world, he planned to reuse himself. It will be discovered just after approaching.

Think about that sentence, connecting all the things that happened recently.

What happened recently?

The biggest thing is to let His Majesty also fall into the slow fog trap? Elt fell into meditation. What does this have to do with quantum ghosts?

He also entered into meditation, his thoughts spreading slowly.

The slow fog trap created at that time was built in a hurry. It is said that the energy fluctuations of the universe were not grasped at all, but it was perfectly created. This is a very strange place.

In other words, someone must be helping.

So, who is helping? Is it a method? It is estimated that only Fazi has this ability, right? However, at that time, it seemed that Fazi was still trapped in the parallel universe, could not come out, who would it be?

This is the first strange thing. The scale of this slow fog trap is too large, and the speed of diffusion is too fast. Now it is even possible to find the difference from a distance through optical observation, just like this spiral arm At the outermost end, the paws of the beast stepped into the mud and blurred.

This slow fog trap is expanding rapidly!

Suddenly, Alter's heart sank.

We have not mastered the diffusion law of slow fog. So, is it possible that the slow fog will quickly spread into the entire galaxy, making the entire galaxy into a huge area of ​​slow fog?

According to common sense, this result will definitely not occur, but there are exceptions to everything, for example, using wormholes to spread? Will slow fog pass through the wormhole? Can slow fog and wormhole combine to enter another parallel universe?

What if it comes out of the parallel universe?

If the wormhole can let the slow fog pass, then rely on the countless wormholes in the Milky Way, the slow fog area is expected to quickly expand to the entire Milky Way?

Among them, there must be a problem of quantitative change. The method allows nine wormholes to be made at the same time, and it is in the same starry sky. It is too dense. If these nine wormholes can be generated at the same time, they can be combined with the energy fluctuations in the universe. Get up, maybe Slow Mist will come over?

It ’s scary enough to think about it. Each wormhole will become a fast passage. Just like a cobra biting a person, the venom quickly flows through the body through the blood vessels. Now, it is through the wormhole. The Milky Way eventually made the entire Milky Way a huge slow speed zone.

People living here immediately enter the lowest level of society. They will not be able to carry out space voyages. They will have to go back to farming society alone on their own planet.

At that time, Mr. Alpha kept studying the technology at slow light speed, just because he knew that one day, the entire galaxy would become a slow light speed zone?

Or, this is their established plan already?

The Milky Way becomes the slow speed zone, so there is only one kind of person left that can easily travel back and forth, quantum ghost! Their actions are not restricted by the speed of light at all. It is so miraculous that they will become the masters of the universe.

Will the Milky Way all become slow fog areas? Elt involuntarily thought of the extragalactic galaxy, the small Magellanic Cloud outside, looks so vast, is it that it has become a complete slow fog area?

When thinking of this, Elt felt a chill. As an excellent carrier-based aircraft pilot, a veteran of war, a coalition president who played with a colonial people, Elt was afraid for the first time.

At this moment, Fazi suddenly stopped drawing energy from the vacuum, and suddenly passed through the layers of the bulkhead, quickly appeared in the commander's room. At this time, the fleet commander Lieutenant General Norton was working with a Dialogue on the holographic screen. On that holographic screen, it was Anna's shadow.

The Imperial Fleet, most of the middle class, came from the former Sagittarius Rotary Arm Colony Fleet, and Lieutenant General Norton, who was a staff under Commander Anna, was able to get to his post today. Under the circumstances, he was secretly communicating with Anna, looking forward to receiving Anna's instructions.

And Commander Anna, of course, did not hesitate to tell him to delay time and refuse to perform this task. The existence of these ghosts is to destroy the entire world.

Just before Lieutenant Norton answered, there was a sharp pain behind him. At this time, the holographic communication had not been closed. Anna opened her eyes and looked at the ghostly woman behind Lieutenant Norton. She reached into With the body of Lieutenant General Norton, he grabbed his heart, a heart still beating!

Blood splattered everywhere, Norton lost his heart, only two seconds left in his life, his face was absolutely unwilling, he wanted to turn his head and finally look at the person who attacked himself, and finally did not do When it came, it just fell down.

"General Norton!" Anna shouted. At this moment, Anna had a feeling of powerlessness. Her men were killed, but she could do nothing.

"Hello, Anna." The blood in Fazi's hands kept flowing down, and the heart was still beating, with a cruel expression on her face: "No conspiracy, no This process will change, if you still want to live, then leave the galaxy and be a lonely wandering fleet, that is your final destination. Also, do n’t go to the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, Because there are no longer low-level creatures like you that can survive. "

Later, Elt followed, only heard the last words, yes, his own guesses were correct, those galaxies, I am afraid they have all become a world of slow light speed!

Who can think that the entire universe is about to fall into hell? The current speed of light, 300,000 kilometers per second, is already low enough. The entire universe is like a dead giant. It is impossible for light to enter from one end of the universe to the other, and what happens in the future? Light in a galaxy can never reach from one end to the other!

The entire universe dies in loneliness, and only quantum ghosts can live here forever.



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