Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1111: Hesitate and wait

What is hesitating?

Lieutenant Norton did not know what he was hesitating, because he had an intuition. If he really followed this plan, I am afraid it would not be appropriate. After all, the two people in front of him are too ghostly, and the origin is unknown.

With your majesty's orders, can you give yourself a mission? Although according to the empire's regulations, he strictly executed the order, there was no mistake, but at this time, he had to consider more perfect. How can he be sure that the other party is not falsifying, or even that the other party is imprisoned? Your majesty, then come here and give the wrong order?

Because, he does not believe that coordinate, although that coordinate is innocent and correct, but beyond his cognition, he must have doubts.

This is also his duty.

Seeing the suspicion of this old general, Fazi also cursed secretly in his heart. This fool, at this time, would he still doubt?

"General, let's save your majesty." Francis said: "We haven't known how to rescue for a long time. Now that we finally have this plan, we can't hesitate. Your Majesty's safety, It matters. "

Francis ’s words made General Norton ’s brow furrowed. He said seriously: “I ’m sorry, you two, I do n’t believe it, but I want to know how this coordinate conversion is carried out, only after we 'S navigation officer recalculated and determined that it was in the slow fog area that I was able to open the channel. After all, there are not many energy stars that can be found near us. There is only one chance to open this kind of wormhole. I don't want to make any mistakes. . "

Lieutenant Norton said that it makes sense. To open a tunnel of this kind of space, it needs powerful energy and detonates an energy star to create a wormhole. Fazi also said that nine wormholes should be built at the same time. Then you need to be more cautious.

How is this coordinate converted?

At this moment, Fazi wanted to change and try his luck at the Sixth Fleet, but what if the commander of the Sixth Fleet didn't believe it? After all, they are just outsiders, or outsiders without any identity. It is not easy to let a commander of a fleet believe them unconditionally.

"Okay." Fazi said: "Now, in the slow fog area, the speed of light has been reduced to 1% of the speed of light outside. Then, in that part of the area, the space has already been deflected. The specific calculation law, It can be carried out by matrix transformation, with the calculation of the refractive index, the formula is given to you, let your navigator, calculate it quickly, time is precious! "

"Of course, we will immediately go to the Energy Star. On the journey, we complete the relevant calculations. Anyway, before we reach the Energy Star, we will not be able to tear the wormhole." Lieutenant General Norton said seriously: "So, time also It wo n’t be wasted. Now, two of you, please rest. ”

Fazi didn't directly cross the starship barrier, the other party said no problem, now, wait for a while, go to the sixth squadron, and have to toss again, follow the starship to open the wormhole, and witness the glorious moment The arrival is also good.

Fazi has been waiting for so long, this short period of time, can still wait.

The Virtue of Salter was flying in the starry sky. Behind him, the huge Eighth Fleet was also scattered and flew in the direction of the nearby energy star. All this did not seem to have any problems.

"It smells good." After the two went down, they entered a spacious cabin in a suite, and there was a special robot to bring food. After smelling the tempting smell, Elt felt that the index finger was big. Moving, it's been a long time since I've eaten anything.

Just when Elter raised his knife and fork, he found that the method didn't move, so he couldn't help asking, "How about you, why don't you eat?"

"The quantum ghost does not need to eat, and we will not rely on food to supplement the energy we need." Fazi said to Elter.

"Yeah, what does that depend on?" Elt asked.

This price is too great. Many people, the pursuit of life is delicious, eating universe food, but now, can't even eat?

"By absorbing energy in the universe, your progress is the fastest now, so feel the energy in the universe as soon as possible. This is an inexhaustible source of energy. If you ca n’t do it, It will eventually disappear, unless, I will transfer energy. "

Can quantum ghosts directly feel the energy of the universe? Is this kind of ontology too powerful? You can ignore the law of speed of light, you can travel back and forth in the universe, you can directly absorb the energy in the universe, and even pass through different parallel universes. How powerful and perverted should it be?

And, what does this mean? If Fazi wants to control all the quantum ghosts for her use, it is not to prevent others from collapsing, but to prevent the other party from grasping the energy in the vacuum and can only continue life by Fazi? If this is the case, then it can really control the entire quantum ghost force.

It seems to know what Elter is thinking, Fazi continued: "So, use this body as soon as possible. In the future, our quantum ghost will rule the entire universe. Just follow me and you will get what you want. You absolutely Do n’t you just want to be a ridiculous alliance president? Think about the feeling that the entire universe is subject to your feet. "

In Fazi ’s mouth, he has always emphasized the fact that the quantum ghost will become the master of the whole world. Now, with the single quantum ghost who knows the truth alone, Elt finally throws more questions. Out.

"Will the entire universe be quantized?" Elt asked. Since the human body can be quantized under the bombardment of macro atoms, are there any super macro atoms that can be as large as a planet and quantize a planet, Even, the whole universe is quantized?

"How is that possible." Fazi shook his head, such a situation would not occur.

"So, we are here, after all, it belongs to a different kind." Elter said.

Should we quantize everyone? Of course, that wo n’t work. In that case, how can Fazi be the leader? In this world, there must be high-level races as well as low-level races. High-level races rule low-level races, so that the ideals of Fazi can be realized.

Otherwise, it is estimated to be a battle between quantum ghosts.

"You, how can you be a president, can you put all the things that happened recently in series?" Fazi said to Elter, and after that, he entered into meditation.



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