Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1056: New choice


Although there is no news of a final victory, the pursuit fleet continues to pursue, but everyone knows that this battle is decisive. Your own contact with the other party ’s main force, and the other party ’s main force has been defeated, the other party ’s star The ship is now fleeing, and its own fleet is chasing closely behind, which means that the main force of the Fibre Empire has ceased to exist!

"Yes, Your Majesty, we can confirm that there is no longer a second force in this galaxy, which means that our war has achieved a decisive victory, and we will become the entire galaxy. Long live your majesty, long live, long live! "

The deep-sea prince half-kneeled on the ground and shouted to the opposite side. At this time, they had not passed, and they were transmitted through the holographic projection. Now, on the holographic image, you can see that the other side is His Majesty Longyan Dayue.

Victory, for this victory, the empire prepared for a hundred years, built a powerful fleet, and exhausted the entire empire ’s resources, just to avenge revenge, and now, finally, the enemy ’s fleet has been defeated, and its own has achieved a decisive victory.

The Armenian Empire has finally unified the entire galaxy!

"His Majesty the First Emperor is in the spirit of the heavens and can finally rest in peace." Edward the Great said: "I am the Emperor of Armenia, and will be the master of the entire galaxy. From then on, there will be no more Fibre Empire!

Laughter echoed throughout the galaxy.

At this time, just as Edward the Great was celebrating this victory, Yana came to the carrier aircraft pilots. In this battle, they also played a big role. They used their own flesh and blood, not afraid Dead spirit and perseverance in exchange for victory.

"Everyone worked hard," Yana said.

Among these people, Yana always dreamed up, just like when the war in the Milky Way just broke out, she stayed in the Sagittarius arm colony and then fought with the colony. Qin Tian was then one of them. The most outstanding pilot.

Now, the most outstanding pilot is Arslan, this young man who destroyed a battleship and shot down eight carrier aircraft! With outstanding merits, Yana seemed to see the shadow of Qin Tian again.

"It's all we should do." At this time, Arslan was also very happy. He said to Yana: "This time, we also found a strange point. The other party's fighter plane was not driven by humans. It ’s the brain. "

Now, he is no longer vomiting, but as long as he thinks about the scene of white flowers, he still feels sick. This life, I am afraid that he will be insulated from things like tofu brain.

"Brain?" Upon hearing this, Yana frowned suddenly. If it was the brain, what did it mean? Mr. Alpha, also likes to study the brain, is there cooperation between them?

No, if there is cooperation, the fleet of the Fibre Empire cannot have this combat power. Relying only on the slow fog weapons, the fleet can suffer a great loss. The other party has not done this, indicating that they have not received this. An advanced weapon.

It may be the technology they research themselves.

"I just don't know if it's the same thing on their starships. Every time I think of that mass, I will be very sick." Arslan continued.

What would the other party do? The Fibre Empire was always extinct, and they did everything.

Yana frowned, yeah, it was indeed possible. She thought of that kind of human brain computer. If the life of a world is composed solely of the brain, what kind of scene would it be? ?

It is estimated that the chasing fleet will catch up with the opponent and destroy the opponent, will you know?

After entering the speed of light, the time inside will be very slow. After a year outside, it may be a few seconds inside. Therefore, their current pursuit game may have just started, I do n’t know how long it will take.

So, there is no more things here for now, Yana should go back and take a look.

"I'm a little dizzy," Yana said.

Still pretending to be sick is more reliable.

When she came down from the control device, Princess Jingxi was a little tired. After all, this series of battles consumed a lot of brain power.

"What about Qin Tian?" Princess Jing Xi asked.

During this time, I have been busy manipulating Yana. I haven't had time to come back to see it. Now, seeing that Qin Tian has also entered the state of remote control, Princess Jingxi knows that she can't talk to Qin Tian.

Fortunately, there are others.

"Qin Tian went back again." Anna said to Princess Jingxi: "The current situation is very unfavorable to us, and even worse for their alliance, so Qin Tian wants to go back and find a solution."

Alte, controlled by Qin Tian, ​​is the president there. After Mr. Alpha disappears, then he is the real ruler, so after he returns, he must be able to play his role.

The current situation is not good for one's own side, the empire has been unified, the Fibre Empire has been defeated, and the entire galaxy has fallen under the control of the Armenian Empire.

Edward the Great ’s desire for power will also grow, he will never watch a disobedience of power, which means that the collection of this place is destined to be carried out.

Now, for the Sagittarius colony, it is at a juncture, how to choose? Do you want to obey the empire or go out independently?

What about alliances?

Now, for my own side, the most risky option is to form an alliance with the alliance, so as to become an emerging force, you can contend with the empire, especially when Princess Jingxi is still there, and sign some agreements with the empire, Owning to the empire on the surface, in fact autonomy, is the best choice.

Have the face of Princess Jingxi, or you can persevere. When Princess Jingxi is gone, then the empire may still start, but that is already a matter of hundreds of years. Now people, there is no need for hundreds of years Things to worry about afterwards.

Princess Jing Xi is also thinking about it, and they have encountered a multiple choice question again.

"I always have a strange hunch." Princess Jingxi said: "The failure of the Fibre Empire is too fast. Although I personally participated in it, it still makes people feel incredible."

On the surface, battles are normal. Your own side has paid such a high price to be considered a victory. However, from a strategic perspective, the Fibre Empire, failed too quickly!



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