Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1055: The same as tofu brain

All the starships have entered the speed of light, here, the deep sea prince can only sigh, Yang Yang, yes, they have no supplies to attract the other party to attack, now, the starship has also reached the oil lamp It is dry.

"Call our supply fleet and prepare to receive supplies." The deep sea prince said: "Recover the carrier aircraft."

This time, the number of carrier-based aircraft in his fleet has finally increased, and the consumption of several battles can be replenished, while there are still many surpluses.

When designing a starship, there is a margin. If the number of carrier aircraft is large, you are not afraid. You do n’t need to put it in the hangar. You just need to put it outside the ejection track. There can also be a row.

"What about those carrier-based aircraft?" The subordinate asked.

The opponent ’s starship ran away, and now some of the opponent ’s carrier aircraft are left. Now, the battle has come to an end. The remaining carrier aircraft of the opponent is impossible to run under the siege of his huge fleet. At the same time, even if the opponent runs away, it is useless. The carrier-based aircraft does not have a complete ecological circulation system. Even oxygen is directly in the form of an oxygen tank. Therefore, it is certain that the opponent will not last long.

"Destroy them!" The deep-sea prince's face was cold, and he ordered.

Do you want to capture them? It ’s not used anymore. This is the opponent ’s last strength. These strengths have followed how many battles the opponent ’s emperor has fought. It ’s already the most determined element. So, such a person is destined to not They will surrender to their own, and once they are recovered, they may also cause trouble to their own. For example, when recycling and landing, detonating the anti-material torpedo carried by the other party, it can directly destroy your own starship.

They cannot be taken captive or taken away. Instead of letting the other party die on its own, it is better to destroy them!

In the starry sky, the huge fleet of carrier aircraft of the Armenian Empire went towards the fleet of carrier aircraft of the abandoned Fibre Empire. In everyone's eyes, there was a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Great, and there are battles waiting for us!" Arslan shouted loudly. He had just thrown antimatter torpedoes and killed an opponent's starship. He was in the most exciting period. There was a fight, and it was even more exciting. He took the remaining two carrier aircraft and flew towards the entangled area.

"No, we can't join. The carrier aircraft in the starry sky is too dense. We must prevent accidental injuries." At this moment, the voice of the command came from the headset: "Brigade 067, ready to return."

Don't use too much, after more, it is bad for yourself.

This kind of accidental injury is not only the accidental injury when the two sides are entangled. It treats your own aircraft as an enemy aircraft. It also has those laser beams. It is like a stray bullet in ancient times. From those laser beams, in space, the energy of the laser beam will not be lost, so it will fly forward all the time, so that just digging in, the dense laser beam may cause trouble for yourself.

With so many fighters entangled, there is no need to go in any more. If you fail, you will lose yourself.

Lieutenant Arslan could only look at the battlefield over there reluctantly, preparing to return home, and just as he swept past, he found a bright spot in the starry sky. The bright spot is very small, it is the light of the reflected star, then What is it? Is it the reflection of the canopy of the carrier aircraft?

Take a look!

Pushing the joystick, the engine power was fully on, and Lieutenant Arslan flew past and turned on his own airborne quantum radar. Soon, blurry bright spots appeared on the screen.

Now, the battlefield is very chaotic, there are a lot of wreckage, if there is a carrier aircraft to pretend, it is easy to escape, now, just catch up and see what you are!

Closer, closer and closer, Arslan saw the X-shaped wing, which had been cut off on both sides and became a font, which was really similar to the wreckage. The fighter pilot was obviously a The smart guy, knowing that he won't win, is planning to evacuate the battlefield, flying this straight line, like a wreck, if he didn't see the reflection of the canopy, he might really miss it.

Can't miss any fish that missed the net!

With this thought, Arslan slowly approached, approaching, just when the other party was trapped and ready to fire, there was suddenly a wave of excitement. The other party did not seem to find him chasing behind. Since this is the case, then approach Now, look at the other party.

The Goblin was bold and Alslan's fighter continued to fly forward. Finally, he saw the cockpit cover and the inside. When he looked in, he suddenly felt creepy.

There is no one at all!

Is it just like these planes, how many planes are controlled by one person?

Of course it is not the case. Although there is no one, he can clearly see that there is a glass cover inside, and there is a creeping thing inside the glass cover, just like cauliflower. It is covered with various lines.

He knows what it is. If you look at the texture, it is like tofu brain. This is the brain!

These carrier-based aircraft are controlled by someone, but it is not a normal person, just a human brain. When seeing this, Alslan, who has never been stunned, suddenly has a feeling of wanting to vomit. He opened his helmet, and then quickly found a special vomit bag and vomited in a gulp.

I never thought that fighting them was such a thing! Arsland's heart was uneasy, which reminded him of some things in the past. It is said that at some time, it was popular to eat monkey brains and put monkeys in the holes on the dining table, just like the shackles of previous prisoners, showing his head Then directly hit the brain with a hammer, and the brain inside is still jumping. At that time, the elegant diners, wearing napkins, holding knives and forks, cut the brain directly to eat, or even anxious, direct Scoop and eat.

He didn't know how he had this kind of association. In short, now he felt extremely sick.

"Alslan, do you have this kind of time?" Just then, Trust came up, two fighters were flying side by side, and Trust looked at Alslan, asking curiously.

"Front, front." Arslan couldn't tell. At that moment, the plane in front found their pursuit and immediately turned on the engine, wanting to leave at high speed.

"Don't!" Arslan shouted, originally intending to capture the plane alive for research. As a result, Trust had already pulled the launch button without hesitation, and the red laser beam hit the other party's cockpit. Tofu brain gasifies instantly!

Arslan vomited again.



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