Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 575 Reason

It took Man Bao and the three of them a lot of effort to squeeze out, and they found that it was even more difficult to squeeze out than to squeeze in.

So that when the three of them came out, their clothes were wrinkled and their hair was messed up.

Man Baojiang stroked his hair, and happily said to Mr. Zhuang: "Sir, the second junior brother passed the exam."

Mr. Zhuang was surprised, "Really?"

"Really, once the list is released, we can see it at a glance."

Mr. Zhuang's eyes were wide open, and his heart was beating violently, "I saw it at a glance, that's..."

"Second junior brother is very lucky. He is in the last place. We saw it at first sight."

Mr. Zhuang: "..."

Mr. Zhuang's excited mood slowly returned to calm, and the unexpected joy finally swept over him at this moment. He was very happy, and couldn't help reaching out to touch Bai Shanbao's head, and praised: "Not bad, not bad, although it is Last place, but enrolled two years earlier than we planned."

This is an entrance examination, not a Jinshi examination. Mr. Zhuang thinks that ranking is not that important, especially since Bai Shan is still so young, he has countless possibilities to enter a government school.

He encouraged him: "When you go to the government school, study hard with the gentlemen there. If you don't understand something, come back and ask your teacher. After two or three years, you will be able to catch up with the people in front of you."

At this time, Bai Shan also threw away the depression of being the last one, and nodded fiercely.

He also knew that there were many good gentlemen in the government school, and those gentlemen's knowledge was no worse than Mr. Zhuang's. He could get the teachings of so many gentlemen at once, and his progress would definitely be faster.

What's more, he still has an advantage over other students. He is young, and there is Mr. Zhuang standing behind him.

But Bai Shanbao is also very loyal, and said to Man Bao Bai Erlang: "I will teach you when I come back from my lectures at the government school."

Bai Erlang thanked Bumin, "I think listening to Mr.'s class is enough."

Man Bao thought for a while that he still had Teacher Mo's class, so he said: "I can discuss it with you, but the class will be waived, I am very busy."

Bai Shanbao despised them, "I think you are just lazy, be careful that you won't catch up with me in the future."

Bai Erlang was not stimulated at all, and said, "I was never able to catch up with you."

Man Bao said: "I don't care, anyway, you can't know what I know, but I can learn what you know."

Bai Shanbao, who doesn't know much about medical skills, but only has a little knowledge of herbal medicine: ...

He paused and asked, "Are you going to be a doctor in the future?"

"I don't know, I just think it's a good mood to save people." Man Bao said, "There are so many things I want to do, and I don't necessarily want to be a doctor."

Zhou Zhoulang immediately rushed up from behind, and said with encouragement: "Man Bao, it's good to be a doctor. If you can learn medical skills well, you can go to the county town to buy a shop and open a pharmacy in the future. All the medicines grown in our family will be given to you at a low price. What do you think?" How many doctors do you think we have in a county? To see a patient, even if you don’t prescribe a prescription, you still get eight cents. That’s a worthless business, not to mention you prescribe prescriptions to make money.”

Man Bao said: "That's so good, why don't you learn it, fourth brother?"

"Me? I'll just forget about it," Zhou Zhoulang said, "I think I grow medicines, and just sell the ingredients to you doctors."

He was also curious, but Man Bao took out the acupoint map for him to memorize, and within two days Zhou Lang gave up.

He didn't even read all the words. When he saw those words, he got a headache, dizzy, and was so dizzy that he couldn't think.

Mr. Zhuang said: "Okay, now that you know the ranking, there is no need to listen to the list here, let's go back first, and I will invite you to Ganxianglou for lunch."

The few people were stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help cheering. Zhou Zhoulang also forgot about studying medicine in an instant, and said happily: "Sir, there must be a lot of people going to eat today, do you want me to make a reservation in advance?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded with a smile, "Alright, let's book one more seat. I'll invite Mr. Lan to come with me."

Thursday Lang agreed happily.

Mr. Zhuang didn't go home, but asked Daji to take Manbao and the three home and told them to read at home, while he and Zhou Zhoulang went to Lan's house to invite Lan Cheng.

Man Bao and the three agreed innocently, and happily climbed into the carriage. They decided to buy some delicious food on the way home and celebrate in private first.

Zhou Zhoulang didn't think much about it, and after taking Mr. Zhuang to Lan's house in a carriage, he happily drove the carriage to Ganxianglou to fix the location.

The joy on Mr. Zhuang's face when he entered Lan's house faded slightly. He and Lan Cheng entered the study room, and the first thing he said was to ask, "What's going on? How did Bai Shan get picked?"

Lan Cheng was stunned for a moment and then asked with a smile: "Why, you don't have confidence in your disciple and think he shouldn't be selected?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled wryly and said, "Of course I know he is good, but for the last big question, he answered it decently at the beginning, but then it is a bit outrageous at the end. The academic officials have always looked down on arrogant and conceited students. He didn't finish his answer, but he asked back with sharp words. No matter how good his answer was, the academic officials would not accept him. Besides, I know my students, and his previous answer is not amazing. Yan."

Lan Cheng nodded and said, "In the past, he would definitely have lost the election, but these two years are different."

Lan Cheng paused, pondered for a while before saying: "After the flood in Yizhou, the government school lost many students."

Mr. Zhuang was taken aback, "They..."

Lan Cheng was a little sad, nodded his head and said: "Some of them disappeared when the disaster happened, and most of them disappeared when they went to rescue the disaster. The part that survived was disheartened, and most of them left the school to return to their hometown, or went to study elsewhere."

"Then why did you only take 150 people this year? I don't think you took many people in the past two years."

Lan Cheng shook his head and said: "One hundred and fifty people are only the number of people on the surface. In addition, we will take another fifty people this year, all of whom are children of officials of the sixth grade or above in Jiannan Road, aged 10 or more. More than five and twenty-five."

Mr. Zhuang was surprised, "So many? Then..."

"They will not be enrolled for the time being, and they will be enrolled only if they pass the first exam, otherwise they will have to pay a lot of money." Lan Cheng said: "In fact, the situation this year is a little better, because there are many students for reference, Last year and the year before that, we didn't have enough places to recruit, and the conditions had been relaxed, but there were not many people who passed the exam."

Lan Chengdao: "Some well-known talents would rather go to Guannei Road, Jiangnan Road, and Shannan Road to study than stay in Yizhou. It's only two or three years now, so I don't see much, but in two or three years, We send fewer and fewer students to the Imperial College, and fewer and fewer students will take the Jinshi examination, and it will show a declining trend by then."

"Bai Shan's paper is not very well written, but he also has two strengths that others don't have."

Mr. Zhuang raised his eyebrows, "Which two?"

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