Back home, Daji took out the two silver ingots and gave them to his young master. Bai Shanbao waved his hand and said, "This is for you, just take it."

Daji responded and put away the money.

Zhou Zhou Lang went out to buy food, Man Bao was squatting in the kitchen boiling water, Bai Erlang lazily dragged a broom over, handed it to Bai Shanbao and said: "Here, clean the yard quickly, sir said, spring is too wet , Now Qingming is over, we have to clean the house again. It’s late today, let’s sweep the yard first, and then clean the house tomorrow.”

The two teenagers took a broom and walked around the yard perfunctorily, counting it as having cleaned it.

But their luck was not so good the next day. With Mr. Zhuang watching, they couldn't be lazy anymore.

Zhou Zhoulang borrowed two pairs of wooden barrels from someone who didn't know, and directly took Daji to carry water, while the three of Manbao tied up their hair, covered their mouths and noses, and then began to carry rags inside and outside the house clean up.

Before they moved in, they simply cleaned it up. After the wet spring, there were many dirty places in the house.

Especially behind and under the cabinet, and inside and under the bed, it was dirty.

The three of them climbed down to the inside, and soon they were covered with dust.

The three of them are so busy, not to mention forgetting about the kite conflict yesterday, they even forgot about the exam.

After a long day of work, the three of them were extremely tired. It didn't seem obvious to them, but the room that felt a lot more comfortable let out a sigh of relief.

Zhou Zhoulang and Daji, whose shoulders hurt from carrying water, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Zhuang stood at the door of the study and looked at it, nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the five people who were about to collapse from exhaustion and said: "Okay, wash up and go to sleep, the school will make an announcement tomorrow, we will return early in the morning I'm going to the proctor to see the grades."

Although you may not pass the exam, you have to go and have a look, and the supervisor will post some good articles, just enough for the three disciples to learn.

The three of Bai Shanbao were shocked, and then they remembered, yes, it seems that the results will come out tomorrow.

Bai Shanbao touched his little heart, and whispered to his two friends: "What should I do, I seem to be a little nervous, will I not be able to sleep at night?"

Man Bao said: "Not at all, I think you forgot about the exam these two days."

Bai Erlang said: "How about I go to sleep with you?"

"No, you'll kick people when you sleep," Bai Shanbao refused him, and then sighed: "Forget it, let's just recite the book with your eyes closed."

But he didn't have time to do this at all, he just lay down on the bed, and he felt sore in his waist, back, and hands and feet, and then he couldn't help but yawned, and then he yawned again, his eyes became moist, and then he felt drowsy Come, he tried to open his eyes, but found that it was a bit futile, so he fell asleep as he wanted.

Although sleepy, they went to bed early and woke up early the next day, especially since they were always early risers.

So as soon as Bai Shanbao opened his eyes, it wasn't long before he opened the door. Man Bao also stretched his waist and went out. The two of them looked at each other and then went to see Bai Erlang's door by coincidence.

There was no movement at the door.

The two of them tiptoed to the window, lay down on it and tried hard to look in.

Daji: ...

Zhou Zhou Lang drifted past them, suddenly stretched out his hand and patted their shoulders heavily, and yelled "Ah—" in their ears.

The two people who were doing bad things also yelled "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mr. Zhuang, who was washing his face in the main room, was so frightened that he almost knocked over the tub.

And Bai Erlang, who was sleeping soundly in the room, also yelled, sat up, turned around, accidentally rolled over from the bed, and made a thud.

Mr. Zhuang glanced out, took a deep breath, put down the towel slowly, and told himself that this disciple was taken in by himself, dear!

Because of this burst of roaring, the entire small courtyard broke away from the quiet atmosphere in an instant, and became lively with crackling noises, and followed the oil pan of water, which was too lively.

Bai Erlang, who got up from the ground, was so angry that he didn't wear his coat, so he rushed out after dragging his shoes, chasing the two of them to beat him.

Bai Shanbao and Man Bao ran around laughing and joking, and the whole yard was filled with their noise.

Mr. Zhuang wiped his hands and brought out the water. Seeing the three people making such a fuss, he shook his head and said, "I'll leave for the supervisor in three quarters of an hour. Shiro, you can buy breakfast and come back now."

Zhou Lang, who had already washed up, bowed in response, and turned to go out.

Only then did Man Bao realize that the fourth brother was the culprit, and hurriedly said to Bai Erlang who was chasing her and beating him, "It was the fourth brother who scared us, so we yelled."

As soon as Bai Erlang turned his head, Zhou Zhoulang slipped away in a flash.

When they packed up, had breakfast and went out, it was not too early or too late, exactly three quarters of an hour later.

Daji and Zhou Zhoulang drove out of the carriage and sent the four masters and apprentices outside the supervisor.

Many students have already come there, and they are all standing in front of the door waiting.

Relying on their thin stature, the three of Man Bao directly jumped over the people in front and got to the front.

Zhou Zhoulang and Daji have to keep up, but Daji is skilled and can squeeze in, but Zhou Zhoulang can't squeeze in. If he squeezes hard, the scholars will stare at him.

This made Zhou Zhou Lang very embarrassed. He had no choice but to back out and stand beside Mr. Zhuang, watching eagerly.

The three of Man Bao got to the front. As soon as the time came, the door of the supervisor opened, and someone came out with a red cloth.

The school officials struck the gong three times, announcing that this year's admission list had been released, and then he would read his name and place of origin from top to bottom.

There are two copies of the red cloth, one for the school officials to follow, and one for hanging directly in front of the bulletin board.

For a piece of red cloth, the yamen servants drove back the examinees who came to see the rankings, and then hung the cloth up very casually, let it fall directly, and then turned around to hang another cloth.

They have nothing to worry about, after all, they have to hang up once a year, and they are used to it, okay?

But the students standing in front of the bulletin board are different. This is related to their future, and most of them have not participated in many times.

As soon as the red cloth fell, everyone couldn't help but squeeze together to see it.

Man Bao and the others were also squeezed and took two steps up, and then their eyes fell on the end in unison, wanting to look from the end to the front.

Who knew it was such a coincidence that the three of them saw Bai Shan's name at a glance.

Man Bao was startled, and then shouted: "Bai Shan, you passed the exam!"

Bai Erlang laughed loudly, and said cheerfully, "Bai Shan, you are actually the last one, how embarrassing!"

Bai Shanbao also widened his eyes, "Why is it the last place? I think my writing is pretty good? Are everyone so good?"

The scholars behind Bai Shanbao who haven't found their names yet: ...

Bamboo, I tried my best to open my eyelids, opened my eyes, and opened my eyes again, but in the end it was in vain, so good night

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