Half a year after Yang Heshu took office, he finally met the local grain merchants and squires.

Unlike Master Bai, grain shops in Luojiang County are basically run by local squires or big squires from the state capital.

When Mr. Bai moved to Luojiang County, he saw that the grain shops in Luojiang County could not be poured into the water, so he did not follow along. At most, he bought two shops in Luojiang County and handed it over to the steward below to do some small business.

His own grain shop was located in the Mianzhou area, and it wasn't very big. There were a few small shops that couldn't even digest his own grain.

However, Master Bai doesn't like to sell grain to grain merchants in Luojiang County. He has special partners, and Wu grain merchant is just one of them.

However, the grain merchants in Luojiang County were different from the squires. Yang Heshu was simply taking food from their mouths. It was no wonder they were happy.

Therefore, as soon as the small house next to the county office opened, the squires and grain merchants in Luojiang County became quiet.

But that is the county government, and the means they used to deal with their competitors in the past can't be used.

But they are not helpless.

Who doesn't have a backer behind him?

Even though their backers may not be as big as Yang Heshu's, they can still do it by impeaching him.

After all, Yang Heshu is just a county magistrate now, isn't it?

After the grain merchants found various connections and finally succeeded in impeaching Yang Heshu, the work of Yang Heshu and the official inquiries from the Ministry of Personnel arrived.

While reading the letter, he said to Wan Tian speechlessly: "Are you saying that they are stupid, they give two or three cents more for a bucket of grain, or sell four or five cents less, not only to win the favor of the people, but also to make money themselves. They had to throw out hundreds of taels and thousands of taels just to impeach me."

Yang Heshu snorted and said, "They don't know, as long as I write a self-defense essay, it will probably be over? They have spent all their money."

Wan Tian stood still and did not speak.

Yang Heshu didn't want him to answer either. After reading the letter, he threw it aside. He walked with his hands behind his back for a while and asked, "How much food do we have left?"

"It's quite a lot."

Yang Heshu nodded, "Let them continue to sell, continue to sell in limited quantities, hum, we don't care about them, let's have horses prepared, and let's go to the countryside to see."

As soon as he went out, he happened to bump into Zhang Zhuzhu, who had just wandered into the yamen from outside.

Yang Heshu immediately waved to him and asked, "Have all the taxes and grains collected been settled?"

"Yes, it has been placed in the grain depot according to the instructions of the lord, and the rest is stored in the warehouse of the yazhong." Master Zhang asked after a pause: "Sir, when will the tax grains handed in be transported?"

Yang Heshu said: "This matter is not urgent, I will talk about it when I come back from the countryside."

"Master is going down the mountain?"

"Yes, I was about to tell you that I found that few people in the county grow mulberry and sericulture, but unfortunately I came late this year, and I have already missed a year. I plan to let everyone try to grow mulberry trees next year. "

Master Zhang: "...Sir, the villagers are rude, I'm afraid they can't grow mulberries and raise silkworms."

"What's so difficult about this?" Yang Heshu waved, "If they can grow grain and wheat, they should be able to grow mulberry."

"But silkworms are delicate, I'm afraid everyone can't feed them."

"Don't be afraid, it will take another year or two for the mulberry tree to grow up." Yang Heshu was very confident in the people he ruled and said with a smile: "At that time, I will invite some women who are good at raising silkworms from other places to teach them, so that everyone can be serious. Learn it."

Zhang Zhushu didn't expect Yang Heshu to even think of this, obviously he had planned it long ago, so he couldn't help saying: "But my lord, let alone this mulberry tree, silkworms are precious, I'm afraid no villagers will be willing to pay for it. "

Yang Heshu nodded, "I have already thought about it, so I will choose some people to send some silkworm seeds. As long as they make money, I think many people will be willing to pay for them in the next year."

Yang Heshu wanted to send them all directly, but just after his father warned him, he could only take a step back.

Zhang Zhuzhu: ... the county magistrate's wealth is also a kind of trouble.

Annoyed, Master Zhang watched as Yang Heshu strode away.

Yang Heshu mounted his horse and left with a yamen and Wan Tian.

Wan Tian and the yamen were carrying a burden behind their backs, apparently not planning to go back to the county in the past few days. Master Zhang watched their disappearing backs sadly.

There are no robbers in Luojiang County, and there may not be a case of murder in three to five years. Most of them are theft, neighbor conflicts, or violence between villages.

Most of these cases are directly handed over to the county magistrates, and the county magistrates need to go to court for judgments. There are not a few cases accumulated in a ten-day period, so Yang Heshu can be very willful and leave.

Mainly because Yang Heshu handled official documents very quickly, which was completely different from the previous magistrate Fu.

Now people in all villages already know that Yang Heshu is their county magistrate. Seeing him riding into the village from afar, the children ran to inform the village chief.

Yang Heshu and the village chief and the old people in the village found an open space to sit and chat.

This time he went out to persuade everyone to plant mulberries and silkworms, and also persuade everyone to plant winter wheat.

"I think the winter wheat harvested this spring is good. Many people have survived the most difficult period because of this season's wheat, and I have asked, the yield is also good." Yang Heshu said: "Whether it is the yield of winter wheat or the later planting. The rice that goes down is okay.”

An old man said: "Yes, yes, but I'm afraid that if we plant again this season, the soil will be weak."

Yang Heshu immediately said: "I think there is a method of composting in Qili Village that is very good, everyone might as well learn it."

Yang Heshu became interested when Manbao talked about the power of the earth. He knew that there was a method for composting in his village that was better and faster than the one outside, so he wrote it down.

By the time Yang Heshu wandered outside to Qili Village, it was already several days later.

Although Yang Heshu was willing to endure hardships, he would not deliberately embarrass himself, so as soon as he arrived at Qili Village, he went to visit the Shangbai family with a smile on his face.

After taking a bath and eating at the Bai family's house, Yang Heshu sat in the pavilion of the Bai family's house refreshed and chatted comfortably with Mr. Bai with a bowl of tea.

"What about Bai Shan and the others?"

Master Bai smiled and said, "They are going to school. When they are out of school, I will ask the servants to bring them to see the adults."

Yang Heshu nodded and asked with a smile, "Does Master Bai still want to plant winter wheat this year?"

Master Bai raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I have some plans."

He wants to try the new wheat seed. After all, the two seasons this year have not caught up. He wants to try it, whether the wheat he grows can be as good as that of three children.

Yang Heshu was pleasantly surprised, "Is there anyone in the village who grows winter wheat?"

After thinking about it, Master Bai said, "I heard from the servants occasionally, but a few households also decided to plant it."

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