There are indeed several officers in Jiangding Village who collect grain there. Yang Heshu, as the magistrate of Luojiang County, although not many servants have been brought in, there are quite a few people who can be used.

Anyway, the yamen, which was a big holiday, did not open the door. He simply used the public tools for private use. He took out part of the reward money and directly requisitioned the officers in the yamen.

Even the chief clerk and secretary in the county were pulled out by him to go to the countryside to collect grain.

As for where did the county government get so much money, of course he paid it in advance.

Yes, these grains were purchased in the name of the county government, because as the magistrate of Luojiang County, according to the laws of the court, he could not do such business in Luojiang County.

Of course, if he chooses a servant at random, it is no problem to put the business in his name. In fact, many officials do this.

Therefore, when the chief clerk and the squires of Luojiang County gave Yang Heshu a lot of money to ask them to buy grain, they thought that Yang Heshu was a public tool for private use.

The master and the others did not complain at all, because according to officialdom, this kind of thing is not only for those who see it, but also for the participants.

Didn't you see that the county magistrate took out the reward first?

Some people offered higher grain prices, and the villagers were not stupid, so they naturally sold their grain to the county government.

The grain merchants who were waiting to harvest grain in various large villages were stunned. This... Isn't this vying for profit with the people?

Even if the former magistrate Fu had been in Luojiang County for many years, he was not so domineering, and he even directly robbed them of food.

You must know that when the magistrate Fu is greedy for money, at most, he dares to propose to them to mix two shares.

The local grain merchants in Luojiang County were stunned.

Then they couldn't help but get angry, but after all, this is their own county magistrate, and of course they can't tear their face with others without asking, so several grain merchants discussed in private and decided to invite Yang Heshu for a meal.

Of course, before that, you have to talk to the county magistrate and the chief clerk in the county.

As a result, the county magistrate came to find them personally.

Yang Heshu said earnestly that he did not want to compete with the people for profit, he just didn't want to hurt the people with cheap food.

Yang Heshu said: "There is no reason to harvest grain from farmers at low prices and then sell them at high prices."

All the grain merchants: "...Sir, isn't this business just buying low and selling high? We accept low prices and sell high prices are fine."

Yang Heshu smiled and said, "Of course it's okay to buy low and sell high, but if the low is too low or the high is too high, there will be problems."

He said: "This county doesn't care about other places, but under the jurisdiction of this county, I will not allow such a thing to happen."

Food Merchants:  …

The two sides eventually parted ways.

Although Yang Heshu is the county magistrate, he has only come here. He has only been in office for half a year. In the past six months, he has not done anything out of the ordinary except for the credit of cattle, and he is still very young.

Even if he is an official, everyone always subconsciously feels that the hairless boy is not reliable.

Therefore, his power in Luojiang County is really not comparable to that of Fu County Magistrate who just arrived.

The grain merchants did not take Yang Heshu seriously, and once they returned home to discuss, they also sent people to collect the grain.

Because Yang Heshu's little belly was so angry with them, as soon as he returned to the county government, he asked the officers to call the townships and asked them to beat gongs and drums to inform the villagers below that the county government was buying millet, ten cents a bucket, Wheat is fifteen cents a bucket.

Not all Lizheng will listen to Yang Heshu, after all, some Lizheng have a good relationship with grain merchants.

Maybe even close relatives, or simply their own family.

But there is no notification here. As soon as the gongs and drums in the next door are beaten, the side will know it, so it took two days, and the villages in Luojiang County, even the remote villages such as Qili, knew about it, let alone other places.

As a result, the grain merchants were even more unable to receive grain.

They were not in a hurry. After waiting for two days, they found that Yang Heshu sent half of the staff back to collect taxes, and half of them continued to buy grain.

And this time, Yang Heshu also paid a lot of money to hire a lot of people. These people are the gangsters who used to collect protection fees everywhere in the county.

I don't know when, they actually listened to Yang Heshu, and they were directly hired to guard, carry and transport food.

Food Merchants:  …

Seeing that the county government was about to collect the surplus food from the villages this year, they couldn't help but buy it.

If one family does not live, other families can only compete to end, and the price is raised to ten cents at once.

But I don't know why at this moment, the villagers are still not willing to sell their grain to various grain merchants, and prefer to sell it to the county government.

There was no way, the grain merchants gritted their teeth and raised the grain price by one cent, just one cent more than what the county government paid.

Only then did someone sell them the food in their hands.

Yang Heshu smiled and said to the peasants who still insisted on selling their grain to him: "How can you make money without making a profit? You also ship the grain to them. If they dare to lower the price, you can sell it to me again. , this fight will cost you a penny more, which is a lot."

As soon as everyone heard it, they all took the grain to queue up at the purchase points of various grain merchants.

Of course, the grain merchants will not suffer in vain. The purchase price has been raised here, and the price of grain in the grain store has also risen, which has directly increased by five cents.

Yang Heshu was so angry after hearing this, he said to Wan Tian, ​​"Look, I said they are profiteers? Grain shops rose together, up to the county seat, down to the township grain shops... They made up their minds and felt that the county could not do anything with them."

"Master, what can you do with them?"

"I can't," Yang Heshu sneered: "This county will not publicly avenge private revenge, nor will it use public weapons for private use."

The chief clerk, who was going back and forth with the account book, couldn't help but pause, and secretly said: You have asked us to help you to buy food. Isn't this a public tool for private use?

"Sir," the master book pretended not to hear what their master and servant said, and went in with the account book, "This is the account book for the purchase of grain this time."

Yang Heshu opened it and looked at it, nodded and said, "Very good, let someone clean up the small house guarded by the county government, open a small door on the wall facing the street, and let the words go, the county government wants to sell food, Twelve cents for a grain of grain, eighteen cents for a grain of wheat, and a limit of one grain per person per day.”

The master's eyes widened.

Yang Heshu continued: "Choose a few old officials to take care of them in person, and there are no people in the county that they don't know. Remember, those who have bought once are not allowed to buy again within a day."

There is only one thought in the head of the head, the magistrate Yang deserves to have a big backer, not only can he use public tools for private use and let everyone buy food for him, but he even uses the house of the county government, and the people from the county government sell him food!

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