Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3411 Extra Natsumaki

It was only when Xia Mu was seven years old that he realized that he was different from his elder sister and younger brother. Well, there is actually not much difference.

In addition to the different surnames, in the words of his parents, "You inherited the surname of Xia's grandmother, and your elder sister and younger brother inherited the surname of your Bai's grandfather. It's really no different."


And because the attitudes of the parents are the same, apart from the differences between the Xia family and the Bai family when facing their siblings, the attitudes of people outside are also the same.

Since he was seven years old, he has to officiate every year, read and copy the deeds of his great-grandparents and grandparents...

He once felt very boring, but as the days went by and the older he got, the more he realized why his parents let him do this.

These people are just names and stories on the genealogy, but when they are alive, they are lives.

In his mother's words, they all lived too hard when they were young, especially grandfather Zhou Yin, who lived through suffering all his life, so as future generations, we have to live his share of happiness. Forget his kindness and inherit his morality, this is to live up to the ancestors.

Xia Mu felt that his mother was right, so he weighed the three. After the Jinshi scientific examination, he went to Jiannan Road to be a hermit. He recruited many students with the name of Jinshi, and took them here and there every year. Going around, teaching students while visiting the mountains and rivers, passing on the character of the ancestors by the way, what a wonderful thing.

His father and his mother also thought it was good, so they resigned forcefully and left the capital under envy, and then they pretended to take a look at Jiangnan in four seasons for the emperor. Can't find anyone.

Of course, this is something for later, what's more, he married a wife and had children, and his family has a close relationship with the Xia family and the Bai family, especially after his father finally separated their family. After the ancestral hall was also established in Chang'an, the two sects were closely related.

Cough cough, you have to be close, after all, he and the Chang'an branch of the Bai family are brothers, aren't they?

Although Bai Changsong looks more serious, he is still his younger brother, and as an elder brother, he can still temporarily suppress him.

It took Xia Mu ten years to move the tombs of his ancestors in Shangzhou and Mianzhou to Chang'an. For this reason, he spent all the lucky money he had saved for eighteen years to buy a land in the suburbs of Beijing.

He set the ancestral tomb on the treasure land of Fengshui, and there are 20 mu of paddy fields and 30 mu of dry land on the treasure land, which he uses as a sacrifice field.

When he did these things well, his mother was so touched that she took him to pay homage to his grandparents, then hugged him and cried, then waved her hand and divided half of her private money with him in advance.

"You can use it to buy land and a house," Zhou Man said, "This will be your family business from now on."

Bai Changsong on the side watched with hot eyes, and hurriedly leaned over, "Mother, look at me, look at me."

Zhou Man reached out and pushed his head away, "You're still young, I'll keep your share for you first."

Bai Changsong was not reconciled, "Last time when my sister got married, you said that you gave her half of your private house, and now you give half to my elder brother, so how much do I have left?"

Zhou Man: "Don't worry, I've got it all. My private house won't go up if it's sold out. Your brother's share is no less than your sister's. Naturally, in the future, you won't get less than your brother and sister."

Bai Changsong was slightly relieved, but he tilted his head and asked curiously, "Then I'll be allocated too, your private house..."

"Of course it will only be my private house. If you want to share it again, it will probably take me a hundred years." Zhou Man rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "But if I don't like you by then, I can share it with others." It's not impossible."

Xia Mu asked nervously, "For example?"

"Like other people's children..."

Bai Changsong rolled his eyes and asked, "Mother, does Dad know that you have so many private houses?"

"He knows I have a private room."

"Then does he know there are so many?"

Zhou Man had a serious face, and threatened him with his fists clenched, "If you dare to talk too much, I will share half of your private room in the future."

Bai Changsong covered his mouth.

Xia Mu laughed at the side. What he didn't tell his younger brother was that he not only got the private house from his mother, but also got his father's private house. After he spent all his New Year's money, his grandmother also gave him a lot.

So Xia Mu is very rich now, so rich that now whenever he sees his younger brother, he will smile lovingly, which makes Bai Changsong shudder a lot.

Xia Mu patted him on the shoulder to comfort him and said, "After the Chinese New Year, I will give you the New Year's money."

Bai Changsong was very stubborn, "Who wants your lucky money? You are not a few years older than me."

Xia Mu skipped his words directly, and said to Zhou Man: "Mother, when I went back to move the grave, I found that someone in Jiannan Road had set up a long life tablet for my grandfather, so I plan to spend money to build a temple in Mianzhou and Luojiang counties respectively, and mark it with my grandfather and my grandfather. The statue of my grandmother gives the world a place to go when they want to worship."

Zhou Man was stunned for a while and then nodded, "Okay, I will pay the money, and you can just do it."

"By the way, build more roads," Zhou Man said, "let's build them in the names of your grandfather and grandmother, and build some in Mianzhou and Shangzhou."

Bai Shan came in from outside the house and said, "Let's pay the money at home."

He said to Zhou Man: "Just in time, the anniversary of the death of the young father-in-law and the young mother-in-law is coming soon. In previous years, they only performed rituals in the Xuandu Temple. This year, the grave was moved, and Wu Yuan grew up and built the ancestral hall. Let's make a big one."

Zhou Man nodded, "We can do it ourselves, don't spread it to the outside world, it's not good to alarm outsiders."

Bai Changsong couldn't help raising his hand, "Father, mother, when I become the patriarch, can I also build a shrine for my grandfather, and then you will help me like this."

Zhou Man looked at Bai Shan, and said with a half-smile: "It depends on whether your father can separate from the clan. Otherwise, if you want to be the eldest son and patriarch, you have to defeat the direct branch."

Bai Changsong withdrew his hand, "Forget it, I just want to be the patriarch of my own family, not the patriarch of such a big clan."

When Bai Changsong finally realized his wish, Xia Mu had already been the suzerain for many years.

For this reason, he purposely led his group of children to Bai Changsong, and kept passing by him, "See, they are all branches of our Xia family from now on, how about yours?"

Bai Changsong felt that he was an eyesore, so he simply got up, "I have become the patriarch, when will you open the ancestral hall and let me go in to worship my grandfather and grandmother?"

Xia Mu waved his hand generously and said, "Anytime is fine, I am the patriarch, I have the final say."

So the next day, the two brothers took their children and knelt in Xia's ancestral hall.

Bai Changsong bowed deeply, looked up at the names of his grandparents on the plaque and said: "Grandfather, grandmother, I will also be the head of the clan. From now on, I will watch and help each other with my eldest brother, and we will carry forward our Bai and Xia clans."

Xia Mu on the side said: "Oh, there is also the Zhou family, but we don't need to worry about that. Uncle and cousin are too capable of giving birth. There are too many nephews and grandnephews born now, and I can't recognize them all. They don't need us to promote them. It will shine brighter."

Bai Changsong gave his unreliable brother an elbow, telling him to be more honest.

Xia Mu touched his chest and muttered a few times, but he still endured it temporarily, and said to his grandparents: "Father and mother should have come back for such a big matter, but they went to sea, and Longzhou also saw them As we walked farther and farther, we could hardly see the clan, so we agreed to divide the clan. When they come back from overseas, they will definitely come to pay respects to their grandfather and grandmother, oh, and great-grandfather and great-grandmother..."

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