It was impossible for Saturday Lang to cook porridge, because the food was all in Qian's room.

The old grain of the old Zhou family has long been eaten, and now they are eating new grain that has just been dried for a long time, and new rice that has been hulled and brought back from the mill. The porridge is very fragrant.

On Saturday, Langcai sneaked into the room to steal rice, but was discovered by Qian Shi. Finally, He entered the room and scooped up a small half bowl of rice and went out to cook porridge for Man Bao.

Qian called her daughter into the house and asked, "Why did you run home?"

Man Bao pointed at his finger and said, "I'll come back to get something..."

Qian Shi didn't ask her what she wanted to bring, but said, "I'll come back after I've eaten in the school later, don't take my food home."

As for the fact that Santou and Sanya Sitou ate all of Manbao's meals together, she didn't blame them, and she didn't scold anyone.

Children of this age will not restrain themselves from eating.

Although the old Zhou family did not let a few children go hungry, it was impossible to eat as well and as full as possible. It was normal to want to eat.

As long as Manbao doesn't bring things home, the children in the family won't read or fight. This is the best way.

So in the end it was Man Bao who was to blame.

Man Bao lowered his head and listened to the training, and said, "Mother, my friend said that people outside eat three meals a day, so that they can grow strong."

"Mother also knows that people who eat four meals a day are stronger than those who eat three meals a day, but I don't have this ability at home, so it's enough to ensure that you can survive." Qian said, "There's not much rice at home. It is enough to eat for more than three months. Fortunately, the wheat harvest is good this year, and when the wheat seeds are exchanged for the villagers, the family will start eating noodles."

Qian said, "Although winter wheat will be planted this year, we still have to save some more food for next year. If the master gets angry again one day, the family has some preparations."

Therefore, it is impossible to eat white noodles. The noodles must be mixed with some ground bran to make brown or black steamed buns.

Because winter wheat will be planted after the Chongyang Festival, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the villagers took a rest for a few days and began to visit Lao Zhou's house one after another to see the wheat planting.

This year's flood, not only the rice is badly affected, but the wheat is also very bad, and some people's wheat is even more seriously affected than the rice.

After all, wheat is less tolerant to waterlogging than rice.

But there are some exceptions in the situation of the old Zhou family. Everyone sees the situation of their wheat fields. Everyone secretly guesses that their per-mu yield should still be about two tarts.

And they also saw the heavy ears of wheat, so everyone wanted to exchange wheat from him.

A pound for a pound, the old Zhou family has long picked out the best wheat seeds, and the rest of the wheat is used for eating. Naturally, they don’t mind changing with the villagers.

The changed wheat was also dried, and Lao Zhou's family put the wheat in a bag and put it in Lao Zhoutou's room.

Old Zhoutou still felt that the food at home had to be kept under his nose to be at ease.

He glanced at the grain bag in the room before going to bed every day, he could sleep more deeply, and every day he woke up and looked at the grain bag again, he felt a little more energetic.

This is the same reason that Man Bao has to look at the money box in the system every day before going to bed, and the first time he wakes up is to look at the money box in the system.

Since the last time he traded wheat seeds, Dr. D has not appeared anymore. Man Bao walked around the village with his hands behind his back, and finally sighed at the bird she had just passed by and flew to the book.

It seems that I can only go to Brother Zhou Hu for help.

Zhou Hu also decided to plant winter wheat.

He is the only laborer in his family now, and he has to take care of his wife and children, so he went out late and came back early. When Man Bao walked over with his hands behind his back, he was turning fat, planning to dry it, and then he was about to spread it into the fields.

Daifuku was helping out with a shovel, sweating all over his face.

Little Lord Manbao paced over and asked, "Brother Zhou Hu, do you have a plough in your home?"

Zhou Hu said with a smile, "Not yet."

Man Bao said: "I'll ask my elder brother to help you plow the ground, and then you can help me catch some birds."

Man Bao pointed to a bird on a tree not far away and said, "That's it, if you want to live, grab a little more..."

Zhou Hu looked up at the birds on the tree and said with a smile, "If Man Bao wants to play with birds, I'll just grab two for you when I look back."

"I'll arrest it today. It just so happens that my eldest brother and the others are ploughing the field today. Let them plough your family's field by the way."

Zhou Hu was taken aback, thinking she was telling a joke, but Man Bao obviously wasn't.

She quickly ran into the field.

Zhou Dalang and the others were ploughing the fields, and when Manbao mentioned it, Zhou Dalang agreed.

Originally they were going to help, but it was just ahead of schedule.

Ploughing the field requires at least one person to pull the plough and one person to support the plough. For a less labor-intensive one, two people like the old Zhou family pull and one person supports it.

He is the only one in Zhou Hu's family now, unless he hoes out two acres of land with a hoe, he still has to ask someone for help.

When Zhou Hu arrived in the field, Zhou Dalang and the others had already put the plow into the field of Zhou Hu's house. He was moved and a little ashamed and ran up to support the plow, "You haven't finished ploughing your own land yet. how come……"

"Aiya, why are you being polite to us?" Zhou Dalang pushed his shoulders and said with a laugh, "I've finished ploughing all the fields in my family, so I'm going to change the place. The fields are plowed."

Zhou Hu decided to plant two fields, this one is more than one mu, and the other is a smaller one near his home, closer.

Hearing this, Zhou Hu took a breath of his sore nose, and he didn't refuse any more. He stepped forward and took the rope in Zhou Lang's hand and said, "I'll come."

On Tuesday, Lang smiled, but did not insist, let him and his elder brother pull the plow first.

Wednesday Lang supported the plow, and after walking three times, Tuesday Lang and Thursday Lang stepped forward to take over.

Zhou Hu didn't want to be replaced, so Zhou Dalang dragged him away, "Take a break first, what's the hurry."

Zhou Hu silently followed the Zhou brothers to plough the field, and the next day after his ploughing, he continued to go to the Zhou family's field.

The Zhou brothers also tacitly agreed that the two would work together.

This kind of cooperation model is not uncommon in the village, but more often the two companies have similar labor and the same fields to be cultivated. The cooperation between the two companies is more efficient and faster.

But the old Zhou family and the Zhou Hu family are obviously not compatible.

But the old Zhou family, who was obviously at a disadvantage, didn't say anything, and no one in the village would say such a thing.

Many people even breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the old Zhou family took over completely, so they didn't need to go to the Zhou Hu family to help.

Otherwise, it would be a burden for them, as well as for Zhou Hu's family.

Every time I go to help, I have to eat at least one meal. Now Zhou Hu’s family is not well-off, so I’m embarrassed to eat, and I’m also embarrassed to not eat.

Man Bao wanted to ask her own bird several times, but seeing that her brothers and Zhou Hu were both tired, she could only say nothing, and then looked sadly at the jumping between the trees, and disappeared in a short while. bird.

If I knew earlier that they wouldn't be caught so hard, now they're all so vigilant.

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