Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 335 Do You Know

"Yeah," Man Bao had just been excited, but now he doesn't want to sleep anymore, so he just lay in bed and chatted with her, "We have been hit by floods this year, and life is very difficult, so we have to plant a season of winter wheat."

Dr. D really couldn't understand why winter wheat was planted in the event of a flood, but as a biology professor, she still knew very well about the cultivation of winter wheat, the most basic food crop.

So she started to plant winter wheat, and she chatted with Man Bao.

Man Bao became silent after looking at the long email, what to do, a lot of people couldn't understand, what type of nutrient solution should be used for one kilogram of wheat seed, and how many nutrient solutions should be used for each kilogram of wheat seeds. Can't understand it?

Man Bao thought for a while and asked, "Then do you know how the ancients planted winter wheat and increased its yield?"

Dr. D was silent for a while, and then he remembered that this Mr. Zhou seemed to come from a world with a low level of technology. In this way, it should be her ancient level?

Of course, this Dr. D also understands it, so he sent another eloquent article.

Man Bao looked at it and found that he still didn't understand. It said that the ancients used to apply nitrogen fertilizer and other fertilizers to the wheat fields, and one acre should be applied...

Oh, Man Bao only knows that the family also composts fertilizer, but it is not called nitrogen fertilizer, nor is it called potassium fertilizer, it is called fertilizer.

Man Bao asked weakly, "Then do you know how the primitive people planted winter wheat and increased the yield of winter wheat?"

Dr. D was completely silent.

This time, Man Bao waited for a long time without waiting for her information, and then her biological clock came into play, she couldn't help yawning, she simply exited the system and fell asleep with the quilt in her arms.

Man Bao got up early the next morning to wash up and then went to the school to attend class.

When she was still in class at noon, she heard the sound of the system dripping, Man Bao was taking notes, and without distraction, Keke reported to her: "The wheat has arrived, and the whole one thousand kilograms."

Man Bao nodded, his mind was still in class, the words entered his heart after a while, and then he was a little excited.

Just when it was time to finish school, Mr. Zhuang announced that the get out of class was over, and everyone rushed out of the classroom to get dinner.

Man Bao slowed down two steps, and ran to ask Mr. Zhuang for leave, saying that she was going home at noon today and could no longer open a small stove.

Mr. Zhuang waved to her and agreed.

Man Bao ran to the kitchen and received his own meals with his sister-in-law, and then ran home with a bowl.

At noon, the sun was a bit bright. Mrs. Qian took a lunch break in the house. Sister-in-law three and sister-in-four were sitting under the eaves making needles and sewing. They didn't know where they were going, and Santou took their younger siblings to play in the yard.

Man Bao poked his head outside the door and asked Mr. Fang to see it, but before she had time to speak, Man Bao put his finger on his mouth and snorted, then ran to the next small yard with a bowl in his hand.

Santou led Sanya and Sitou and immediately chased after them.

Mrs Fang turned her head and asked Mrs He, "Sister-in-law three, what is Man Bao doing?"

He was accustomed to it and said, "Don't worry about her, if you forgot something or remembered something fun to come back and get it. She has always been sensible, and it is right for children to be naughty."

Mrs Fang: "...Is it like this?"

Mr. He nodded indifferently, "Yes, the child has to take care of him, but he can't take care of everything. Look at the four heads of my family. As long as he doesn't go to the river and doesn't steal anything, I'll never care about him, otherwise the family will be like this. There are many children, everyone has to manage and ask what they do, and they don’t do anything from that day to night, and the light circles around the children.”

She learned this from the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law. It is said that the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law learned it from their mother-in-law.

Man Bao ran to the door of the fifth brother's room and put the bowl in the three heads. Seeing that they were gulping at the food in her bowl, he said, "You can eat half of it, you are not allowed to finish it."

Santou is only a month older than Manbao, but his mind is far less than Manbao. He has always regarded himself as a child, so he nodded rudely, and then humbly gave it to his younger brothers and sisters.

As for my sister-in-law, it was never within the scope of his humility.

The three children sat on the steps of the eaves and ate one bite at a time, while Man Bao opened the door of Wu Lang's room and went in.

In the room of Lao Zhou's house, except for Lao Zhoutou's room, which has a key, the other doors are not locked, and the inside is closed from the inside, usually hidden.

Man Bao went in unceremoniously, then dragged out a stool, stood up and climbed into the granary, and then asked Keke to replace the wheat.

Of course, not all of them were replaced. After all, the wheat seed was only 2,000 catties, so she replaced most of it, and then climbed out of the granary and ran to the next room on Saturday Lang and also changed a wave.

Santou took his younger brother and sister to indulge in eating and couldn't help himself. Seeing the little aunt ran out of the fifth uncle's room and ran to the sixth uncle's room, he just looked up.

However, he felt that the little aunt was disobedient, because her clothes were dirty, and she must have gone under the bed or in the granary.

When they play hide and seek, they also like to enter these two places the most, that is, every time they come out and meet an adult, they will be beaten up.

Man Bao was sitting on the wheat and felt that the wheat grains were a little prickly. When he was about to change his posture, Keke suddenly said, "Your sixth brother is back."

As soon as the voice fell, Keke immediately stopped changing. After a while, Saturday Lang pushed in the door and saw Manbao lying on the edge of the granary trying to climb out.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, Man Bao blinked, trying to get away with it, but Saturday Lang looked at the wheat grains on her clothes and grinded his teeth: "Man Bao!"

Man Bao crawled out of the granary with quick hands and feet, and as soon as he patted his clothes, the grains of wheat on his clothes splashed down.

Saturday Lang hurriedly went to pick it up, lowered his voice and reprimanded, "Why are you crawling inside? If you want to let Dad know that you have to beat you. No, beat me!"

Thinking about it this way, Saturday Lang didn't dare to let his father know, and hurriedly helped her take pictures of the clothes on her body, while also feeling distressed for the grains of wheat that fell all over the floor.

"You don't go to school? You don't have a lunch break?" Thinking of seeing the three heads and the others hugging a bowl to eat when they entered the door just now, Saturday Lang was a little dizzy, "Have you eaten lunch yet?"

Man Bao shook his head honestly.

On Saturday, Lang took a picture of her. He didn't care to clean up the grains of wheat on the ground, so he ran out to have a look. He saw that the three children had eaten most of the meal, and only a little was left.

Saturo:  …

Santou raised his head and said cautiously, "This is my aunt's."

Saturday Lang couldn't help but patted his head, "I know it's your sister-in-law and eat it, eat it..."

Seeing that the three heads were smaller than Man Bao, Saturday Lang was speechless.

Finally, he stomped his feet and shouted, "Quickly eat and wash the dishes."

Man Bao caught up from behind and shouted, "I haven't eaten yet..."

"What to eat, there's not much left," Saturday Lang dragged her to the kitchen, "Let's go, Brother Six will cook some porridge for you."

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