Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3336 agree

Zhuang Ji'an said, "Being dull is also a blessing. I don't think there is anything wrong with the present day."

He perfectly inherited his father's indifference to fame and fortune, and felt that it was a very happy thing to live a life so plain and unrestrained.

His wife was speechless for a while.

Zhuang Ji'an hesitated, and when he went out in the morning, he was a little out of his mind, and then "coincidentally met" Zhou Man who was out for a walk.

Zhou Man smiled and waved at him, "My nephew is also out for a walk?"

Zhuang Ji'an, who is slightly older than Zhou Man, silently stepped forward and saluted, "Sister-in-law."

"I see a sad face on my nephew's face, is there any difficulty?"

Isn't that what you mentioned about going to Beijing?

Zhuang Ji'an hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master, how is the capital so good that so many people are flocking to it."

Zhou Man thought for a moment and then said: "Chang'an is the most prosperous city I've ever seen, and it's also the most tolerant city. It covers everything. Although I like to walk around a lot, I have to admit that the days I lived in Chang'an were mine. The most comfortable and convenient days, where one can see very far and learn new things every year, so it is very exciting.”

"I know that you grew up with your father. Although senior brother is stubborn, he is not good for fame and fortune. You have learned three points from him, and you have no intention of making a career, but the world is very big," Zhou Man said: "Your children may not want to see it. Take a look at the wider world outside."

"I propose to let them go to the capital, not because of their future careers, successes, honorifics, etc., but to make them stronger and have a higher vision, so that when they grow up in the future, they can choose when they can make decisions. The way to go." Zhou Mandao: "Either enter officialdom, or do other things, they have the ability to make more choices. This is what Mr. taught us since childhood, self-cultivation, family and country and world peace, when you only have the ability to cultivate yourself, you can only You can choose to cultivate yourself, and when you have the ability to bring peace to the world, you can choose your own path.”

Zhuang Ji'an looked at Zhou Man in astonishment, but couldn't come back to his senses for a while.

Zhou Man smiled and said, "Do you think it's amazing, you don't seem to know your grandfather at all?"

Zhuang Ji'an was silent for a while and then nodded slightly.

Zhou Mandao: "Senior brother has a heart, why don't you have a heart?" She sighed and said, "Think about it again, I still hope that you can give the children more opportunities. The beloved son of parents has far-reaching plans. , the pain of parting today, the children may thank you in the future."

Zhuang Ji'an turned around silently, and as soon as he got back to the yard, he heard Zhuang Jiran humming and singing in the house.

Zhuang Jisi came out and said, "Big brother, go and see the second brother. He's going crazy. He wakes up in the morning and sings, but he sings so badly."

When Zhuang Jiran heard it, he stuck his head out and said, "What's so ugly? Brother, have you decided whether to let Chen'er go?"

Zhuang Ji'an asked, "Are you really going to the capital?"

"Go, why don't you go?" Zhuang Jiran said, "Dad asked my grandfather last night, saying that I can go to the Imperial College to study if I go to the capital. You wait for me to study the Ming Sutra."

Zhuang Ji'an: "What if I fail the test?"

"If you don't pass the exam, then go back to your hometown to test the county government office. Anyway, it's hard to get promoted as a junior official. There's not much difference between being a junior officer a few years ago and a few years later," Zhuang Jiran said: "And our family is not short of money now, don't worry. , my monthly expenses are very small."

He also turned around and asked the people in the room, "Is that so, lady?"

The people in the room responded.

Zhuang Jiran said: "And I asked my aunt, I can still make money by copying books. Although it's not much, it should be enough to buy some pen, ink and paper. Now paper is getting cheaper and cheaper, and the cost of copying books and reading is also lower."

Zhuang Ji'an gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll let you take Chen'er there, but he's only eight years old, you have to take good care of him."

The Chen family in the room also went out and responded, "Uncle, don't worry, we will take good care of Chen'er."

In her opinion, they took a big advantage by going to the capital. If nothing else, the grandfather's grace quota was supposed to be given to the long house, but it turned out to be cheaper for them.

Although she has limited knowledge, she also knows that Guozijian is the most powerful institution in Dajin.

During the three days, the guests at the banquet said that students who can go to Guozijian can become officials after they come out.

What Mr. Zhuang was thinking about at this time was not the issue of being an official, but the age of Zhuang Jiran. He happened to be stuck at the upper age limit for admission to Guozijian this year.

Concern is chaos, and he can't help but doubt whether Zhuang Jiran can really enroll in Enyin.

Bai Shan comforted him, "Don't worry, sir, as long as you complete the admission procedures before the Chinese New Year."

"But..." Mr. Zhuang paused and said, "We missed the fall enrollment, can we still be kind at this time?"

After thinking about it, Bai Shan said, "The time has not yet passed. I will write a letter and go back now. Tokong Jijiu will help me to sign up. There is an empty space. When the husband returns to Beijing, he can enroll directly."

Mr. Zhuang stroked his beard and said, "Kong Jijiu is upright, I'm afraid he won't agree."

Bai Shan got up, "I'll go to Man Bao and ask what Kong Jijiu likes."

Kong Jijiu naturally likes to draw good calligraphy and books, but besides, he also likes good medicine.

Zhou Man thought for a while and said, "In fact, in addition to being able to draw and write well, he also likes delicious food."

There are only books in the world, who can go beyond the Confucius family?

So no matter what good calligraphy and painting books they come up with, it may be difficult to impress Kong Jijiu, but what they eat is different, especially if they are also stained with medicine.

Zhou Man smiled and said: "I have been particularly interested in health preservation in the past two years, so I am researching some health preservation recipes."

In fact, after the emperor made a fuss about the elixir, she began to study health preservation methods, and was especially interested in food health preservation, and the emperor also expressed concern about this.

Zhou Mandao: "The ingredients used in one of the recipes are particularly precious."

"What ingredients?"

"Truffles!" Zhou Man smiled and said, "This is an excellent thing, it can not only be made into pills, but also used as a seasoning. I got some last year, and I asked my sister-in-law to make it with other mushrooms. Xianjiang, this thing only needs to put a little when cooking soup and cooking, and it will be very fragrant."

Zhou Man sighed: "It's just too little, I'm a little reluctant, but for the sake of Mr., I risk it."

Bai Shan: "A bottle of sauce?"

Seeing that he was suspicious, Zhou Man whispered in his ear.

Bai Shan:  …

He was silent for a long time before saying: "It seems that you have never seen such good things before."

Zhou Man: "Who said I haven't eaten it, I've used it twice since I made it."

Bai Shan's eyes widened, "When you said cooking by yourself in the spring, did you really cook by yourself?"

"Of course, do you think I'm pretending to be the soup made in the kitchen?"

Bai Shan: "That's not true. I just thought that you might just talk and do nothing, and then guard the soup all the way. I didn't expect that you really did it yourself." It was amazing, he even thought the soup was good at the time.

Good night, I forgot that Zhuang Jisi was a girl in the last chapter, so I made some changes, you can go back and read it again

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