Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3335 Flowing Water Table II

Chapter 3297 Flowing Water Table II

"So, I see a lot of people eating out. How much does it cost?"

I don't know, I can't tell you if I know it.

Zhuang Jiran said, "Auntie, I'm going to pick up the other guests first. You sit first, and the food will be served in a while."

"Wait," Zhuang Jiran was pulled, "who are your grandfather's disciples, I haven't seen them yet."

"I haven't seen them either. I see their families deliver things to your house every time during the Chinese New Year and festivals, but I haven't seen anyone once."

Zhuang Jiran, "Auntie, we went to our grandfather's house to pay homage to the New Year, and we're not at my house. Of course you haven't seen each other."

He just raised his head and saw Bai Shan and Zhou Man who were walking out with a smile. He pointed at them and said, "Well, it's them."

The people at the table turned their heads to look, opened their mouths slightly, and exclaimed after a while: "It's really beautiful, it is indeed the reincarnation of Taibaixing and Wenquxing."

Zhuang Jiran's eyes lit up and immediately asked, "Auntie, have you heard this story?"

"Listen, I can hear it every time I pass by the teahouse. Oh, I didn't expect that Luojiang County is so powerful that there are two immortals who descended to earth."

Zhuang Jiran nodded in agreement.

Bai Shan and Zhou Man went out to greet the Taoist priests, and Yin Or came back with them.

In just two days, Zhou Mandu felt that his face was a little rosier, and became happy, "It seems that the mountain really supports people. You had been a little pale when you took the boat and transferred the car before, but now you look much better."

Yin He smiled and said, "I have a quiet mind on the mountain, I slept well, I fight with the Taoist priests every day, and I eat properly. I also feel that I have a better spirit these two days."

After listening to it, Zhou Man decided to pick up the health plan that she unknowingly lost. She has to work hard so that she can live longer.

The relatives of the Zhou family, the Bai family and the banker all know that these four families have developed, especially the banker's relatives.

Because Mr. Zhuang's presence is very weak, when Zhuang Dalang didn't take the initiative to talk about it, no one knew that Mr. Zhuang was a high-ranking official in the capital. They thought that Mr. Zhuang was still walking around with his three disciples.

Everyone knows that Mr. Zhuang has a generous owner, and he has been specially invited to teach more than ten years ago. There are various rituals throughout the year, and the cultivation is very high.

It's just that I didn't expect that people would become an official in the capital a few years ago, and I heard that the official is not small.

The three-day running water banquet caused a sensation throughout Luojiang County, and many squires came to hear the news, and they came to have a meal without a greeting card, not for food, but to see Mr. Zhuang and Bai Shan, etc. people.

Of course, they didn't come by themselves. They all brought their own children and nephews, ranging from seven years old to twenty years old, with only one purpose. Mr. Zhuang, do you see if they have the aptitude to be cultivated?

If you don't want to be accepted as a disciple, you can also take it with you to serve as a child.

Sister-in-law Zhuang watched with enthusiasm, and took advantage of the gap to pinch Zhuang Dalang several times every day, urging him to send the child to the father-in-law as soon as possible.

Zhuang Dalang had to call his son and daughter-in-law over to ask questions, in fact, mainly to ask the two sons.

"...Would you like to let the children go to the capital with their grandfather?"

Zhuang Ji'an was stunned for a moment, "Dad said Chen'er and the others?"

Zhuang Dalang nodded.

Zhuang Ji'an lowered his head in thought, the children were still young, and they were reluctant.

Zhuang Dalang said: "You have also seen the situation in the past two days. I don't know how many people are begging your grandfather to bring someone to Beijing. If you are willing, I will go to your grandfather to discuss it. If you are not willing, forget it."

Zhuang Jiran looked left and right, faintly excited, "Dad, I'm willing, I want to go!"

Zhuang Dalang frowned and looked at him, "You?"

Zhuang Jiran's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, me! Dad, let me go, I can still take care of my grandfather and children."

Zhuang Dalang: "But didn't you decide to take the exam next year to enter the county government office?"

"That's the exam for the county government. If you pass the exam, you'll be an unprofessional clerk just like your big brother. I want to read it again, and then go to the capital to test the Ming Jing. County lieutenant or county magistrate."

The county magistrates and the county magistrates are all of high rank. Although they are the lowest magistrates, they are also included in the official career.

Zhuang Dalang was stunned for a moment, and after a while he said, "I never knew you had this idea."

Zhuang Jiran said: "That's because I used to study well in the county school, and my grandfather relies on the Bai family in the capital, so naturally I can't bring it up to trouble my grandfather, but since Dad, you are willing to let us accompany him. grandfather……"

He smiled and said: "Since the children can go, then I can go even more. Moreover, the children are still young, so they can't just push the grandfather. Although there are teachers, uncles, and aunts to help, they still have to bring their own family members with them. it is good."

Zhuang Dalang frowned and thought for a while before nodding, "I'll ask your grandfather."

Mr. Zhuang was stunned by the news, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses and asked uncertainly, "You mean to let Ji Ran go to the capital with me?"

Zhuang Dalang moved his butt uncomfortably and said, "If it's inconvenient..."

"No, it's very convenient," Mr. Zhuang said after a pause, "Ji Ran's age..."

Mr. Zhuang's eyes brightened, and his heart was a little excited, "It's still within the scope of Guozijian's enrollment, he will go to Beijing with me, and he can enroll in Enyin. As for the three children, they can be sent to school with the Zhou family's children. Just teach it a little more.”

Zhuang Dalang was stunned, "Enyin is going to school?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded, "I have a quota."

But Zhuang Dalang always disliked his sons to follow him. Mr. Zhuang originally planned to leave this quota to the children of the Zhou family.

Mr. Zhuang looked at him nervously, "How do you think Dalang?"

Zhuang Dalang was silent for a while and then said, "It's fine for my father to call the shots."

Mr. Zhuang exhaled, nodded again and again and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, then we'll pack up when we go back, and we'll go together when we go to Beijing."

Zhuang Dalang left silently, and it was only after walking a long distance that he remembered that the eldest son hadn't made up his mind yet. I wonder if the couple would like to let their children accompany them to the capital.

Zhuang Ji'an hesitated, but his daughter-in-law didn't. As soon as she returned to her room, she hugged her husband's arm and said, "Let the child go. If you didn't have an errand, I would want you to go."

Zhuang Ji'an: "The children are too young, I don't want them to leave home."

"Then you don't want the future of the children? Look at the people who came to the banquet this time. The magistrate was very respectful when he met his grandfather. I heard that in the Zhou family, only Aunt Zhou was the only one who studied, or because they didn't want to stop cultivating, everyone else It's just a few words from my grandfather, but you two brothers were enlightened at the age of five and studied for more than ten years before taking the exam."

"Looking back now, the eldest son of the Zhou family's eldest house is now serving as a sixth-rank official in the capital, and the next few younger brothers are also serving as officials. What's the reason?" She said: "It's not because he went to the capital, the elder brother. With knowledge and connections, we didn’t know we had such a relationship in the family before, but now that we know, and we have such an opportunity, why do we want our children to be as mediocre as us?”

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