Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3019 Running to Live One

Old man Yuan dragged a bamboo basket in the field, and occasionally bent over to pick up an ear of rice. Even if he took ten steps, he could bend over once, but there were not many ears of rice that he could pick up.

Who doesn't check roughly when they collect the rice?

Therefore, there are not many ears of rice left for scavengers to pick up on a piece of land.

Bend down, straighten up, bend down again, straighten up again, he probably feels tired too, so he just keeps hunching his back, so that the ups and downs of bending over and straightening up are not too big, it doesn't feel so uncomfortable, and it can save some money strength.

After picking up a piece of land, he went to another field, just as someone was harvesting nearby, he walked over, talked to people, and chatted by the way.

"Uncle Yuan, how many did you pick up today?"

"Not much," Old Man Yuan found a place on the ridge to sit down, let people see the rice ears in his bamboo basket, and sighed, "It's not a good day, everyone has kept it clean."

The owner who was harvesting the rice said loudly, "Didn't the third and fourth go to Mr. Fang's house to cut rice?"

The old man Yuan said glumly, "I went, but there are a lot of people going this year, so I earn twelve cents a day."

"That's a little bit."

"Fortunately, after three meals, the family can save a lot of food."

The old man Yuan was even more unhappy, "This year, Master Fang has invited a lot of people to his house, and it will be finished in a few days."

Someone comforted him, "After harvesting rice and planting wheat, you can always find work to do."

The sun is getting bigger and bigger, and the owner of the harvest also decided to take a rest. The people in the nearby fields also stopped their movements one after another. They dropped their sickles and took water and dry food. .

"Fortunately, the harvest is good this year, but where did Mr. Fang invite so many people, I think some of them are not near us."

"Oh, you don't know it yet. Before the yamen raided the house, those people lost their land, and the servants were nowhere to be found, so why don't you have to come out and look for part-time workers?"

"The servant was copied, isn't it still the servant?"

"I heard that the newly arrived county magistrate has released a lot of servants. He didn't sell them any more, but put them away for good people. Each person also allocated two or three acres of land."

"We don't have enough land ourselves, how can we give it to the servants?" Someone took Old Man Yuan as an example, "Isn't Old Uncle Yuan's house short of land?"

The old man Yuan quickly waved his hand and said: "My family is divided into land, sigh, but the family is not good enough, because I sold a lot of land to see a doctor, so I can't make ends meet."

"So you can't get sick."

"I heard people say that there is a medical office built in Beihai County, and there is no money to see a doctor."

"Yes, yes, I've heard it too. I've also heard people say that the state city and our county will be built in the future, and the lower households will not need money to see a doctor and get medicine, and the middle households will not need money to see a doctor."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. This is still said by Mr. Zhao, who works at the chief's house."

"Beihai County, that's far away, right? Why is the medical office built there? We can still go there anyway. Where is Beihai County?"

"Do you still have to go to the state city? I heard that it is not far from the state city. The order of the medical department is the wife of the magistrate's family in Beihai County, so it must be her husband's."

"I heard that Beihai County is very different now. There are fewer people there, and there are more jobs that can be done. In the past, it was 20 yuan a day, and you can find jobs at will."

Old man Yuan couldn't help but pay attention, "Really?"

"Of course it's true," the man said. "This news came from Lizheng's house, so there's still a lie? And if it's settled there, it can still be distributed."

The old man Yuan swallowed his saliva and asked, "Can the land that has already been divided in the past be divided?"

"Okay, as long as you don't have land, you can transfer your household registration."

The old man Yuan thought about it.

"Oh, Uncle Yuan, you can let the third and fourth of your family try it out, both of them have sold the land under their names, haven't they? Just went to see, if you can divide the land, then your family will make a lot of money. Are you afraid that you won't be able to support yourself in the future?"

"It's so easy to say, but it's really not easy to do. If you don't say anything else, will you be able to meet at home when you go to Beihai County? Do you know where Beihai County is?"

Most of the people here really don't know, they have been to the prefecture city as far away as possible, and most of them have been to the county seat and Beihai County, and they have only heard of it.

Uncle Yuan dragged the bamboo basket home after sunset. He went out at sunrise. After a busy day, only one third of the rice ears in the bamboo basket were filled.

He put the bamboo basket under the eaves, and the eldest daughter-in-law came over to take a look, without saying anything, she carried the rice ears out to dry in the yard, turned around and went into the kitchen to continue working.

The old man Yuan asked, "What about the third and fourth?"

The person in the kitchen responded, "I don't know, I came back a long time ago, and I don't know where I went."

The old man Yuan frowned and was about to speak when his two sons came back from outside laughing and laughing. Washed the clothes too.

Yuan Laohan glanced at the clothes hanging in the yard, only to realize that there were no clothes on them. Obviously, the old family and the second family did not wash their clothes.

The old man Yuan sighed and made up his mind. After the two sons had finished drying their clothes, he said, "Come with me, I have something to tell you."

People in the kitchen probably heard the sound of chopping vegetables a little louder.

Yuan Sanlang and Yuan Shilang didn't care either and followed his father out to talk.

But they couldn't help but be surprised, "Go to Beihai County?"

"Yes," said the old man Yuan, "If the trees are moved to death, and the people are moved to live, our family can't be moved now. In March and April this year, the food at home will not be able to be picked up. This year, after the tax is paid, we have to pay it back. I borrowed the food from your uncle and your uncle's house before, and there is less left, and it will be more difficult every year if this goes on..."

Yuan Sanlang and Yuan Shilang looked very ugly, and interrupted him: "Father, the land that my family sold me and the fourth child was for my mother's treatment, the eldest brother and the second brother also have to take out a share, we can't sell us. We will be driven out of the land.”

"It's not to drive out," Yuan old man looked at the two of them with sadness and helplessness: "You two go, I will definitely give you food and money, and the things in the family will be divided, your eldest brother and second brother take advantage of the field, the others Give you more things."

"I don't agree!" Yuan Shilang shouted, holding his neck, "Even if the family is divided, it's okay to have more eldest brother Tian, ​​but we can't live without it, right? It was agreed at the beginning that the land would be sold to us, but the eldest brother and the second brother's. We also have a share.”

"I can't live," Yuan old man couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pat them, and said sadly and angry: "If the rest of the land is divided, it is better not to divide the family, just the two acres of land, you can support yourself, Can I marry a wife and go to the military?"

"I asked you to go to Beihai County, and it's not that the family will be separated immediately," he said calmly: "Go and see first. Working part-time, or coming home during the Chinese New Year and holidays, it should be yours or yours.”

see you at seven pm

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