Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3018 Cui Wei

Bai Shan finally followed Zhou Man and saw Cui Wei, a beautiful middle-aged man with very fair complexion, but it was a pity that his face was pale and haggard, and he didn't look very good.

Not to mention Zhou Man, who likes to look at his face, even Bai Shan could not help but take two steps forward and ask with concern, "Master Cui, are you alright?"

Cui Wei's official position was equal to that of General Nie, below Zhou Man and above Bai Shan, but he had the same attitude towards the three of them.

Zhou Man looked at his face, sat on the chair beside the bed, Xibing immediately took out the pulse pillow and gave it to her.

Zhou Man touched Cui Wei's pulse, asked some more questions, then looked at his tangled face and said, "Master Cui, you seem to be unacceptable."

Cui Wei didn't believe it, "As long as the carriage is fast, I will vomit when it bumps."

Zhou Man asked him, "Do you vomit when you are near the capital?"

He said coldly: "I ride horses in and out of the capital."

He knew he was getting motion sickness, why didn't he want to drive?

Zhou Man was curious: "What if it rains?"

Cui Wei: "...there is a mink robe."

He stared at Zhou Man and asked her to hold back the rest of her words.

Zhou Man said: "This is not simply motion sickness, there are also reasons for being unaccustomed to the soil and water. Of course, you may not have been unaccustomed to the soil and water before, but this time there must be a reason for this."

Zhou Man prescribed medicine for him, "Should I give you two injections first? Let you feel better."

Cui Wei hesitated for a moment, and finally accepted her kindness.

Bai Shan was very generous to the talents who came to Beihai County, especially to Cui Wei and General Nie. He spent money to rent two courtyards in the county for the two of them to live.

Of course, there may not be many opportunities for the two of them to live here, but if you rent it first, the rent is not expensive anyway.

It's just that the house has not been cleaned up, so they temporarily stayed at the station. Zhou Man asked people to go back to the medical office to grab the medicine and deliver it, and gave Cui Wei a set of acupuncture.

Although Cui Wei still didn't feel very well, he felt a little more comfortable than before, at least he didn't vomit anymore.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said to Zhou Man Bai Shan, "I'm sorry."

The two of them naturally said it was fine.

Cui Wei fell ill just after arriving in Beihai County, but he was used to it himself, basically it only took two or three days to be fine.

So he didn't move away, he lived in the inn to recuperate, and Zhou Man went to see him every day.

General Nie went to Jiawa with his five hundred soldiers and Bai Shan. The first time he saw Yantian, he was stunned, especially now that both sides of Jiawa were opening salt fields.

Piece after piece of watery salt fields spread, and a long-term worker walked around with a wooden shovel to shovel the salt to the edge of the field.

General Nie:  …

He grabbed a handful of salt and couldn't help but tasted it. After confirming that it was real salt, he pooh-pooh twice, staring straight at the salt field where he couldn't see his head, "For such a large salt field, only five hundred of us can make it. Can you hold it?"

Bai Shan said: "I still have a hundred troops stationed here."

He said: "You also saw it when you came in. There is only one way to get to Dajiawa. There is the sea over there, and there is a mountain that is difficult to cross, so just keep the intersection..."

General Nie barely gained some confidence.

Bai Shan reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "So in addition to protecting the salt pans, you also have to settle the fields."

General Nie looked left and right, looked around, and asked, "I think there is very little farmland here. Where are we going to farm?"

Bai Shan pointed at Yantian and said, "We will settle this field."

General Nie:  …

Bai Shan reassured him: "Don't worry, it won't be long like this. I'm already looking for someone. When I find enough people, you can free up your hands to train your troops."

General Nie looked at him suspiciously, "Don't lie to me."

"I won't lie to you," Bai Shan said with a serious face, "Qingzhou also has a garrison, and there are even a lot of people, but Your Majesty and the Crown Prince still deliberately transferred you from the capital. You should have guessed it by now. ?"

General Nie is not stupid, he naturally guessed it, he asked with a serious face: "Someone will take action against the salt field?"

Bai Shan nodded, "So I will definitely let you train, don't worry, I won't occupy your people for a long time."

It's just that at this time, everyone's salt field is not known to the real enemy. The most urgent task is to open up more salt fields and expose more salt.

But they had to build barracks before they could open up the salt fields to dry the salt.

Even as honest as General Nie, he couldn't help but say: "Master Bai, you are a white wolf with empty gloves."

"How could it be a white wolf with empty gloves?" Bai Shan pointed at the food in a warehouse and said, "Did you see that, I have prepared the military food for a long time, and I will send fresh vegetables and meat and eggs here every day."

To be responsible for the food and drink of 500 more soldiers, the cost is still not small, not only the villages near Dajiawa, but also the villages farther away are richer.

More than 20 days before the arrival of the people, Bai Shan directly called the li chiefs in the vicinity and asked them to spread the word, and asked the villagers to grow more vegetables and raise more livestock such as chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep. At that time, the county government would meet. Come out to buy.

Now chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep will not increase immediately, but there are many more dishes.

It would be enough to send two sheep or two pigs to everyone every day.

But to be honest, this cost is indeed much larger, so Bai Shan needs people even more.

He still has a lot of official land in his hands, plus the land confiscated from Dajing Village and Xiaojing Village, and the land he bought from the Song family redemption, he now has no shortage of land to grow grain, vegetables, and livestock, and he doesn't even need it. Money is lacking in people.

So he returned to the county office and called Cui Yuan again, "How are things going?"

Cui Yuan: "...Are you in such a hurry now? Didn't you say that after the autumn harvest is over, you will sneak people over?"

Bai Shan said: "It's autumn harvest time, how many young people are you sure you can attract?"

He paused and said: "You don't need young men, young ladies are also acceptable, and the county can accept it."

It would be better if it were widows and solitary young men.

Cui Yuan hesitated for a while, but nodded, "Don't worry, sir, I will try my best."

He decided to go out and have a look tomorrow.

Bai Shan is very generous, "Bring some copper coins, if not enough, ask me for it."

Some of what Bai Shan said were two baskets full of copper plates, which were put on the car for Cui Yuan.

It's not easy for people from the county government to come forward with robbing people, so Bai Shan gave the money, and Cui Yuan took the money and hired a few people.

After tying the bamboo basket containing the copper coins and placing it on the ox cart, Cui Yuan and Bai Shan saluted, "Don't worry, Lord Lang, you will definitely live up to your trust."

Bai Shan nodded in return. In fact, it was nothing if he couldn't finish it. The big deal was to sit down with Governor Guo and ask him for help, but Cui Yuan was so solemn.

See you tomorrow

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