Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 282 Going the way he hates

Old Zhoutou looked at the wheat in the field and found that it was not yellow enough. After estimating the time, he said, "The sickle can be opened in three or four days."

Upon hearing this on Thursday, Lang couldn't care less about lying on the bed and recovering from his injuries. At the beginning of this summer harvest, it is estimated that he will be busy for two consecutive months.

Although he went to Dali Village to sow discord, the old Jia family will not suffer any substantial harm at present.

His injuries were not in vain.

The cautious Thursday Lang held his waist and was about to go to Dali Village to join in the fun. Man Bao couldn't help but said, "Fourth brother, you won't be afraid of being beaten if you go again? That's someone else's territory."

Thursday Lang hummed: "What am I afraid of, your fourth sister-in-law's house is also there."

"But the Jia family has many brothers, and the fourth sister-in-law has only one brother," Man Bao, who had six brothers since childhood, so no one dared to bully her, knew the tricks and said, "You were beaten, and you are so far away, we But it can't save you."

Thuro hesitated.

Man Bao laughed, "Fourth brother, everyone who has been famous through the ages must be able to bend and stretch. There is a sentence in the book called a gentleman's revenge, ten years are not too late, why do you have to rush to take revenge today?"

Zhou Lang was so shocked that his eyes widened, "No, it will take ten years. I won't be able to remember this revenge in ten years. How can I avenge it?"

Man Bao thought about it too, ten years seemed too long, "But you can't send it to your door to find a fight, aren't you looking for a draw?"

"He's just looking for smoke," Mr. Fang on the side couldn't help but said: "It's all idle, his parents feel bad for him and don't ask him to go out to work, but he was just lying in bed for a long time and then shouted boredom. When he was busy in the past He's lazy again, and now he's given a rest, and he's thinking about stirring up the storm again, what's this not just trolling?"

Thursday Lang hummed and didn't say a word.

It was because he had to lie down at home to rest that he felt that his butt and back seemed to be hurting more and more, and he couldn't swallow the breath more and more.

However, Man Bao didn't really want his brother to have another conflict with outsiders. It would be fine to stir up differences, but it would be bad if they fought.

Although she had never seen them fighting with people from other villages, she knew from the last time they fought with those three bad guys, it should be similar.

The eldest brother was injured so badly last time, and the second brother, the third brother, and the fourth brother were also beaten badly, so it's better not to fight.

It hurts, costs money, and delays working hours.

Man Bao felt that there could be other gentler ways to take revenge. For example, the more the other party didn't want them to do something, the more they wanted to do it.

Then the question goes back to the beginning, why did they chase Shurou and the others?

Not because they can make money from the mountains.

Man Bao rolled his eyes and said, "Fourth brother, let's go to the mountains to find wild mushrooms and find all the mushrooms in their mountains."

"It didn't rain yesterday, and it didn't rain today. How could there be mushrooms? It wouldn't be delicious if there were."

"Then let's find Poria."

Thursday Lang was refreshed and asked, "Are you really sure that the tuckahoe grows on the pine stumps? The fifth and I have turned over all the pine stumps in the mountains, and we haven't seen a single one."


Thurou: "..."

"However, most of the guild members grow under the roots of pine trees." Although the entry in the encyclopedia has not yet come out, Man Bao has rummaged through the books in the Bai family's study, and also asked Mr. Zhuang. Poria is the essence of the pine tree.

Since it is the essence of the pine tree, it means that they picked it under the pine tree, so Man Bao decided not to look in the pine stump this time, but in the pine forest.

And she has Keke to help.

Keke's scanning of plants is particularly powerful, especially since it has already recorded Poria, and the data contains Poria data. Scan it, a hundred meters in a radius, ahem, although it is much worse than a hundred miles in a radius, it's still better than their eyes, isn't it?

In the woods, they can see the place in front of them.

Just as Man Bao just came back from school, she glanced outside and said, "Fourth brother, let's go now, and then let my sister-in-law leave the dinner for us to come back later."

Thuro didn't have any objections, but, "Have you finished your homework?"

This is a big deal. If parents know that he takes Man Bao, who has not finished his homework, out to play, they will definitely beat him.

Man Bao said: "Mr. is very good today, there is no assignment to write, just let us endorse it."

Man Bao said confidently: "I can endorse it when I come back at night."

"Mother doesn't let you read under the oil lamp, it hurts your eyes, and Dad is so stingy, he must be reluctant to light the oil lamp."

Man Bao said: "It doesn't matter, I can already memorize it, but I'm not familiar with it, so I don't need to read books."

The big deal is to stuff the book into Keke and read it inside.

Thuro was persuaded.

So he stopped lying on his stomach, just got up and walked out with Man Bao.

All the family members went out, and some went to the paddy fields to release water, and after draining all the water in the fields, the rice could be harvested in about 20 days.

Some went to Xiaowan to serve the dishes there, while others went to turn over the compost heap.

Now their compost pile is ready, just waiting for it to ferment and rot, fearing that the temperature will be too high, they will turn it over after a while.

On the other hand, Wuwu Lang, who was younger, took a bunch of people to the field to catch insects for the chickens to eat.

Before, due to the flood, there were many insects in the fields. Because there were many chickens at home and there were enough people, Qian's simply asked them to collect all the insects they caught.

All the chickens can eat are eaten by them. If they can't eat them temporarily, they are boiled with water, then dried and put away. During this time, they are taken out one after another and accompanied by the leaves for the chickens to eat.

The effect is not bad, at least most of the hens maintain the trend of laying one egg a day.

But no matter how many worms and so many chickens, they will be eaten in about ten days, so the daily activities of catching worms have resumed at home.

Catching insects in the crops under the sun is not a good experience. At least Chuulang didn't want to go, so as soon as his father let him rest at home, he immediately pretended to be dead, and would rather risk the danger to go to the next door Dali Village to sow discord. , and do not want to do this light work.

But now he's alive and kicking again.

The two brothers and sisters didn't call anyone else, one carried a basket and the other carried a hoe to the entrance of the village.

Man Bao took his cloth bag and a bamboo tube of water. Of course, the water was placed in the back basket of Shizuo Lang.

Chuu Lang put the hoe on his left shoulder, his right hand tightly grabbed Man Bao's hand, and repeatedly urged, "You have to follow me, don't run around, you know? Like last time..."

"Last time you ran around and lost me."

"...Okay, but no matter what happens, you are not allowed to run around. If we get separated, you just squat and wait for me, you know?"

"What if the wolf came?"

"The wolves of the fart are here," Thursday Lang couldn't help but say, "How can there be wolves in the mountains?"

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