Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 281 Good face

"What's the matter?" Fang Dalang happened to come to the kitchen to look for his mother, and when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help saying: "Mother, that kid is just coaxing you, don't take the injury seriously, in fact, there is nothing, both Neither the bones nor the internal organs were injured, and the bruising disappeared after a while."

Fang Dalang is a big boy, and now he is a good goat slaughterer.

Not only does he want to kill sheep, he also has to catch sheep. Of course, because his father is still young and strong, his main task now is to catch sheep, so he is often injured.

The more you get hurt, the more experience you have. Just now, Thursday Lang was pulling clothes in the yard and Bo sympathized with him. He also saw it. To be honest, he just glanced at it and knew that the injury was not serious at all.

Serious injuries, generally can not come out from the old doctor's house.

But obviously Fang's mother didn't think so. She banged Fang Dalang with disgust, and said, "Can Shilang be the same as you? Look at his body. If it really breaks, who will your little sister rely on in the future?"

Fang Dalang: "...Mother, am I your son?"

Fang's mother ignored him.

When Fang Dalang returned to the house, he saw his wife walking out with the medicinal wine. When he saw him, he hurriedly gave him the medicinal wine and said, "Quick, I just found it, and sent it to my brother-in-law, and asked the little sister to wipe him off. God will be fine."

Fang Dalang: "Just a little injury..."

"Where is it small? I saw it just now. It's a big piece of green. I don't know how painful it is. You can send it quickly."

Fang Dalang had luck, and once again felt that there was really so much to gain by looking good.

You must know that from the beginning he didn't think much of Shirou last week.

Not only because I think the Zhou family is not worthy of the Fang family, but the most important thing is that Thursday Lang is a gangster, and he is also a gangster with a bad reputation.

But just because he looked good, his little sister fell in love with him, and just because he looked good, his mother agreed.

Fang Dalang looked at the medicinal wine in Mrs. Fang's hand, lucked out, and finally took it and sent it to Shiroulang.

Thurs Lang's injury is much heavier than Man Bao's. The most important thing is that Man Bao's hand has been replaced, and it doesn't hurt much now.

Churou's injury was at its worst.

So he was lying on the bed, he couldn't help groaning in pain, and he just talked to Man Bao, "Tell me about you, you can fall off the bed when you sleep alone, can't you take care of yourself? ?"

"Like me, I will only fall out of bed when the old five and the six sleep too domineeringly and kick me with their feet."

Man Bao was thinking about the bottle of medicinal wine. Of course, except for the smell of wine and medicine, she didn't smell anything.

She was just a little regretful, "I won't be able to wipe the medicinal wine for you until tomorrow, fourth brother, are you in pain?"

Thursday Lang snorted twice, but the pain was still within his tolerance.

Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be that painful. I remember that the meal he was beaten by his father because of gambling was even more painful.

And he couldn't lie down at that time, but the next day he was going to carry a hoe to the ground.

Thinking of this, Thuro was satisfied, and simply lay on the bed and fell asleep.

When Fang Dalang came over, Thursday was already lying on his pillow and fell asleep, and Manbao opened the door for him.

Fang Dalang looked down at the soft and round Man Bao, his voice was an octave lower, he glanced at the room, handed the medicinal wine to Man Bao, and whispered: "This is for your fourth brother, give it to him Rub it on, and it should be fine in two days."

Man Bao did not refuse, and after taking it, he smiled brightly at him, "Thank you, Brother Fang."

Fang Dalang: "...No thanks."

What if you want a daughter?

At this time, Mrs. Fang was also whispering to Mrs. Fang, "...The old doctor said that the days are not long, so I can't diagnose it. Let me come back in half a month."

Fang's mother was refreshed, "The old doctor said that, it means that you are inseparable, and it has been at least a month since you were pregnant, right?"

Fang Shi blushed and nodded.

Fang's mother was happy, "Okay, then I'm going to be a grandmother again."

After speaking, I felt a little regretful, and said in a low voice, "Your sister-in-law has not been pregnant yet..."

Mrs Fang said, "It didn't take long for my sister-in-law to enter the door, don't worry, mother."

How could there be no hurry, it has been more than a year since I entered the door.

But this is not in a hurry now, what is more urgent is, "The wheat in our field has turned yellow, your father thinks that he will start the sickle in two days, and your in-law's side will soon open the sickle, right? "

Mr. Fang gave a "hmm" and said, "It's just this period of time."

"Then you have to ask Shirou to tell your mother-in-law that you have a short life and can't do too heavy work."

Fang Shi smiled and said, "Mother, I know that my mother-in-law never let us do heavy work. It's okay to work like cutting wheat."

Fang mother also thought about it, how can people in the countryside have a complete rest?

But she still warned her again, "Don't take my words to heart, you must tell your mother-in-law and listen to your mother-in-law."

Fang Shi was a little hesitant. If this kind of thing is not certain, she will tell her mother-in-law. If it is not true, what will you do then?

The doctor didn't dare to say anything certain, and of course she didn't dare to say such a thing.

Fang's mother taught her, "Let Shiro speak."

Fang shi nodded hesitantly.

As a result, without waiting for their husband and wife to hint to her mother-in-law, Man Bao told Qian Shi everything was bald.

Because he thought that Man Bao had to go back to school early in the morning, he got up as soon as dawn on Thursday and led the two of them home without breakfast.

As soon as Man Bao got home, he went into the room to find his parents.

When Old Zhoutou and Qian Shi saw how excited she was, they knew that she was fine, and they greeted her with a normal expression. Then Old Zhoutou went out with his hands behind his back and gave their mothers room to whisper.

Qian Shi smiled and called her to his side, and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Man Bao explained yesterday's doctor's diagnosis one by one, including the old doctor's diagnosis of Shizuo Lang and Fang Shi, "Mother, the fourth sister-in-law is also pregnant, so don't I want to add two nephews this year?"

Qian Shi smiled and said, "Your fourth sister-in-law will have to wait until next year to give birth, but this is also a good thing. Adding a baby to your family is a big deal. Why don't you buy some meat when you come back today?"

"The fourth brother said that it was money given by his mother, so he shouldn't spend it indiscriminately, or he would be charged by his mother again."

"Nonsense," Qian said with an angry smile, "Is mother like that? Did he do something bad outside?"

Man Bao was refreshed, and immediately told the story of Thursday night in Fang's yard to sow discord in the Fang's yard.

Qian shi had anticipated it long ago, shook his head and said, "The fourth child's temper is never willing to suffer. But that's fine. It's better than directly carrying a hoe to fight someone."

"Hey, mother, are you not angry?"

"I'm not angry, what am I angry about? As long as your fourth brother doesn't go to fight with someone directly, or spread rumors to cause trouble, I'm not angry."

Man Bao thought about it.

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