Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2795 calm

There was nothing wrong with the princess, but it was cold, but she didn't seem to have a good appetite, so her face was tired and pale.

Man Bao didn't even need to prescribe medicine. Thinking that it's cold now and it's troublesome to take off his clothes and get needles, he simply said, "I'll give you a prescription for medicinal food."

She said: "The Imperial Physician's Office has pondered several medicated diet recipes, and I have memorized them all. Although there is also a medicinal smell, it is much weaker than drinking medicine. Drink some medicated soup, eat some medicated diet, and maintain your body for a long time. Well, people will be well."

It is best to be able to use food to cure diseases without needing needles and medicines. The princess nodded again and again, and the smile on her face became even more prosperous.

I often heard from people in the East Palace that Imperial Physician Zhou cared about people like a spring breeze. She had never had the opportunity to experience it before, but now she finally realized it.

Man Bao thought that he still had something to ask King Gong, so King Gong also felt her concern.

She smiled and turned to look at Prince Gong, and asked softly, "How is your body feeling recently, Your Highness?"

The flesh on Prince Gong's body trembled, and he looked at the other party with a wary expression, "Did the Crown Prince recommend you to come here?"

He once showed his favor to the prince and wanted to repair the relationship between the two, but it was not successful, and he was too lazy to please each other, so although the relationship between the brothers did not continue to deteriorate after he gave up the throne, it did not improve much.

He was a little suspicious that Zhou Man was sent by the prince, but what was the purpose?

He doesn't have the qualifications to compete for the throne now, so the prince still won't let him go?

Man Bao was still very gentle at this time, and said to King Gong, "It was the minister appointed by the empress."

She praised herself: "The niangniang thinks that the minister has good medical skills, has experience, and understands the old injuries and illnesses of His Highness, so she appointed the minister here."

King Gong was very suspicious. The mother and queen were always considerate. Even if they sent the lousy old man Liu Imperial Doctor, they would not send Zhou Man here, right?

He doesn't like Zhou Man.

It's just that among the many imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital, the one who has seen him the most and the longest seems to be really Zhou Man.

The main reason is that weight loss takes too long.

Prince Gong was still in doubt, but Man Bao had already stepped forward, "Your Highness, will the lower official give you a pulse?"

King Gong glanced at the princess, and slowly rolled up his sleeves. He wanted to stretch them out, not to mention Zhou Man and the princess. The little prince beside him felt uncomfortable. He waited for a while, but he couldn't hold back. He grabbed Prince Gong's hand and pulled it in front of Zhou Man. The two chubby hands were pulled together, and the little prince, who was only seven or eight years old, said with a serious face, "Father, you can't avoid the doctor."

King Gong:  …

The little prince raised his head and said to Zhou Man with a serious face: "There is a doctor who works for Zhou."

Man Bao's eyes were fixed on the white and plump face of the little prince, and then he looked at him the same way and said, "The little prince has changed a lot from before."

The princess was heartbroken when she heard the words: "Yes, he has eaten with His Royal Highness this year, and he has eaten a lot."

Her sweet and soft son...

Man Bao was stunned, and when he looked at Prince Gong again, the gentleness he had deliberately pretended to be lost earlier, "Your Highness, overeating is bad!"

King Gong felt that Zhou Man, whom he knew well, was back, rolled his eyes unceremoniously and said, "Is there no rice or meat in this king's house? Or is there no money?"

Man Bao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he put his hand on the pulse pillow to check the pulse, and after confirming that he was now more burdened, he checked his injured leg and asked, "Is it sore in the cold weather now?"

Although Prince Gong didn't like Zhou Man very much, he was rude to use her. She was a servant of his Li family, and was sent by his father and mother. Of course he used her, so he told the truth, "Sour ,pain."

He paused and said, "Especially when it snows at night, I feel that the cold air keeps digging into the cracks of the bones, which is sore and painful."

The princess added, "I can hardly sleep at night."

Man Bao turned his head and glanced at the white snow piled under the roots of the trees in the yard, squinting slightly, "When was the last time it snowed?"

"Just four days ago."

Man Bao nodded: "No wonder there is so much snow on our way here, and the official road is almost closed."

If it weren't for the snow, the speed would be even faster. After all, Luozhou was a fief that the emperor carefully selected for Prince Gong, and it was not very far from the capital.

It only took two days for the soldiers to rush and whip, and it only took five days for King Gong to walk slowly.

Man Bao asked calmly, "Is it snowing a lot in Luoyang this year?"

Both King Gong and Princess Wang thought that she asked about the weather for the purpose of healing. After all, she used to consult him as well. It was hot today, so she moved less and drank more water. hateful.

"A lot," the princess said truthfully, "Since the beginning of winter, it has been snowing at intervals, especially in November when it fell for three consecutive days, and the snow was heavy and crushed many houses. Heavenly Lord is very uncomfortable."

Man Bao was startled and quickly asked, "What about the entire Luozhou?"

Prince Gong squinted slightly and stopped the princess who was about to answer, "Is this king's leg still in charge of the entire Luozhou?"

Man Bao despised him, "The small environment is affected by the big environment, and the overall environment is cold. Could Luoyang be spared? If Luozhou is not cold, and Luoyang is a county, how cold can it be?"

King Gong was furious at her look, and said directly: "Don't mention the entire Luozhou, the entire Central Plains has been hit by frost this year."

He said: "This year, the drought started before the summer. It seems that all the rainwater is accumulated in the winter. As soon as the winter begins, it starts to snow, and when it snows, it becomes cold."

He touched his leg and gritted his teeth: "This king's leg hurts when it's cold."

Although King Gong is not in politics and doesn't care about things, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything. His fief is in Luozhou, so he still knows the situation in Luozhou.

Man Bao's hand was still on his veins, and he frowned and asked, "But the capital has not received any evidence of the frost disaster in Luozhou."

Prince Gong said in disbelief, "It's not very serious, Luozhou can still control it, so why bother to trouble the father?"

Man Bao glanced at him, withdrew his hand and said quietly, "Your Highness, it's time for you to lose weight."

When Prince Gong heard this, the fat on his body couldn't help shaking again, and he couldn't even control the expression on his face. He hated hearing this the most.

Man Bao's gaze had already fallen on Xiao Shizi from him, he showed a gentle smile, and said gently, "Little Shizi, you should lose weight too."

Xiang'er opened his mouth wide and immediately turned to look at his mother. The princess was tangled in her handkerchief, and finally said cruelly: "Xiang'er, listen to the doctor's words, how about we eat less in the future, how about reducing it by one?"

Xiao Shizi immediately burst into tears and turned to look at his father.

Prince Gong immediately said angrily: "How old is he, when he is growing up, eating more is a blessing, how can he lose weight?"

Man Bao said: "If he doesn't lose weight, he won't grow taller in the future."

She said, "He's only seven years old now. It's when he grows up. If he doesn't lose weight at this time, everything he eats will grow sideways. Do you think about what he will look like in ten years?"

The princess looked at Prince Gong and then at her son. After shaking a bit, she immediately said solemnly: "We will lose weight! We will lose weight tomorrow!"

Please let me know, the old book "Tongyang-Daughter's Peach and Plums Are All Over the World" is in violation of the three characters of "Tongyang-daughter", so the name was changed to "Rebirth: The Peach and Plums Are All Over the World". The female protagonist is Li Baolu, and the male protagonist is Gu Jingyun.

Also, see you at 6 pm

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