Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2794 arrive

Even the maid can be fast, even with the three carts of gifts and luggage behind them, they still rush to Luozhou very quickly.

In the morning, I set off before dawn, and occasionally rested in the middle, and changed horses at the post station.

Man Bao was ready to change horses from the very beginning, so he brought his Chi Ji and an official horse directly. When he arrived at the post station, he changed the official horse, and the two horses changed the riding. They arrived in Luoyang in three days.

It's just that when they got off the horse, their legs trembled a little, and even Man Bao walked a little out of the way. Fortunately, it was better if they turned around.

Man Bao looked up and glanced at the city gate of Luoyang, and said directly: "Go, find King Gong."

Apart from Zheng Gu, who had already been arrested, she was also an acquaintance of King Gong's family in Luozhou.

When the group entered the city and passed an inn, Man Bao turned his head to the shopkeeper Zheng Da and said, "You settle down here first and wait for me to inform you."

"it is good."

Man Bao took the group to Prince Gong's mansion.

King Gong heard that the angel was coming, and his parents brought him a lot of things. He was happy for a while, and immediately took his son's hand and led the princess out to receive the order with a smile on his face. As a result, when he arrived in the front yard, he saw that he was standing upright. Zhou Man's head looked around.

Prince Gong stopped for a while, and couldn't help but rubbed his eyes first, and then looked closely, it was still Zhou Man.

Prince Gong let go of his son's hand and turned to go back to the inner courtyard.

The princess quickly grabbed him, "My lord..."

Hearing the movement, Man Bao withdrew his gaze from the garden and looked at Prince Gong's family. With a big smile on his face, he folded his hands together and bowed in a salute, with great joy: "Xiaguan has seen Prince Gong, the princess and the little prince."

She said, "I have come to visit the lord and the princess at the behest of the goddess and phoenix."

The princess is also very familiar with Zhou Man. After all, in the second half of King Gong's weight loss and leg injury treatment, they met every now and then.

To be honest, if it weren't for the little disputes between Zhou Man and her husband, they would still be able to chat very well, of course, in private.

Princess Gong and Princess Changyu have a very good relationship, and even have a good impression of Zhou Man.

The princess pulled the stinky Prince Gong forward.

Even when he was in front of him, King Gong looked at Zhou Man in disbelief, "Are you an angel?"

Man Bao grinned, "Yeah, Prince Gong can obey the order."

A servant next to Zhou Man coughed lightly and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, quickly set up a case and accept the order."

King Gong then sent people to prepare the incense case.

The waiter then took out the yellow silk from a box, unfolded it, and read the decree.

The general idea is that the weather in Chang'an has been very cold recently. The emperor and the empress could feel the whistling cold wind when they lived in the Taiji Hall, and deeply felt that the life outside was not very good.

And I heard that Luozhou is colder than last year. You have an injury on your leg, do you feel any pain?

Your leg hurts, but Auntie and Auntie's heart hurts even more, and the pain is unbearable day and night, so I specially sent Zhou Man, a skilled doctor from the Taiyuan Hospital, to see you and hope that you can take good care of yourself.

You're good, your father and mother will be fine.

I don't know if the medicinal materials are complete, so I have attached some medicinal supplements. The list is as follows.

The waiter began to read the list.

It is said to be a medicinal tonic, but the things the emperor took from his own storehouse included not only pearls and jade, but also a box of precious and unique calligraphy and paintings.

Anyway, Man Bao sounds very jealous, the emperor is really rich.

The waiter finished reading the gift list until his mouth was dry, and then handed a roll of yellow silk to King Gong, and everyone looked at him together.

King Gong looked at Zhou Man, and then looked at Zhou Man, although he really wanted to drive people out, but he didn't have the courage.

If he dares to drive people out, the front foot will drive him out, and the imperial censor in the capital will spray him to death on the back foot, so he can only hold back his breath and look at the princess, gritted his teeth: "The princess will arrange it."

The princess smiled and said to everyone: "The guest house has been arranged for you, come here, bring Master Zhou and all of you to the guest house to rest."

Man Bao and his party followed the steward of the palace to the guest house.

Because Zhou Man was a female guest, he lived in a different place from them. It was on the other side of the guest house, closer to the inner courtyard, and in a separate courtyard, Xibing lived with her.

Daji also wanted to follow, causing the steward of the palace to look over and over again.

Man Bao just didn't understand what he meant, and when he saw the hesitant expression on his face, he was about to open his mouth and said: "He is the one who took me with me since I was a child, just let him live in the same yard with me, there is no need for additional arrangements. ."

This is what the manager should do.

Man Bao took a look at the main room of the guest house, and it was still very nice, big enough, fresh and clean.

The servants sent by the palace swiftly helped them move their luggage in, and they were about to unpack them and were quickly stopped by the cakes. She said, "I will arrange these."

Xibing took out a handful of copper coins and stuffed them with a smile, "My family has been exhausted all the way, and I asked my sisters to help me make some hot water to freshen up."

The maid of the palace took the money and said with a smile, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say."

Go down and get them hot water.

Man Bao has not washed her hair and showered for three days, and has been on her way again. The dust on the road is flying all over the sky, and her body is dirty. Not only did she take a bath, but she also washed her head, and then sat on the couch and let the cake wipe her hair.

She counted the time by herself, "Are the people from Dali Temple still on the way?"

In fact, they set off on the same day as Imperial Physician Lu of Dali Temple and others, but they were faster.

Xibing asserted: "It will take at least a day for them to arrive."

Man Bao yawned and said to Xibing, "You also go to wash up. Let's rest today, and then start working when we have enough energy."

Xibing asked in a low voice, "Sir, the servants of the palace are guarding outside. Will it be inconvenient for us to live in the palace?"

After thinking about it, Man Bao said, "It's more convenient to live in the palace. It's all right. I'll borrow Prince Gong's prestige when I look back. I'll beg him later."

Xibing always felt that what the lord said to beg him was to talk to him, but didn't everyone in the family say that the relationship between the lord and Prince Gong was not very good?

Man Bao leaned on the bed and took a nap. After recovering his energy, he dressed up and went to see King Gong's family in a good mood.

When King Gong saw her, he snorted and turned his head to the side.

The princess raised a smile and asked: "Master Zhou is still used to living? If there is anything missing, tell me, and I will ask the servants to buy it for you."

Man Bao smiled and said: "It's good, the things inside are very complete, and there is nothing to add to the lower official."

She also greeted the princess warmly, "Is the princess doing well? I see that your face is a little tired. Would you like to go down and show it to you?"

The princess was naturally willing, and immediately sat down and stretched out her wrist.

Man Bao looked back slightly, and Xibing immediately came up with the medicine box.

Man Bao opened the medicine box and took out the pulse pillow to consult the princess.

Seeing that they could chat so well without his participation, King Gong couldn't help but snorted in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at the two of them.

See you tomorrow

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