Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 239 Condolences

When Bai Shanbao heard Man Bao's voice coming from the room, he knew he was right, so he left Daji and his servants and ran inside.

The village chief was talking to Man Bao. Zhou Dazhu was seriously injured and belonged to the category of serious injuries. Moreover, his father was the village chief. The first one that Old Zhou Tou took Man Bao to was his house.

After talking for a while, Bai Shanbao ran over before his butt was hot.

The village chief quickly got up and greeted him, "Why is the young master here?"

I'm here to find Man Bao to play!

Of course you can't say that. Bai Shanbao said solemnly, "I've been asked by my grandmother to take a look at the wounded. Are they all okay? Has the injury worsened?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I saw the doctor last night, and the medicine you brought from your family is also very effective."

The village chief was busy inviting everyone into the house to speak.

Although Bai Shanbao was a child, no one in the village dared to look down on him, just like the village would not really treat Bai Erlang as an ordinary child.

Madam Liu and Daji brought people in.

She pushed a large box of money to the village chief and said: "Our old lady heard that a lot of people were injured last night, and she felt very sorry, so we brought some money, and each injured person will give two hundred Wen, we don't know exactly who was injured, so we also asked the village chief for help."

The village chief was startled and waved his hand quickly and said, "This is impossible, how can the old lady pay for it? She doesn't want to do this."

"Our old lady said that she brought people in, so she naturally has a responsibility. I also ask the village chief not to refuse, you will lead us the way, and I will apologize on behalf of the old lady."

After all, she opened the box, which was full of strings of copper plates.

She took two strings for the village chief, and said, "I heard that the big man in your family was also injured. This is for him."

"I can't, I can't..." The village chief quickly looked at Old Zhoutou.

The old Zhoutou looked even more bitter, and helped push the money back, "People got into a quarrel at my house, and we should be responsible for these things. The old lady is too polite."

"Yes, yes, it's all from the villagers, so it's just a matter of helping hands."

When Uncle Jin sent the money, the village chief could accept it even if he refused. After all, everyone didn't say it, but they knew in their hearts why the conflict started.

But it would be a shame to accept the money from the Bai family.

Seeing that they were unwilling to accept it, Madam Liu stood up and said, "Since the village chief is unwilling, then we can only find the injured person by ourselves."

After that, he pushed the two strings of money to him, and left with the box.

Seeing this, the village chief could only catch up, "Don't stop, forget it, I'll take you there."

He turned to look at Lao Zhou.

Old Zhou Tou sighed, "I'll take you there, it just so happens that I'm going to send them something too."

Old Zhou Tou looked at all the seriously wounded, and gave them 200 wen and a basket of Mijia eggs. The Bai family always gave 200 wen.

Old Zhoutou was used to staying at home to talk, so the time was delayed for a long time. When they returned home after watching the seriously wounded, they had already completed their tasks on Tuesday.

The old Zhoutou asked Madam Liu, "Other families suffered relatively minor injuries, are you still going?"

Madam Liu smiled, "Of course I'm going, and I also ask my father-in-law to help lead the way."

The old Zhou nodded and continued to lead them with Man Bao. The Zhou family had just sent the money, and then brought the Bai family to give the money, which made the injured family feel a little embarrassed.

Before leaving, Lao Zhoutou, as usual, asked Man Bao to bow down and thank him.

Man Bao didn't think there was anything, so he raised his hand and bowed down. Those who were higher in seniority than her would also suffer, and those of the same generation were nothing, but the worry was that those who were younger than her would have to jump with injuries when receiving the salute. to the side dodge.

Bai Shanbao looked very curious, and asked Manbao quietly, "Why do you have to salute every family?"

"Thank you for my father." Man Bao said: "My father is old, his legs are not good, his waist is not good, and his seniority is too high. Of course, I have to do this kind of salute."

Old Zhou Tou, who accidentally heard them talking:  …

Mama Liu and Daji flashed smiles in their eyes, and walked ahead with a smile.

Bai Shanbao still has doubts in his heart, shouldn't it be her brothers who are better?

No matter how bad it is, there is still a big head.

But he didn't ask, vaguely, he seemed to think this question was not a good question.

It is not difficult to walk through the eighteen houses. As soon as they arrive at each house for breakfast, they are finished, and Madam Liu has to return to her life.

Bai Shanbao wanted to play with Manbao, so he didn't leave, and Daji stayed by his side.

Old Zhou Tou thought that he would have to go to Bai's house to discuss the three people's affairs, so after eating too early, he went to the village chief with his hands behind his back.

Man Bao took time to take Bai Shanbao to see her room, pointed to the roof with the skylight open, and said happily: "Look, there is a big hole in my roof, I can see the stars and the moon when I lie in bed at night, and during the day You don't even need to take the quilt out to dry it."

Bai Shanbao was a little envious, "Are the stars good-looking?"


"If only my roof leaked."

Thurou:  …

He put down the thatch and asked, "Then do you still want to repair your roof?"

Man Bao saw that he was carrying the dried thatch, and was not happy, "Just use this to repair?"

"What do you think, the tiles have to be bought in the county town. My mother said that I have to save some money for emergencies, so I cover it with thatch first, and then buy the tiles to replace after the autumn harvest."

After the autumn harvest, the results of the harvest, taxes, etc. are all out, and it is clear at a glance whether the family has money or not.

Man Bao rolled his eyes, looked up at the clear sky, and waved his little hand: "I won't repair it for the time being, it will definitely not rain today."

On Thursday, Lang took the thatch to his side, intending to tie it up and put it on it.

Their family seldom collects thatch, and some time ago, due to the heavy rain, everyone changed the thatch frequently, which caused the price of thatch to rise.

The thatch in the ground has been cut.

These are still borrowed from people in the village, and they will return it after cutting the thatch and drying it.

But borrowing it like this wasn't enough, so I thought about Xiu with Man Bao and a few children. Since she didn't want it, he wanted it.

He didn't want to sleep with his head on the skylight, and neither did his wife.

It was the first time Bai Shanbao saw weaving thatch, and he stepped forward to look curiously.

When Thursday Lang saw it, he smoked some thatch, his fingers quickly flipped, and he quickly made a grasshopper for him.

Bai Shanbao let out a wow.

With a smile on Thursday, Lang made one for Man Bao, and said with a smile, "Go play, the house is in a mess, just don't run too far."

The Zhou family was a little chaotic. It was very late yesterday. The tables, chairs, tableware, etc. were not cleaned up. There were also stones, soil and tiles that fell from the fight, all piled up in the yard.

On Tuesday, Lang is leading people to choose tiles that can be used, and they can repair a little bit, and make the best use of everything.

Bai Shanbao invited Man Bao to his house, "Go to my house to read, and isn't your father at my house?"

He whispered again: "The kitchen made glutinous rice cakes today."

Man Bao swallowed and nodded fiercely, "Wait for me, I'll go get the book and bag."

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