Just as she was about to put all the money together, Qian paused when she heard the words. She frowned and thought about it. After looking at the private money handed in by Zhou Dalang, she reached out and took the same amount from Wuwulang and Saturdaylang. The rest were returned to the two of them, and said, "Keep it for yourself, the family is difficult, and you can't put all the money together. The fifth is right. When you say kiss, if the family has money, naturally It will be paid to you. If you don’t have any money, you should use your own savings to pay for it, and then return it to you when you have it. So you still have to have your own savings.”

She said: "Your eldest brother, second brother and third brother get married with money from your family. Your fourth brother used your eldest sister's money to get a wife. This money will also be returned by our father-in-law. In the future, you will naturally pay for your daughter-in-law. money."

"There are many children at home, it's really difficult to have a bowl of water to level, but I will try to level it."

Wu Wulang was a little embarrassed and said, "Mother, we don't have to say kiss now anyway, let's give the family an emergency first."

Qian shook his head, "It's almost enough, you just need to count the same number as your eldest brother. Speaking of which, you are still at a disadvantage."

Since the old five and the six have done this, of course Qian couldn't take all of Zhou Xi's money, she only took the same amount as Zhou Dalang, and returned the rest, "You are Gui Ning's daughter, you have the money in your hands. Always have some money."

With the money that Thursday Lang took out, Qian Shi only took the copper plates, and took the rest back to him, saying, "I don't need your sister-in-law's dowry, let alone your daughter-in-law's dowry, take it back."

The money that Thursday Lang handed in was the least, but he didn't go out to earn much money in the past six months, so Qian Shi said to him, "You also have snacks, and look at your brothers and sisters."

Shirou bowed his head in shame.

Man Bao didn't have a lot of money, but Qian didn't take all of it. He grabbed a handful for her and let her save it to buy food for herself, and only accept the rest.

The Qian family called Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Man Bao to the front, and sorted out the money together. Everyone's money was originally a string of one hundred and one strings. Count them together and continue to string together.

Then Qian looked at the statistics from last night.

They don't know how to write, but they have their own way of counting.

Qian said: "There are eighteen injuries in total. If the injury is minor, it will be almost 50 wen. If it is heavier, it should be given 100 wen. Like Da Liang and Da Gu, who were kicked not lightly, they opened again. Mouth, at least two hundred wen..."

She asked Man Bao to write it down one by one, and then calculated the next total.

A total of 2,350 yuan was needed, Qian Shi breathed a sigh of relief, the money was enough.

After calculating the money, she called her sons and daughters-in-law over and began to assign tasks.

Zhou Dalang was seriously injured and could not go out. The others, Lao Zhoutou took Manbao and Qian to see the most seriously injured, Tuesday and Saturday took money to see the injured who were not particularly serious, and Wednesday Lang and Friday Lang went to see the group of people who were the least injured.

"Although you bring money, you can't come to the door empty-handed," Qian asked Xiao Qian, "Do you still have eggs at home?"

"Picked eleven from the chicken coop this morning."

"It's too little, it's not enough," Qian took out the scattered copper coins in the money box, counted seventy coins, and took two more strings of money to Feng, He and Fang, and said, "You guys Go for a walk in the village, and visit every household to see if anyone has eggs, buy them back, and this is one hundred and eighty dollars."

There may not be so many eggs in the whole village, so Qian said, "Buy as many as you have."

The three daughters-in-law responded and went out quickly.

Mrs Qian asked Xiao Qian to find some baskets and said, "Put two catties of rice on each basket and divide them into eighteen baskets. Some things are hard to say, but we have to understand in our hearts that they are suffering for us. If you are hurt, you should be thankful, you should also follow the proper etiquette, not to mention the kindness in it, it is from the villagers, and these should also be."

Little Qian responded in a low voice.

Qian said softly, "You don't have to worry about the boss, since the doctor said it doesn't matter, you should be fine. You should be more careful these days and take three days of medicine. If it still hurts, go to the county town to take a look. As you can see, there is still money left at home."

Xiao Qian responded with a choked sob. Last night, Zhou Dalang was so sore that he couldn't sleep, but it wasn't his back pain.

It was the back. I didn't think there was anything before, but after a long time, the bruises and bruises from the back became obvious. He didn't lie down or lie down.

He couldn't sleep because of the pain, and Xiao Qian couldn't sleep either.

Mrs. Qian quickly took out the good rice at home, and each basket contained two tubes of rice, so it was only the old Zhou family who could take out eighteen baskets in one go. from.

Therefore, the visit has to go from house to house.

Summer is the season when hens love to lay eggs, especially recently everyone is catching insects and snails in the fields.

Of course, the caught worms and snails are not thrown away like this. Most people will take them back to chickens and ducks to eat. The worms are directly thrown to them to eat. I like to lay eggs.

Especially the chickens of the old Zhou family, Xiao Qian's family is well-raised, most hens like to lay two eggs in three days, and very few can even lay two eggs a day.

So Feng shi waited for a while, and really bought all the eggs.

They were carefully packed in three large baskets and brought back, and then everyone divided the eggs into small baskets and placed them on the rice.

Put ten in a basket, not a lot, just to express my feelings.

Then everyone took the baskets and went out, and even the big donkey family next door was not very close to them.

Because the big donkey was hit by the three scabbards on the arm, the bones were not broken, but the bruises were severe, the old doctor gave him medicinal wine to wipe, and also prescribed two medicines to reduce the swelling.

Because of the proximity, Wednesday Lang and Friday Lang went to see their house first.

People brought things with money, and even Mrs. Zhang couldn't help herself. She sent people away with a smile, and when she turned around, she asked the big donkey for the fifty pennies.

The big donkey hurriedly looked at his father.

His father lifted his eyelids and glanced at her, and said, "You also learn from others."

Zhang Shi was not happy anymore, pinched his waist and said, "Who do I learn from?"

"Who do you want to learn? Who do you say you want to learn? This money is given to the big donkey to see a doctor. What do you use it for?"

"It just swelled up a bit, put cold water on it, and then go back and put hot water on it. What kind of medicine should I take?"

"This is your son. The doctor has prescribed medicine."

"Isn't that already taken two pairs, that medicine is also paid by their family, and two pairs are almost the same."

He didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he said directly to his son: "You keep the money yourself. If the medicine is not good after taking the medicine, go to the Daji to find a doctor for another two days of medicine."

The big donkey happily responded and stuffed the money into his arms.

Zhang Shi was so angry that he fell to his knees.

Today is the birthday of the book friend "Ask Qiandu in the depths of the peach blossom", I wish her a happy birthday, because today is all on the shelves, so the one for her will be put on tomorrow

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