Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2320 sincerity

Bai Shan also regretted that Jie Yan was not here. He and Man Bao said, "If we have someone like Jie Yan in our hands, we can do even more things."

Some people don't need to be very smart, as long as the force value is high enough. In the hands of those who know how to use it, it is a weapon of magic.

Man Bao asked: "Are you going to use Jin Kuian? He has rebellion and is not on good terms with us. What if he rebels halfway? It's too dangerous."

Bai Shandao: "The risk is high, but he is really easy to use. Doesn't he want to unravel the burning treasure? It can be seen that he is a lover of money. I can hang him with gold and silver objects first."

This is not difficult, General Guo has so many good things. Bai Shan doesn't feel heartbroken when he uses the other party's things.

Bai Shan turned his head to look at her and said softly, "The letter has been sent to the royal city. General Li can't find anyone suitable to enter the city. I may have to go in there."

General Ashina took away most of the people, including the civil servants who were arrogant. Because he thought that the king's city had been captured, General Guo only needed to clean up the mess and defend the king's city at the back. Just take the city back.

King Qiuci can defend the city for forty days, and General Guo is better at defending the city, and he will definitely be able to defend it longer than him.

Who would have thought that General Guo would lose the city before the mess was sorted out?

So at that time, General Ashina left behind the defenders and tools, and left with the rest.

Man Bao has not just treated people for the past two days. She occasionally talked to the wounded soldiers and knew the truth. She didn't stop Bai Shan, she only said, "You have to take care."

Bai Shan nodded.

After Man Bao finished speaking, he felt that such a sentence was not good, so he asked, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Bai Shan immediately said: "If the medical bills can go away, it is naturally the best for us to go together."

Man Bao: "I thought you would persuade me that it was too dangerous not to go."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "I didn't intend to invite you together, but if I add Jin Kuian, I will be more sure."

He said: "And you have Uncle Zhou by your side. If you go together, the plan will only be smoother."

Man Bao also felt that it was better for him to go, because Keke was very useful in wars.

"How do I get to?"

Bai Shan pondered, "Pretend to be a soldier?"

She obviously can't use her own identity to go, an imperial doctor went to Wangcheng to be the messenger of peace talks?

I'm afraid that King Qiuci didn't doubt it at first, but now he will doubt it.


Bai Shan rolled his eyes, and another thought came to his mind, "It's not impossible, just say you went to the city to ask for medicine."

"What medicine do you want?"

Bai Shan smiled and said, "General Guo surrendered to Qiuci. There must always be an excuse. Originally, I thought about the crime of losing the city, but now that I think about it, there is a better reason than the crime of losing the city."

Man Bao: "Ask for medicine?"

Bai Shan nodded, "You think about the good medicine for wounds in Qiuci City. After entering, you will ask for medicine, and you will say that it is for General Guo."

Man Bao pondered, "I think the best medicine for wounding is Panax notoginseng, but the position of General Guo's arrows is not good, but we can ask them for some precious medicinal materials for qi and life protection. should have."

Such as ginseng or something, it is a holy product for qi.

Bai Shan urged her, "Hurry up and write down the list. Write down what is precious. You are not afraid that they will not have it. As long as they believe that we want something and are eager to ask for something, it will be fine."

Man Bao ran back to write the list.

The person who sent the letter into the city brought back the news that King Qiuci was willing to meet General Guo’s envoy, but there were not many people allowed to bring them in, at most twenty.

At the same time, more and more people were sent to watch them in Wangcheng, but because of the checkpoint, they couldn't get close to them, so they couldn't find out the news in the camp.

But they walked around the camp, and when they came back, they told King Qiuci: "They suffered heavy casualties, the camp smelled of medicine, and when I climbed high, there were many wounded soldiers lying in the open space of the camp, and they couldn't even fit their tents. ."

He added: "There is a bloody smell in the lower reaches of the river, all of which flowed down from the upper reaches. Obviously, many people were seriously injured."

The King of Qiuci was overjoyed, and the Western Turks on the side rolled their eyes and suggested that the King of Qiuci send troops and kill them directly.

King Qiuci looked at his spies and laughed with the Turkic general: "Since they are willing to submit to this king, why not give them a chance? There is no rush."

He turned his back and asked a spy to come over to speak, and asked, "The person who came to deliver the letter of begging for peace really said that as long as I agree, Guo Xiao will return the things he robbed from the palace?"

The spy said: "It is said that he will return the things he has in his hands, but he has to ask the king for something."

King Qiuci sneered, "It's nothing more than a high-ranking official and a rich salary. As long as he is loyal, this king will return to him."

The Western Turks took action, not to mention that they would ask them for food, grass, gold and silver. When they attacked Guo Xiao's camp, whether the gold and silver jewelry stolen by Guo Xiao would go back to their palace or go into the pockets of the Western Turks is uncertain. .

Therefore, King Qiuci did not want to use Western Turks.

Especially in the past two days, they were aggressive, causing trouble in the city every day. Not only ordinary people, but even those confidant officials under him were quite dissatisfied.

King Qiuci said: "Send a message to them and ask them to send envoys to discuss with them tomorrow."

If he meant something, he said: "This king wants to see their sincerity."

The spies responded and passed the news to the Jin camp.

In the camp, Man Bao was directing the wounded soldiers to get out of the tent to bask in the sun.

It is cold in the morning and evening, and there is a little sun at noon. Some soldiers with minor injuries can go out to bask in the sun, which is more conducive to physical and mental health.

After receiving the news from King Qiuci, General Li turned around in a hurry, looking for them and said: "There is no news about the army, if they enter the city tomorrow, I am afraid that the strategy will not work."

Bai Shandao: "This is the fourth day. No surprises, they should catch up with the army. We will try to delay the time when we enter the city. Once the army arrives, we will attack the city immediately. At that time, we should cooperate inside and outside..."

"But how can we pass the news to you?" General Li said: "The Zuo Cheng family who advocated opening the city gate for us have all been imprisoned, and our staff in the city can't be contacted at all."

It's possible for Bai Shan and the others to contact them after they go in, but they still can't contact the outside world, so...

If you can't get the news from the outside, how should you cooperate with the outside world?

Bai Shan smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to worry about General Li, we have our own way to get news from outside, just one point, after the army arrives, you must put up a flag in the camp..."

Although Man Bao didn't say it clearly, he knew from a few words that if Uncle Zhou appeared in this world now, he could only leave her eighty miles away.

Qiuci City is not small. If they are on the other side of the city gate, they can only get news from the camp here at most, and they may not be able to go further.

Bai Shan discussed this matter with General Li in detail. The two sides considered various situations. In the end, General Li had two boxes of treasures brought up. They were all shiny gold, silver and jewelry, which were very valuable at first sight.

This is the sincerity brought by Bai Shan.

Five degrees today, my God, I can't wait to grow in bed.

See you at 6 pm

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