Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2319 Persuasion

Bai Shan stretched out his hand to pick up the two pieces, but he only frowned. He didn't blame Ergo, but turned to look at Jin Kuian and said, "The letter was torn. It seems that General Jin can only pass by naked."

Jin Kuian, who didn't quite believe that there would be a letter from General Guo, saw Bai Shan's expression, and immediately believed it.

He was furious, raised his knife and pointed at Ergo, "You betrayed me!"

Erge said with a stern face: "Jin Kuian, do you really think that there will be a good end for you to join Qiuci? Our Tiele people worked hard under the Turks back then. They wanted to mine, they wanted cattle and sheep, they wanted forwards, our Tiele team People can't say a word of no, otherwise it will be a big no."

"But in the eyes of the Western Turks, our Tiele people are still from the Eastern Turks. They have enemies on both sides. What can you do in the past?" Erge said: "General Guo has a great favor for us, and he did not kill us. , and Tian Khan is tolerant, employers never care about people's identities, is there a better place than in Dajin?"

Bai Shan also sighed and said, "Jin Kuian, I don't like you very much. At that time, I had a lot of hands in your hands. Erge came to report that you wanted to escape. If you want me to say, you can escape, and then wait. General Shi Na leads the army back, and you will look good."

He said, "No matter how brave and powerful you are, there is only one person. I don't believe that General Ashina's army of thousands cannot defeat you alone."

Bai Shan said with a sneer, "Didn't you Xue Yantuo be flattened by General Ashina?"

Jin Kuian blushed and roared, "It wasn't him, Ashina was just a defeated general under our khan, and our khan was defeated by your emperor and Li Zhen."

At that time, General Ashina was indeed listening to the propaganda under Li Shangshu. Bai Shan asked after a pause, "Can you match General Ashina's army?"

Jin Kuian blushed and did not speak.

Bai Shan smiled and said: "Jin Kuian, if you want to use people, there is no one in the world that can match our emperor. Now, the vassals in my court can lead troops including General Ashina, General Sili and Qi. General Bi, you are in another country, with different surnames and races, who would dare to bring soldiers to you?"

Jin Kuian did not speak.

Bai Shan continued: "General Qi Bi is a member of your Tiele clan, and he was even a khan of your Tiele clan..."

Erge, who was behind Bai Shan, lowered his eyes to hide the sarcasm in his eyes. Although they were both from the Tiele tribe, they belonged to different groups.

But for Jin Kuian, the Khan of the Tiele Department was an unattainable existence, because he was just a slave.

It was because General Bazhuo valued him that he was promoted.

Jin Kui hesitated for a while, before saying: "You are going to lose, General Guo is seriously injured, once the way back is cut off..."

Bai Shan said confidently: "We made arrangements as early as the night of the rebellion in Wangcheng, and now we have a plan, but it will only be delayed for a few days."

He said, "Jin Kuian, do you think we will stay here and wait to die after the defeat?"

Jin Kuian stared at them, "Are you going to run away?"

Bai Shan smiled slightly and said, "Our group is not a member of the military. Even if we escaped, no one will ask the guilt when we return to the imperial court."

He said: "I am a nobleman, Zhou Man is the imperial physician in the palace, my junior brother is His Majesty's concubine, and Liu Huan is the grandson of the Minister of the Household. Do you think we people will not run away when we see defeat?"

General Meng couldn't help but look sideways.

Bai Shan said confidently: "The identities of the few of us are no less than that of Qiuci. General Guo is afraid that he would rather give up Qiuci to keep us away, and we are not leaving now because we have a plan."

Jin Kuian hesitated even more, but he was not stupid to the end. He clenched the knife in his hand and asked, "If you are so confident, why are you chasing me?"

Bai Shan sighed and said, "Naturally, it's for the sake of forming a good relationship. I said early in the morning that General Guo cherishes talents and does not want you to have an accident after Qiuci. We will recover Qiuci afterward, and General Jin will just come back."

He glanced at the shredded paper on the ground regretfully, "It's a pity that the letter was torn."

Ergo said at the right time: "Jin Kuian, for the sake of reading the same book and being a comrade, I warn you that staying in the camp and sharing weal and woe with the general is completely different from rejoining the army after being recovered. ."

General Meng sneered and pointed forward with the long spear in his hand: "I despise this kind of rebels the most."

Bai Shan:  …


Jin Kuian was furious, and when Bai Shan was trying to find something to cover up, Jin Kuian roared, "Who said I was going to betray the camp?"

He made a random excuse and said, "I'm going to Wangcheng to find out the news!"

Bai Shan: ... a good excuse.

Bai Shan immediately said: "Just right, we are also going to Wangcheng for a walk, why don't we go together?"

Jin Kuian looked at him suspiciously.

Bai Shan smiled at him, "General Jin, don't say that I only brought so few people here, even three times as many, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop you, and I'm heading towards Wangcheng again, what are you afraid of? "

Jin Kuian sneered, "Who said I was afraid?"

He is a master of art and bold, and he is really not afraid.

Bai Shan nodded to Little General Meng, and Little General Meng let the checkpoint open the way, and the group passed three checkpoints smoothly and arrived not far from the gate of Wangcheng.

Everyone looked at the city gate from a distance, not too close.

No way, there are archers on the city gate, and they don't really want to die before they get out of school.

Jin Kuian didn't take the opportunity to lead someone to rush over to surrender. Bai Shan glanced at him slightly and asked with a smile, "General Jin, if you are caught in the city, how sure are you to rush out?"

Jin Kuian said: "I have fallen once."

It was only then that Bai Shan remembered that he was a striker before, and he rushed into the city behind General Guo and his son. Except for General Guo and his son and his personal soldiers, their group was the most dangerous.

Bai Shan looked at Jin Kuian up and down, and recalled it again. He was sure that he didn't see him when he was dispatching wounded soldiers, and he didn't even see him on the list of the wounded medicine. It seems that his martial arts are really strong and he was not injured at all. by.

It can also be seen that he was not too dedicated. When he exited the city gate, the former army changed into the latter army. General Guo and his son stayed at the back, and he was not far ahead.

Bai Shan pursed his lips and praised: "General Jin is brave, but we can involve General Jin in the strategy we planned."

General Meng couldn't help but look at him. Isn't their tentative plan just to delay time? What else is there to plan?

Bai Shan didn't say what the plot was, but with this big bone and reason, they wandered around the Wangcheng and successfully brought back Jin Kuian and his party who wanted to defect.

Back at the barracks, Bai Shan and others seemed to completely believe what Jin Kuian said. They didn't flee the camp, but went to find out the news.

He took Jin Kuian directly to see General Li, who was a little restless, and said with a smile, "General Li is now the chief of the army. General Guo is seriously injured, and he wakes up from time to time in a drowsiness. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you now, what will happen to you in the future? You can go to General Li directly, General Guo values ​​you, and General Li will give you three points of thin noodles."

General Li: ... General Guo commented on Jin Kuian, saying that he is brave and cruel, and he can be used as a striker, but not in command.

Ergo is resourceful, but his character cannot be seen, so he only wants to be polished in the army, and it depends on his performance in the end.

Why did Bai Shan care about each other here?

But it is indeed important. General Guo originally wanted to keep Jin Kuian in front of the army as a forward for life, and he was very powerful in killing people.

See you tomorrow, Xiuxian asks for leave tonight and makes up for it tomorrow

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