Mianzhou County is located in Brazil, where a large number of officials and squires and local tyrants are gathering at this time. When Master Bai arrived, it was already evening.

Instead of going to an inn, he went to a friend and stayed at a friend's house.

There is a high probability that the landlord's friend is also the landlord. As a local landlord, the other party's news is much better than that of Master Bai who came from Qili Village.

He was very happy, and Le Haha let the people prepare wine and dishes, and said to Master Bai, "I don't know if it's luck given by God this time, or it's intentional, but we are all beneficiaries and it's worth celebrating. Come on, let's not get drunk tonight."

Master Bai had a cup of tea with him and asked, "Why did Master Wei think of coming to our Mianzhou?"

Mianzhou is not the main disaster area. He is so busy with disaster relief that he should not come to them.

After drinking a sip of wine, the friend said with a smile: "It was said that when Master Wei went out to relieve the disaster, he met two victims who were squatting on the roadside and talked about the incident in Mianzhou. They went out from Mianzhou. Master Wei heard that there are also people here. Many people were affected by the disaster, so they made an impromptu decision to come here."

He lowered his voice and said with a smile: "But I always think this is too coincidental, maybe it's someone who has a will."

Master Bai first thought of Magistrate Fu, but he didn't dare to say, "I don't know who it is?"

"Who knows? Maybe he is a person who is dedicated to the people, but he is not our governor anyway." His friend leaned on the chair, he was more used to sitting cross-legged, and Bai Li was not an outsider, so he just sat up cross-legged and said. : "He has just arrived in his second year. If there is no accident, I am afraid that he will have to stay here for four years. You don't know, as soon as the flood hit, he interviewed us, and several companies in Brazil have donated several times one after another. Now, you need more donations at a time than at one time."

Speaking of this, he was full of resentment and said, "I have donated five times so far."

Master Bai was startled, "So much?"

"Our prefect is still too little. We jointly suggested that he should write a letter to reduce or exempt some taxes. I dare not say that it will be exempted completely, at least pay less. Guess what?"

Master Bai shook his head.

"He opened his eyes and said nonsense, saying that the situation in Mianzhou is good, and we should not compete with the people of other prefectures and counties for profit. After all, these money and food are nothing to us, but it is a life-saving thing for the disaster victims outside. , Hmph, he looks kind, but he calls us heinous." The friend said, "Yes, these money and food won't hurt people like us, but our clan has been here for generations, who's family? No poor relatives?"

"The disaster in Mianzhou this time is no worse than the outside world. Except for some casualties, most people's houses have been saved, but the most important thing is that the crops in the fields have not been saved." He said: "If the tax is reduced or exempted, everyone will tighten This year will be over as soon as the waistband is boiled, but if he does not reduce it, the autumn tax alone can crush people to death. Originally, the flood did not die, but it was caused by man-made disasters. They want to push Mianzhou into a desperate situation. "

"Hey, it's not as serious as you said. At this time, the court is staring at Jiannan Road. He dares to kill the people like this. Before we move, the court can't spare him."


"So it's settled?"

"Not yet, Mr. Wei just arrived in Brazil yesterday, and he went out for inspection with others today. He may go to other counties tomorrow to see the situation. Will you come with me?"

Mr. Bai always felt that it was too easy for Mr. Wei to come here, and wanted to follow along to see the situation, so he nodded.

The friend laughed and said, "Then let's go together. By the way, how is the situation in your Luojiang County?"

"Listen to what you said, in terms of the disaster, our place is more serious than yours, but the magistrate Fu is willing to work hard, not only the refugees who entered the city are comforted, but the people whose houses collapsed also received subsidies, and people's hearts fell. It's more uniform and optimistic than you are here."

The friend was curious, "How much food did you donate?"

"Not much, just two times. The first time I gave to the victims, I only donated three dans, the second time I donated 12 dans, basically all of them were distributed to the most severely affected people in Qili Village and Dali Village. villagers."

Zuo Yanming was even more surprised, "Isn't it, your county magistrate didn't hold back at all?"

Master Bai smiled and shook his head.

Zuo Yanming was amazed, "No, I remember your magistrate Fu also loves money, ahem, although he won't squeeze the people, but it's unreasonable not to leave such a thing behind."

Master Bai pointedly said: "Our county magistrate has high ambitions and wants to go further."

Zuo Yanming understood, his eyes lit up, he leaned over and lowered his voice and asked, "You said, is it him?"

Master Bai said: "Don't talk nonsense about things without evidence."

"Okay, don't say it, don't say it."

The two drank wine for half the night, and hurried to the city gate early the next morning to gather.

There are a lot of people accompanying them. After all, tax exemption is a big deal, especially if the family members are prosperous, or the squires have many servants.

Mr. Bai is not very famous in Mianzhou, mainly because he chose to live in the old forest in the deep mountains, and his reputation is not obvious, so he joined halfway, and not many people paid attention.

But the strange thing is that Lord Wei saw him at a glance and called him to his side to say, "Are you Bai Li?"

Bai Li was startled, and bowed and saluted a little nervously, "It's Bai, I don't know what the adults have ordered."

Mr. Wei laughed and said, "It's not like I ordered. I heard the magistrate Fu mentioned you and said that you are a famous good person in Luojiang County, so I want to see you."

Lord Wei smiled and asked: "I heard that this disaster, you not only comprehensively paid the rent of the tenants below, but also donated a lot of money and grain to the affected people?"

Bai Li breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his head and replied, "This is what Bai should do. Bai lives in Luojiang, and they are all neighbors in and out. You can't just watch them suffer and be indifferent, right? It's just a small effort. Forget it, it's a drop in the bucket, if you want to help them, I'm afraid people like Fu County Magistrate, the governor and the adults will do it."

Lord Wei smiled and said: "Don't worry, if the situation in Luojiang County is as you said, the court will not ignore it. This time I come to Jiannan Road to lead the disaster relief work. I will not return home for a day.”

When everyone heard the words, they saluted in unison, "Sir Qingtian, the saint is benevolent."

"Saints are very kind..." Wei Zhi said meaningfully.

Wei Zhi didn't let Bai Li go, but let him walk with him. Nearly a month has passed since the disaster, and the family has basically been cleaned up, and there is nothing to see.

Wei Zhi mainly looked at the conditions in the fields, and unless someone deliberately took him to see the fields in good condition, he couldn't fake it.

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