With cattle, the speed is much faster.

Chu Chulang and Xiao Qian Shi, one led the bull and the other supported the plow, while the others shattered the plowed soil and loosened it again.

In the middle, because the sun was too hot, they were worried that the buffalo would be tired, and they took a break for half an hour.

They continued after giving it water to cool off the heat, but that's it, before dinner, they also plowed out this more than one acre field.

The Zhou family did not return the cattle immediately, and the borrowed cattle were not returned in this way, so Saturday Lang led the cattle to graze, and bundled all the fresh rice cut from the field, and sent them back to the Bai family together with the cattle.

Rice grains are rations for buffaloes.

Such an extravagant cow that eats rice grains directly is estimated to be the only one in the whole village.

After the Zhou family had dinner, the whole family, including Man Bao and Qian Shi, came to Xiaowan together.

At this time, the sun has not completely gone down, but the sun is no longer poisonous.

The whole family of 12 people almost filled the field. They borrowed some farm implements from neighbors in the village and divided them into three rows on the left, middle and right, starting from the ridges on both sides and the middle of the field.

A row is further divided into upper and lower groups.

Man Bao and a few small ones were responsible for picking up the large stones and some grass in the field and throwing them away. Before it was dark, everyone made them, and even opened a trip.

Looking at the ridges of fields, Qian Shi and several daughters-in-law discussed which vegetables to grow, and when they were allotted, they said, "The weather is hot, so don't plant the crops tomorrow morning. You spread the fertilizer in the morning. Come back in the evening after dinner."

Mr. Qian responded.

Then, of course, the whole family will come.

Xiao Qian, three concubines and Zhou Xi were in charge of planting, while Zhou Dalang and the others picked water to drench, and it took only an hour to plant them, which was very fast.

This made the onlookers envious of the villagers.

The movement of the Zhou family was so big that it was hard for the villagers to know.

So many people came to Xiaowan to watch the fun today. Everyone stood on the ridge to watch the fun while chatting with the Zhou family in the field.

Knowing that these vegetables were grown and sold in the county town, some people asked Tuesday Lang, "Is the food in the city really easy to sell?"

"It's alright, it's just that the bamboo weaving can't be sold, that's why I think about selling vegetables, even if he is a city person, he always has to eat vegetables, right?"

"Who doesn't have a spare land or two at home, how good is their own planting, and someone goes to buy vegetables?"

"Tuesday, if you don't have enough food for sale, take some from my house, and I'll sell it to you cheaply."

Tuesday Lang: "...This dish is worthless. I'll buy it from you again. If I can't sell it, I won't lose money."

He said: "I sell my own business without capital. I can't sell it and take it home to eat. If I can't finish it at home, I can give it to the chicken. Buy it from your house, if I can't sell it, will you give it back?"

"That's right, if you don't give it back and feed the chickens on Tuesday, isn't that the same as their family spending money to buy vegetables to feed the chickens? Uncle Jin's chickens are too expensive, right?"

Everyone burst out laughing, and this was over.

However, there are still people who are jealous, and their eyes are full of enthusiasm. They are talking in private and go to the city to try it out. Maybe they can make money too?

But just after the idea came up, someone poured a bowl of cold water on his head and said, "You go to the seller, what about the work in the field? The bugs haven't been caught yet, and the grass hasn't been removed. I can see it today. Uncle Jin's family has gone to supplement the fat, obviously they are all done."

"That's right, it's not as important as the work in the fields, it's the rations for survival."

So this matter was over, but the next day, someone went to the county town together with Zhou Yilang to pick out the dishes from home.

They were a little embarrassed when they saw Tuesday Lang.

On Tuesday, Lang greeted them happily and asked everyone to go together.

It's a joke, he wished that every day someone would follow him into the city to sell things, so that he wouldn't have to wait for people from other villages to go on the road together.

Now there are refugees inside and outside Luojiang County, and the security is not as good as before. He is still very afraid of being robbed on the road, so the more people, the better.

It’s not that you can sell the same dishes in the county town with the same dishes. People definitely prefer to buy them from familiar people for the same food and the same price, and it’s also very important to say hello.

At least they went out with Zhou Yilang that day. In the end, only Zhou Yilang came back with an empty trolley. There was one of the most pitiful ones. He only sold one portion of the food he brought out, and that portion was sold for him. Barely enough for the protection fee, but also the cost of entering the city.

The next day, when Tuesday Lang left the village again, he was alone again. Obviously, no one went after yesterday.

When he came back in the evening, he told his family about this as a joke, and Man Bao said: "They are too unable to persist, if the first day doesn't work, just try the second day, wait for ten days and a half months, if there is no improvement , it's not too late to give up."

On Tuesday, Lang smiled and said: "Yes, when I first went to a stall to sell bamboo weaving, I didn't sell the same thing. Later, I squatted on the side and watched how people greeted guests. Although I was very blushing, I had to Greeting people cheekily is not something that everyone is born with.”

Speaking of which, Zhou Lang paused and said, "Except for the fourth child."

Zhou Dalang said with a smile: "The fourth one can't do anything about it, he is naturally thick-skinned."

Thursday Lang was unhappy, "You teach your children as long as you teach them, why do you have to involve me?"

Mrs. Qian said, "It's easy to say, but now it's not like before. You used to sell bamboo weaving, and you didn't go to the county town, and some people bought it at Daji, but now they sell vegetables, can you go to Daji?"

The big fair in Dali Village is a market for farmers, who doesn't have food yet.

"But to go to the county seat, now not only do you have to enter the city to enter the city, but you also have to pay protection fees. Even if you don't eat or drink in the city for a day, you have to spend several pennies. Now, if you go for ten days and a half months, you will lose seventy or eighty articles, and you are still so confused, who can stand it?"

This is true.

Man Bao frowned, "Why doesn't Magistrate Fu care?"

It's weird if he can manage it, said Tuesday Lang: "The county magistrate is no longer in the city. I don't know why he went there. He can't control it if he wants to."

"Then where did he go?"

"How do I know this? I still heard from the yamen when I went to deliver the letter to you. Only then did I know that Magistrate Fu left the county town two days ago."

Man Bao decided to write a letter at night to ask Fu Wenyun, didn't he want to find a way to rescue the disaster?

She also wanted to see what subsidies Zhou Daliang's family would get.

Zhou Daliang is a good friend of the fourth brother, and his family is very difficult now. Because of him, Zhou Daliang has been very worried recently.

As a result, her letter had just been sent to Zhou Lang, and before she could get back to Fu Wenyun's letter, Bai Shanbao told her, "My uncle said that the county magistrate has gone to Brazil, and our state may also have to reduce or exempt taxes. Take people to Brazil."

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