Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2097 Back to Beijing

When the wheat cakes were cooked, Mrs. Gong San ordered them down, dipped them in some soup, and then greeted everyone, "Eat, the sheep scorpion in his family chose the best lamb spine from a sheep, and the meat is of the best quality. The best thing is that there is still spinal cord in it, and it comes out with a gentle push. It sucks up the soup, and it's the most delicious."

Man Bao and the others also moved their hands.

Yin Or looked at this, then looked at that, and finally picked a smaller piece and tasted it, but it didn't have the smell of sheep mutton. As Mrs. Gong San said, the meat was very delicious.

He had a weak spleen and stomach, so he chewed slowly. By the time he picked out the spinal cord, they had already eaten the second piece of meat. Mrs. Gong San said, "In addition to the meat, the wheat cake is also delicious. It is dipped in soup and has both meat. It is fragrant and has the fresh air of wheat fragrance, and it is not greasy at all."

So everyone ate the pancakes, Yin He also took a piece of pancakes, and then Mrs. Gong San asked those who still wanted to eat the meat to fish out the meat. Thin slices of meat come for them.

Mrs. Gong San said, "This is the broth they make with sheep bones. We can still eat the pot after eating the sheep scorpion. In fact, it's the best to eat in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month. It's a pity..."

Mrs. Gong San shook her head, shook her thoughts away, and said with a smile: "But there are few vegetables now, only radishes and some cabbage, everyone will eat it."

But even so, everyone was very satisfied, especially the soup was hanging very well, Man Bao drank a bowl, and a warm air radiated from the inside to the outside.

Man Bao contentedly put down the bowl, but he was reluctant to put down his chopsticks, and together with them, he picked up the sliced ​​meat and washed it in the pot...

In the end, everyone, including Yin Or, ate to their heart's content, and except for Yin Or, everyone else was exhausted.

After Man Bao finished eating, he muttered, "I can't do this next time, it's not good to eat too much."

Bai Erlang said: "You said that nine times out of ten, but next time you will overeat. Except for Yin or, who can do it every time?"

Yin or ignored them, and solemnly thanked Mrs. Gong San for the hospitality.

Mrs. Gong San was also fed up, and waved her hand: "The Imperial Physician Zhou has saved my life, don't you just have a few meals? Next time you come to Xiazhou, I will invite you to eat. Well, actually roasted yellow sheep is also good. Eat, but it is wild and hard to catch. If you stay long enough, I will let my child’s father take you into the deeper grassland, maybe you can find it. In fact, the yellow sheep that have just entered the autumn are the most delicious. ."

She swallowed her saliva as she spoke, and said, "At that time, the yellow sheep was fattened, and the meat was very tender, brushed with a layer of honey and roasted, that taste..."

She thought for a while and said, "It's not worse than the sheep scorpion we ate today."

Man Bao couldn't help but be fascinated, how delicious it was.

Bai Shan also felt that Mrs. Gong San was a fellow man, so he began to plan, "Actually, if we go to the Western Regions, it is very likely that we will also pass through Xiazhou."

Man Bao and Bai Erlang smiled, "We can supply supplies in Xiazhou at that time."

Mrs. Gong San not only invited them to eat sheep scorpions, but also knew that it would be difficult for them to travel at this time, so she prepared some ingredients for them, including dried meat, and marinated lamb shanks that were frozen outdoors.

She said: "I have never travelled far, but my child's father often goes out, and he likes to bring pickled lamb shanks when he goes out. If he is greedy on the road, he can just cut a piece of meat and roast it, which is very convenient. ."

Man Bao was stunned, "Then you have to bring a baking pan."

"No," Mrs. Gong San waved, "Just ask your guards to bring a wide knife, and then put it on the knife to bake."

The four Bai Shan thought about it for a while and found that it was true, "It turns out that it can still be like this."

So when they went back, they stared at Yang Heshu.

Yang Heshu asked helplessly, "Just tell me if you have anything. I will go to you in the morning, and I heard that you are out for an appointment."

Man Bao hurriedly said: "Mrs. Gong San invited us to dinner again, Brother Yang, how many people did you bring to Beijing this time?"

"Take Wan Tian."

"Ah, does Wan Tian use a knife?"

Yang Heshu: "...Wantian is someone who takes care of my daily life. What does he do with a knife?"

Seeing the disappointment on the faces of the four, he said, "But this time, the people from your Imperial Hospital and the Imperial Medical Office will also go back. The Yamen side will dispatch some people to escort them, as well as the officers and soldiers from the Dali Temple side. Those with knives will not less."

When Man Bao heard this, he was happy and accepted the leg of lamb sent by Mrs. Gong San with confidence.

Yang Heshu didn't know that they had a leg of lamb wrapped in leaves in the box containing the ingredients. He said goodbye to Mrs. Cui early in the morning, and after touching Brother Qi's head, he led the people from the Taiyuan Hospital out of the city.

He didn't need to worry about returning to Beijing, all these things were arranged by Dali Temple.

This time, Dali Temple sent the imperial decree to investigate Xiazhou by the way, and then sent Yang Heshu and Niu Shishi to the capital.

Yes, Niu Kang, who was still alive, was also asked to enter the capital, and his treatment was not as good as his father. Although he was not put on shackles, he was also taken care of by officials from Dali Temple, along with the free-spirited Zhou Man. People are completely different.

Near noon, the convoy stopped, and Master Zhao of Dali Temple asked everyone to stop and rest for half an hour, and by the way, have a meal and a drink of water.

Man Bao jumped off the carriage and let out the wind with his hands and feet. At this time, there was still a lot of unmelted snow in the woods, and people stepped on it and made a creaking sound.

She couldn't hold back her stamp, leaving her dirty footprints on the white snow, looking left and right, and ran away with a little guilty conscience.

Imperial Doctor Lu was too cold, so he had asked people to pick up firewood, took out some charcoal they brought with them to set it on fire, and shrank his neck and shouted at her, "Doctor Zhou, didn't you bring a leg of lamb? Why don't you just take it out and bake it for everyone to heat it up? warm up."

Man Bao refused, "It's only been half an hour, even the skin is not cooked, it's boring, let's bake it at night."

Sure enough, she said what she said. When they stopped at the inn at night, she took out the leg of lamb and roasted it. Because there were too many people, she couldn't use a big knife at all, and one leg of lamb was not enough for everyone.

Niu Kang sat on the side and stared blankly. If he had disliked it before, he was treated differently these days. Even if his father intended to take care of him, his food and drink were worse than those of his peers. It is said that it is roast lamb leg, and he may be a little greedy when roasting wool.

Man Bao glanced at him and saw that there were more than a dozen pockmarks left on his face, which was not really good-looking. In fact, even if the dozen or so pockmarks were removed, he would not be considered good-looking.

She shook her head and asked vaguely after eating a piece of roast mutton: "Dali Temple brought him into Beijing like this, is His Majesty asking for a crime?"

After thinking about it, Bai Shan shook his head and said, "It's impossible to ask him about his crime. After all, he's not a court official. He said he robbed Orchid by force, but in fact, there is no evidence for this. As for the matter of contracting smallpox, neither is he Intentionally, at most, I can only hate him, but he can't ask for guilt, his guilt may fall on his father, and Niu Shishi's fault is even greater."

He vaguely said: "It depends on how Feng Zongping and the others spread their little stories."

see you at nine

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