Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2096 see off

Feng Zongping and his party braved the cold wind to go on the road. Yin or did not leave, he was weak, so he had to stay for a while longer and wait for the weather to warm up before leaving.

Of course, the guards who followed him wouldn't urge him, and two were left to take care of him and protect him.

The news of the capital was not delivered to Xiazhou until the first month of the month, and the emperor summoned Yang Heshu and the Bull Thorn Shi to the capital to inquire.

The Imperial Hospital and the Imperial Medical Office were also recalled to the capital, and officials from the Dali Temple came to invite people in person.

One of the last few smallpox patients in Xiazhou City died, and the others were cured. The other courtyard was cleaned up and down and returned to the original owner.

But everyone knows that within a few years, these three yards will probably not be inhabited.

For this, Yang Heshu personally came to thank the owners of the three other courtyards. It was a great kindness that they were willing to take out the courtyards for Yang Heshu to take in patients.

The papers of Yang Heshu, the papers of Niu Shishi, and the papers of Man Bao and Imperial Physician Lu came to Beijing with Feng Zongping and the others, even two days before them. .

This time, Yang Heshu did not bring Cui Shi and his son with him. He only brought a Wantian into the capital. He left most of his staff to her, and gave her a jade ring. He smiled and said, "I have arranged for the people sent by my father. Go to Zhuangzi in the field of work outside the city, after I leave, you can take your child to live in Zhuangzi, and close the door and wait for me to come back.”

Cui took the ring and nodded earnestly. She vaguely knew that those people were not ordinary guards, but part of the Yang family's previous support. However, after the world was peaceful, some people were released into the army. Others stayed at home as guards.

Cui's family has declined a bit, but there are still a lot of parts that can be used, not to mention Yang's?

With them by her side, she and the child will be safe.

Mrs Cui grabbed his hand and said in a low voice, "Husband, I am waiting for you in Xiazhou."

Yang Heshu responded in a low voice, and said softly: "Xiazhou suffered a great loss of vitality after this epidemic, so I just left, I am unwilling."

He worked hard for two years to gain a firm foothold, which made Shuofang County improve a little, so he just left and found another place to start over.


He glanced at Mrs Cui. Although his wife was fine, she was indeed killed at the time. He couldn't find any evidence, but that didn't mean he couldn't do anything.

Some things need evidence to do, but some things don't, just follow your heart.

Yang Heshu clapped her hand and turned to the guest house.

In the guest house, Zhou Man and others were also busy packing their luggage. Man Bao was the fastest, because she had a niece and a niece to help her, so she went to find Bai Shan and the three after finishing packing, "Mrs. Gong San invited me to eat the last meal. A meal of sheep and scorpions, cakes, will you go?"

Bai Dalang went back with Feng Zongping, Yin He moved to next door to Bai Shan and the others. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Didn't I just eat it before? Why do you eat it again?"

"The one I ate before was deer tendons." Man Bao swallowed, "But to be honest, the deer in Xiazhou are really delicious, much better than those in the capital."

Not only is the deer tendon delicious, but the venison is also delicious.

Bai Shan nodded in agreement, "It's still cheap."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

The day before yesterday, Mrs. Gong San invited them to eat deer tendons, so Bai Shan took the opportunity to learn about live deer. Sure enough, unlike the capital, it was much easier to buy live deer in Xiazhou.

Because there are not only wild ones, but also captive ones.

You can raise deer by enclosing a piece of grass in the horse farm, and then take it out in autumn and winter and put it on the pasture to hunt for the young masters and young ladies. The money you make is better than selling venison alone.

Moreover, the ancestors of many deer here are wild deer, but they have been raised from generation to generation after being kept in captivity, and the taste is better than that of wild deer.

Bai Shan bought two deer of different breeds, and then rode with Man Bao to the prairie to provide for his little father-in-law.

When he came back, he made the excuse that his archery practice was not good enough to let the deer run away.

Except for Bai Erlang and Yin Or, no one else had any doubts. Well, the others were just Gong San and Mrs. Gong San who knew that he bought a deer.

Because they were afraid that they would be sad, they did not invite venison, but sheep and scorpions. Mrs. Gong San, who thought they liked hunting, said, "Sheep is better than deer. If you want to hunt, then I will let you Drive some sheep to the grassland for you to practice your hands?"

At that time, she will let people chase hundreds of sheep inside, and she will not believe that they will not be able to shoot.

Man Bao hurriedly said, "Forget it, we were just a little interested that day, just like hunting."

Mrs. Gong San nodded, in fact she was still regretful. The two of them didn't say anything before. To know that they wanted to hunt, she took them to the pasture. She paid for the money and went in for a few laps. Time to play.

Instead, I bought a deer to shoot and play on the grassland. It wasn't someone's grassland, and even if I ran away, I couldn't find it anywhere, and I wasted two deer.

Xiazhou City has now recovered its fireworks, and many shops are open, so Mrs. Gong San directly invited them to eat at the mutton restaurant she frequented the most.

She said, "Don't look at how small this restaurant is, but the sheep and scorpions made are the most authentic, and the pastry cakes are especially delicious, soft and chewy. The taste you ate in my house before was not as good, alas, You are leaving tomorrow, otherwise I can bring you a few more times to eat."

Man Bao had already smelled the fragrance and nodded again and again.

They looked out the window and smiled: "There are many more people on the street now."

"Why is this called too much?" Mrs. Gong San also glanced at it and said, "It was called too much before the epidemic. At that time, those who came from the north, the east, the west, and the south all passed through our Xiazhou City. , Merchants seem to be coming, especially in the past two years, Yang County's hands have been loose, and there are less miscellaneous taxes on things entering and leaving the city. No matter where the merchants are from the south, south, and northwest, they like to come to Xiazhou City to have a first pass, and it becomes more and more lively. There are a lot fewer people now.”

Not only did people in Xiazhou City die a lot, but some merchants who passed by also died of illness. Xiazhou City suddenly became sad, losing so many merchants in a short period of time, and the world was a little afraid of smallpox, even more so. will not come.

She sighed, and the owner brought up a large iron pot, pulled out the wooden board in the middle of the table, put the iron pot on top, and then pulled out a board from the bottom to set the fire on fire.

This is not the same as the sheep scorpion they ate at Mrs. Gong San's house. Her family served it in a pot after it was made. The store's... Is this to be made fresh?

It is impossible to make it now. The sheep scorpion has been stewed in the back kitchen for a while, and it is almost ready to eat when it is served.

He lifted the lid, steaming up, and the aroma of meat came out. Even Yin Or couldn't help taking a deep breath, only feeling hungry in his belly.

The shop owner took out a pot, and immediately squeezed the dough and spread it on the edge of the iron pan...

Everyone smelled the fragrance of wheat that was slowly exuding, mixed with the fragrance of meat, and couldn't help swallowing.

This sheep scorpion seems to be a little delicious.

so hungry, so hungry

See you at 6 pm

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