Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2082 improvement

This is what Yang Heshu and General Gong saw when they came over. General Gong was nothing, but Yang Heshu was a little distressed.

After all, it is a child who has watched him grow up.

The two came to invite Zhou Man to take someone to the barracks to take a look.

Man Bao finished eating the steamed buns in his hand in three or two gulps, and drank the rice porridge in one gulp, then got up and said, "Let's go."

Medical assistant Qin and medical assistant Luo were faster. They followed Zhou Man's medical assistant, and naturally they went with her.

The soldiers infected with smallpox in the army were all isolated in the camp next to the city tower, not very far from the medical shed, but they still passed by in carriages.

The carriage was prepared for the three of them, but Yang Heshu gave up riding and sat in the carriage with Man Bao. He asked, "Are you tired?"

Man Bao said: "It's okay. Brother Yang, are there many sick soldiers in the military camp?"

Yang Heshu said: "There are one hundred and eighty-nine people in the statistics, which is quite a lot according to the proportion."

"They have to close the roads, guard the city gates and checkpoints, manage the medical shed, and even search for people who are infected with smallpox and hide from each household. They have a lot of contact with patients, so the probability of infection is also high.

He said: "Bai Shan is now organizing people to make some masks, all for the soldiers and officials on duty. I have never asked you, how useful is this?"

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "At least it can reduce the infection rate by half."

Hearing that, Yang Heshu made up his mind, and immediately said, "I'll ask someone to hand over some more cloth to Bai Shan when I go back."

Man Bao nodded.

After a few words, Man Bao got out of the car with the medicine box and followed the people inside.

General Gong Shao followed them to the front of the house, and solemnly bowed to Zhou Man, "Emperor Zhou, I'm sorry to bother you."

Man Bao nodded.

The conditions here seem to be better than those in the medical shed, but in fact they are not much better. They are all old and rough, and they don’t pay attention to hygiene. It's itchy. Many people couldn't help scratching it several times. Now the pimples have broken open, and it looks miserable.

Not only Man Bao, but Doctor Qin and Luo also frowned.

Broken pimples are more difficult to treat and more contagious, and they need to be handled more carefully.

Man Bao first looked at the condition of the patients in this room, and found that their condition was not much better than that of the people in the medical shed, and many of them had high fever, so she arranged it, "Arrange the people with high fever in the same room. , I will prescribe the medicine after showing them, and then all the needles will be punctured."

Man Bao whispered to Qin and Luo about the precautions in the acupuncture, and everyone started to get busy.

At the end of the day, Man Bao has already distinguished the patients here from the patients in the other hospital. She had someone write a number and hang it on the head of each person's bed, and then consulted and felt the pulse all the way. After ten people have passed, start down, write the numbers directly, list the people who need to prescribe the same prescription, directly prescribe a sufficient amount of medicine, and then give it to the soldiers waiting on the side, "Boil the medicine according to the prescription."

The soldier couldn't read, so he went out with the prescription and ran back, "Why do you need twenty bowls of water, and you have to boil it for so long..."

Man Bao glanced at him and said: "Didn't you see, there are six people's medicines on it, by the way, don't pour the dregs of the medicine after one pass, one medicine can be boiled twice, and some people should be able to use it in a while. ."

The soldier couldn't help biting his lip, "Yes, but others also have to boil the medicine. If they don't go backwards, how can others use the medicine pot..."

Man Bao said: "After boiling, just put it in water and boil again, this recipe will definitely be used later, if you are afraid that you can't remember it, then write a number on the medicine jar, indicating that it is No. 1. Medicine, I'll tell you later, who should take the No. 1 medicine and who should take the No. 2 medicine..."

This way, the speed is much faster.

Assistant Qin and Assistant Luo, who were on the side, understood and wanted to do the same, but it was the first time they did something like this, and they couldn't help but be in a hurry. They only watched the work of five patients, and Zhou Man had already watched it. There are twelve patients, and three of them have needles stuck in their bodies. She can remember the time, read the pulse of one person, and directly tell the soldier waiting by the side: "Give him a bowl of No. 2 medicine, and then go. Pour some rubbing concoction to scrub him."

Then go to the side to pull the needle.

After the needle was pulled, I went to see the next patient...

General Gong stood at the door and watched for a while, and found that she saw the most patients and used the fewest subordinates, but she was always orderly.

He remembered Bai Shan who was with Yang Heshu now, he couldn't help but smiled, turned to Yang Heshu and said, "I now know why you admire this imperial doctor Zhou so much, she is really amazing."

He added: "I used to think that you are very powerful. You are in charge of so many things, and the people below can be busy with one or two things, but you can always be orderly. Now it seems that smart people always have something in common. ."

Yang Heshu smiled and said, "Is General Gong complimenting me, or is he complimenting himself?"

General Gong said with a smile: "I'm far behind you."

It's not even comparable to Zhou Man in the house and Young Master Bai who is busy in the county office.

Yang Heshu didn't argue with him about this, turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go and see the situation in other camps."

The defenders of Xiazhou City were one of Yang Heshu's biggest reliances, so he could not afford to lose.

General Gong Gong naturally knew this, and went with Yang Heshu to investigate the situation in other camps.

Everyone was busy, so after two days, there was finally good news. In other hospitals, especially in the No. 1 hospital, the number of cured people began to rise significantly.

The situation in the medical shed is slowly improving, at least the number of daily deaths is no longer rising sharply;

The better news is that the daily number of infected people in the city began to decline, and outside the city, people from the south began to return to seek medical treatment, and people from other villages also came to seek medical treatment.

After discussing with the officials of the state and county, Yang Heshu began to build a medical shed outside the city, avoiding the official road and setting it downwind.

As soon as the medical shed was completed, it began to collect patients wandering outside the city. Man Bao was ordered to take two medical assistants out of the city to take charge.

I didn't expect to meet Wu Xiang's family in the medical shed.

Man Bao glanced at his daughter and said after prescribing the medicine, "She has already survived the most difficult time. I will give her a few medicines to clear up the acne."

Wu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Shan was instructed to come here to take care of the newly built medical shed. The medical shed here is completely supported by the yamen, so the daily consumption of food and medicinal materials must be carefully calculated, so as not to waste more or use less kill people.

The rice porridge cooked by Bai Shan is not thick. One person only has two meals a day, and one bowl of porridge. If you want more, you have to cook it by yourself.

See you around 6pm

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