Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2081 The cold wind is rustling

But Imperial Physician Luo still hinted, "Doctor Zhou missed Imperial Physician Lu when he gave us the medicine. I don't think Imperial Physician Lu is very happy."

Man Bao said, "But Imperial Physician Lu has had acne, and he won't have acne again."

A medicine is precious. Imperial Doctor Lu no longer needs it. Why waste a medicine?

However, this anti-epidemic pill is really too expensive, especially the more expensive it is, it is not worth it. Therefore, the method of vaccinating should be researched. When the time comes, everyone will directly vaccinate, and if you encounter smallpox, you will not have to buy pills again. She has calculated it in the book in private, and every ten pills will increase by 10% on the previous price... …

This incremental price is about the same as drinking her blood.

The encyclopedia is really strict with things with high technology content.

Man Bao was thinking about such a big thing as money, but Medical Assistant Qin and Medical Assistant Luo couldn't help but look at each other.

Imperial Doctor Zhou has always been generous, and he was even reluctant to give Imperial Doctor Lu a piece of sweet candy to make people happy. Alas, it sounds like Imperial Doctor Lu didn't speak well at first.

Man Bao didn't take this to heart, and Imperial Physician Lu had already left Zhou Man behind. Seeing the chaos in the medical shed, Imperial Physician Lu, who was wearing a mask, gasped in anger. blow up.

He scolded the patients who were sitting or lying in the hospital shed, and asked them to get up immediately to make their beds, wash their faces and wash their hands and wait for his consultation.

The patients who were lazy and a little angry at the doctors even shrank their necks timidly after being scolded by Imperial Physician Lu angrily, and got up obediently to make their beds.

The doctor who hastily followed up:  …

Most of the people living here are rogues. Sometimes they are still seeing other patients. When they don't have time to see them, they can directly find other medical sheds to fight and scold people. people.

The patients looked at Imperial Physician Lu's official uniform, and timidly sat or lay down, even if they didn't see themselves for a while, they didn't dare to make a noise.

And Man Bao walked to the other side of the Changchang Medical Shed, and the people on that side were all women.

Doctor Qin who followed him said: "This medical shed is really thoughtful. There are female patients here, children in the middle, and male patients over there."

Man Bao also found it, nodded and said, "The row of medical sheds is long enough, so that if a man walks through it, or a woman walks through it, it's easy to see what to do."

When he finally reached the first medical shed, Man Bao opened the curtain and went in. He saw a lot of women lying inside. The light was a little dim, and the smell inside was a little uncomfortable even though Man Bao was wearing a mask.

She frowned, and the steward who led them shouted: "Wake up, this is the imperial doctor from the imperial hospital to see you, open your eyes if you are still alive..."

The patients in the medical shed made a commotion, and some even managed to get up and look at Zhou Man.

Man Bao nodded and said hello to everyone, "Hello everyone, Zhou Man in Xiatai Hospital, this is Imperial Doctor Qin from the Imperial Hospital, this is Imperial Doctor Luo, we are here to check your health today."

After speaking, he turned his head to Medical Assistant Qin and Medical Assistant Luo and said, "Let's start."

Qin Yizhu and Luo Yizhu were surprised that Zhou Man directly raised their identities to the outside world, but they understood after seeing the patients in the medical shed who had convinced them a lot.

The two nodded silently, carrying their medicine boxes to see the patient, one next to Zhou Man and the other opposite Zhou Man.

The beds in the medical shed were even simpler, with a few bricks and stones on the bottom and wooden boards on the top. A single bed could only accommodate one person, and it was short and shabby.

Therefore, in a medical shed, wooden beds were laid on both sides, and only a passageway for two people was left in the middle.

Man Bao squatted down in front of the innermost patient. She noticed her difference early in the morning. Everyone else opened their eyes or stood up to look at them. Only this person didn't move at all.

Man Bao reached out to feel her pulse, and when startled, he went to feel her neck. After a while, he opened the medicine box and took out the needle bag. While giving her a needle, he asked, "What about her family?"

The patient on the side replied, "No."

Man Bao looked up at the patient who answered and asked, "What about the person who takes care of her?"

"Neither." The patient on the side said: "This disease is contagious, so how can I let my family come in? And it's not sure if the family is still there, maybe they're all dead."

Man Bao was silent and didn't speak. He rolled up her sleeves and gave her acupuncture. After a while, the man on the bed barely opened his eyes.

Man Bao felt her pulse and asked her, "Do you know your name?"

The patients in the hospital shed are completely different from the patients in other hospitals. Perhaps only two of the ten patients here are accompanied by family members.

In addition, it is a family, even a family of relatives and friends live here, or they all live together in a village.

The priorities of the illnesses are all living together. Even if the stewards have tried their best to separate the medical sheds, they are still not perfect.

In the face of life and death, this little inconvenience and shortcomings also seem insignificant, and medicine is the most worrying.

Some patients have been treated for three days since they were admitted to the hospital. They are all burned out and have never seen the doctor. They just went to the cauldron where the medicine was boiled outside to get a bowl of medicine to drink. Fortunately, they survived the time of acne and high fever. ;Unfortunately, after being admitted to the hospital, he was carried out without even seeing the doctor's face.

After being identified by the family, they will be cremated, and then the family will bring back a handful of ashes.

And some, there are no family members to pick them up at all. Such people are directly burned, and the ashes that have been burned are piled aside. Some people who can't find their relatives come here to cry, and then grab a handful of ashes and go back. It's my own family.

Only when he really came in did Man Bao know the difference between the medical shed and other hospitals, and now that the medical shed can have the current stability, it is all supported by Yang Heshu, and the military deterrence of General Gong Shao can be calm.

Man Bao couldn't get out as soon as she plunged in. She went out of the hospital shed to look for food when she was very hungry. At this time, let alone bathing and changing clothes, she even looked for a long time to wash her hands before she found someone to pour a basin of hot water.

This pot of hot water was shared with Dr. Qin and Dr. Luo.

The three of them squatted by the water basin to call for water to wash their hands, then put them all in and soaked them, and Man Bao sighed.

Assistant Qin also sighed, "The needles that I wanted to pierce have to be boiled before they can be used by the next person, but..."

Doctor Luo said: "Be content, they are all smallpox anyway, but we rarely use needles, that's just embarrassing Imperial Doctor Zhou."

Man Bao pulled back her hand silently, trying to wipe her hands, but found that there was no towel, so she could only silently shake off the water droplets on her hands in the cold wind, and then dry her hands together with Doctor Qin and Assistant Luo.

When the cold wind blew, the hands that were originally warm red slowly changed back to their original color, and then had a tendency to be cold red.

Man Bao turned around and said, "Let's go, let's eat something."

They couldn't find Imperial Physician Lu and them at all, so they went directly to the place where the medicine was boiled. The soldiers who boiled the medicine saw them and pointed to the bowl, then made them a bowl of rice porridge, and gave them a steamed bun, this is theirs Dinner is late.

The three of them squatted in the cold wind and ate steamed buns and porridge, looking pitiful from a distance.

Good night

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