Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2039 Want what I like

"Don't use me as an excuse," Zhou Lijun said, "If I don't get married in my life, would you dare not to marry a wife in my life?"

Zhou Liwei: ... Of course he didn't dare, but he felt that the second sister dared, so he didn't dare to say a word.

Zhou Lijun snorted and told him, "You can't use me as an excuse in front of your parents, you know? Also, cover up for me."

Zhou Liwei: "What are you covering up?"

"Tell your sweetheart to your parents and let them worry about you." Zhou Lijun said, "People's mental strength is limited, and when your parents worry about your affairs, they naturally don't have time to take care of mine. already."

She said: "I estimate that they will stay at most until July and August and will go back this time. Otherwise, the family will have to collect medicinal materials in winter and plant some new medicinal seedlings. The three uncles and three aunts will definitely be too busy."

So just drag it out until then.

Zhou Liru couldn't hold back and said, "Second sister, you are so treacherous."

Zhou Lijun said, "What do you know, it's called calamity."

Zhou Liwei went crazy: "...I'm still here."

"Fool, it's a disaster for me, but not necessarily for you. That's what it's called on my side, and Ziqi Donglai on your side. Do you understand? Together we call it a win-win situation."

"Really or not, why do I sound so weird? Second sister, what book are you reading recently? Although I read few books, I have never heard of the word "Ziqi Donglai" ."

"Every good thing can be called this word. Is it a good thing that you have a sweetheart? Think about it, is it a good thing that you are going to marry her? By the way, you haven't said who your sweetheart is, I know ?"

Zhou Liwei couldn't help but quickened his pace, Zhou Lijun chased after him, "Are you stupid, why are you hiding from me, tell me, I can still give you advice, you are embarrassed to tell your parents, I can still give you You run errands to spread the word, who will tell you when you run?"

Of course it was Zhou Lizhong.

The two cousins ​​have grown up together since childhood, and they have a very good relationship, especially since they have been together all these years.

So they don't know anything about each other.

Except for Zhou Lijun, the other party also knows the amount of money saved by each other, which shows how much they know each other.

Mrs. Feng and Mr. Zhou also felt that it would be best to ask Zhou Lizhong about this kind of thing, so after the three families got together for a meal to wash away the dust in the evening, Mrs. Feng rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen to help wash the dishes. Zhou Lizhong pulled him aside and whispered.

Zhou Lijun choked his wrist when he saw it, and felt that it was a mistake.

She simply turned around to find Zhou Liwei, and pulled him aside to work, "I'm your sister, can you help me?"

Zhou Liwei: "Second sister, do you really plan not to marry for the rest of your life?"

Zhou Lijun asked, "Are you comfortable getting married now? What do I want to marry?"

Zhou Liwei opened his mouth, and after a while he choked out a sentence, "Does he like you?"

Zhou Lijun gave him a sideways look and said, "What a fool, he likes me, what's the point of me not liking him? If you don't want to live a better life when you marry, then you should want me to like him. Of course, if we can get along with each other. Like the best."

"But I don't have anyone I like now. Looking around, I can say that there are people who can make my life better than now. There is no one, so why do you think I got married?"

Zhou Liwei actually thought that what she said was very reasonable, but he felt that something was wrong. After a while, he said: "Second sister, mother seems to have said that it is better to find someone who likes you than to find someone you like."

"That's my mother, not me." Zhou Lijun raised his chin and said, "I want to get married. If I have to choose one, I must find someone I like."

Zhou Liwei was puzzled, "Why?"

Zhou Lijun glanced over and said, "Although emotional matters cannot be in this proportion, I think there is something in common. If you want to buy a cat, is it a cat that likes you, or a cat that you like? Woolen cloth?"

Zhou Liwei:  …

Seeing that he couldn't say anything on his face, Zhou Lijun said, "If you don't believe me, wait for my aunt to come back and ask her."

It is right to ask my sister-in-law about undecided matters at home.

Zhou Lijun said: "But before that, you have to help me, say, who is the person you like?"

Zhou Liwei was embarrassed for a while, then twisted and said, "It's that Mr. Jing on the same street as our restaurant..."

Zhou Lijun raised his eyebrows. On their street, there was a private school gentleman. He set up two rooms in his yard to teach. He taught only enlightened children. He taught until the age of twelve. Some people left after recognizing the words. People go to other better schools.

This Mr. Jing is not particularly old. He has a son and a daughter. The son is only about thirteen years old, but the daughter is fifteen. I heard that he still wants to participate in the imperial examination.

The little girl Zhou Lijun also knew. She also bought whitening cream from her. She said, "You have a good eye."

Just looking at the parents, their old Zhou family is far inferior to the Jing family.

But Zhou Lijun didn't let him stop his mind immediately, but said: "If the little girl doesn't mean that, you can find some more mind, if there is, then you should work hard, you don't expect to study, you still Make more money, maybe the Jing family will agree to this marriage because you make more money."

Zhou Liwei said a little depressedly: "I also know that some are not worthy, so I didn't say anything."

Zhou Lijun asked curiously, "Will the eldest brother say that?"

"No," Zhou Liwei said firmly: "I told him, don't tell anyone, not even to the uncle, aunt and aunt."

The most important thing for Zhou Li is that he didn't even tell his parents and sister-in-law, and he wouldn't tell Zhou Lang.

When Zhou Lijun was satisfied, he reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Nice job."

Zhou Liwei immediately said: "Second sister, don't be fooled, I have nothing to do with her, and she just said something when she came to our restaurant to buy food."

"I know, am I the kind of person who doesn't have a good record? Don't worry." Zhou Lijun was about to leave after he was happy. When he turned around, he saw a figure under the flower tree next to him. He was startled and couldn't help asking loudly. "Who's there?"

The figure behind the tree paused for a moment, then the two siblings stared at Xiang Mingxue and walked out with an embarrassed expression.

He was really embarrassed. He stood under the tree and saluted the two of them: "I just picked flowers inside, so I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

Only then did the two realize that he was still holding a flower in his hand, which should have been taken back and put in a bottle.

Zhou Lijun found out that this was the way to the guest room he was staying in. They should have suddenly come here to talk and stopped Xiang Mingxue who was picking flowers from behind the tree.

I forgot to preview the previous chapter, the next chapter is around ten o'clock in the evening

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