Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 2038 Reunion

Xiao Qian's family was ready. In early May, Thursday, Lang really came to the capital with a family of young and old. Zhou Lijun and his younger brothers and sisters went out of the capital to pick them up, and Feng saw the sister and brother. The three did not dare to recognize it.

Not to mention Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru, even Zhou Liwei is very different from before.

The three of them were very happy to see their parents, Zhou Liwei ran towards his father, Zhou Lijun and Zhou Liru also ran towards their father, the three of them looked at Zhou Yilang with bright eyes and shouted, "Dad!"

"Hey!" Zhou Liwei looked at the three children, stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Liwei's shoulder fiercely, he was so happy that he couldn't see his teeth, "Good boy, he has grown so tall!"

He couldn't help but praise Lijun and Liru, "They're both big girls."

Feng Shi, who was also very excited by the side, saw that the three children were all heading towards Zhou Zhou Lang. He was unhappy and couldn't help coughing.

Zhou Lijun immediately smiled and called his younger brother and sister "Mother".

Feng shi was happy in his heart, and his face was hard, and he couldn't help but bring some out, "Okay, your grandparents are behind, go see you soon."

The three went to meet at the back. Zhou Dalang had already arrived and was talking to the old Zhou head Qian Shi. When he saw Zhou Lijun coming over, he said, "Father, let's go back first, the child's mother is cooking at home."

Old Zhou nodded.

Feng Shi's rare son was holding his hand and said, "I want to die. Although I'm tall, I look thinner. I'll wait for my mother to cook something delicious for you."

Zhou Liwei froze, and hurriedly declined: "Mother, I'm not thin, so don't tire you."

Everyone returned to Zhou's house in a lively manner.

It was the first time for Lang and Mrs Feng to come here on Tuesday. Before they came, they had heard Dad talk about the size of the house in the capital more than once, but they didn't feel anything. When they stood in front of the door, they couldn't help but open their mouths.

After entering the door again, everyone saw it lively, and then when the three children moved their belongings to the back yard to settle down, they looked away, swallowed and asked, "What's the matter? The yard is ours?"

Zhou Liwei said: "Not only this side, there is a row in the middle, and there is a row of courtyards over there, but the courtyard over there is relatively large, with few rooms, and the scenery is not bad, and finally there is a large garden, Dad, you rest first. , I'll take you to see it after dinner."

Tuesday Lang was speechless, "Such a big house..."

Still in the capital, how much is this worth?

On Tuesday, Lang just thought in his heart that Feng shi asked directly.

Zhou Lijun said: "I don't know how much it can be worth, because the houses here are basically not bought and sold, and those who can live in this house are either rich or expensive. "

Feng Shi was speechless, and then she remembered and asked, "What about your aunt? I haven't seen her yet."

"The little aunt is in the palace," Zhou Liru said, "the little aunt is on duty today, she can't ask for leave, and she has to wait for Xiu Mu before she can leave the palace."

Feng Shi finally remembered and asked Zhou Liru, "How are you studying medicine with your aunt now?"

Zhou Liru said nervously: "It's good, my aunt said I didn't study badly, let me learn it slowly."

Feng Shi was very excited, "Are you going to give people a pulse now?"

She said: "I heard that the big-headed daughter-in-law is also your sister-in-law's disciple. She has only been a medical assistant after two or three years of study. According to your grandfather, she will be the same as your sister-in-law. A hundred acres of land."

Zhou Lijun's three siblings:  …

Zhou Liru couldn't hold back, "Mother, Senior Sister, she only studied with my aunt for two or three years, but before that, she had been a doctor girl in the Taiyuan Hospital for many years."

Zhou Lijun said: "Mother, that land is a job field, not for the little girl. If the little girl is not an official in the future, or changes her place, the land will be returned."

He added, "My aunt can divide so much, not only because she is an imperial physician, but also because she is an editor."

Feng didn't even understand the official name, but he sounded very powerful.

Zhou Liwei said directly: "Mother, don't urge the third sister, let her learn slowly. My aunt said that it is not too late to study medicine after ten years of study."

"Then your sister-in-law didn't study for so many years..."

"My aunt is so smart, can we compare with her?" Zhou Liwei said as a matter of course: "It's all about memorizing a text. My aunt can memorize it after reading it twice, but we may not be able to memorize it after reading it twenty times, so One day of her kung fu is equivalent to ten days of our kung fu, and one year is equivalent to ten years of ours. You can count how many years she has studied."

Feng: that the calculation?

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

On Tuesday, Lang had already unpacked and brought out all the contents inside. Seeing that Feng was still thinking about it, he said, "Don't think about it, can you understand what it takes even a long time for my mother to understand? Let them themselves. do it."

Feng Shi: ...What are you saying, she is stupid?

Zhou Liwei and Zhou Lijun were already smiling on Tuesday and asked, "Come on, tell Dad, have you had any sweethearts in the capital for the past two years?"

Zhou Liwei lowered his head and blushed before Zhou Lijun was about to say no, she was stunned when she saw it, and then lowered her head, then took a deep breath, and it took a long time for her face to turn red, and then she quietly exhaled... …

On Tuesday, Lang didn't notice it, but when he saw his son and daughter blushed, he was happy. It seemed that even if he didn't have a sweetheart, he would be enlightened.

It’s easier to talk about it when you are enlightened. The words of your parents’ life matchmaker, when the time comes, you can just look at a few suitable ones, and there will always be someone who can catch your eye.

It's hard to be like the old sixth, guarding money and thinking it's better than marrying a daughter-in-law.

He came to Beijing this time for the children's marriage, so he doesn't care about anything else, as long as they decide on a suitable marriage.

On Tuesday, Lang smiled and decided to have a private chat with a pair of children in the evening, lest they be embarrassed in person.

He happily pulled Feng away, and Zhou Lijun breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked up, he saw Zhou Liwei and Zhou Liru looking at her in surprise.

Zhou Lijun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why?"

Zhou Liwei swallowed his saliva and asked, "Second sister, you, do you have a sweetheart?"

Zhou Liru also stared at her closely.

Zhou Lijun said: "Not yet, isn't that afraid that Dad will mess up the mandarin ducks, or let me go back to my hometown?"

She paused and asked Zhou Liwei, "Do you have a sweetheart?"

Zhou Liwei twitched and said, "Yeah, no... let's say."

"If you have it, you have it, and if you don't have it, you don't have it," Zhou Lijun couldn't help but reach out and pat him, "You still want to lie to the little girl?"

"No, we didn't talk much, I, I like it a lot, but I don't know if people like it or not," Zhou Liwei explained anxiously, remembering something, and immediately said: "And you haven't gotten engaged yet, what should I do? Can I get ahead of you?"

I’m really sorry today, I originally wanted to write an update after I changed hotels at noon, I should be able to update it before two o’clock, but I was delayed on the way, and then I went into the new hotel for a wash time, so that the update is only now.

I'm really sorry to keep everyone refreshed today, I'll ask for leave in time in the future

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