Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1916 find

Of course magistrate Zhai knew this, but he really went to court. He sentenced Zhou Man to winning, and Zhou Man might not be able to actually grab the fields from them. Even if she did, could she still farm by herself? ?

Most of them are rented to others, but the Xia clan's Hongtian Village is very powerful, and their family will let out a word, who would dare to rent her fields?

It was a face-breaking confrontation. In the end, it could only be a lose-lose situation. It depends on whether the patriarch and patriarch of the Xia clan could understand his and Xu Lichang's hints.

Zhou Man's side obviously wanted a quick solution and didn't mind reconciliation.

That's right, after all, she is a court official, so she doesn't have so much time to spend with these people.

County magistrate Zhai walked to the backyard with his hands behind his back, but still couldn't hold back: "Tomorrow's people from the Xia clan are coming, you go to see them first and find out what they say, if they don't want to put things away, you can It's not good for them to persuade them first."

"Yes, but my lord," Master said in a low voice, "This Master Zhou is surnamed Zhou but not Xia, I'm afraid that the Xia clan will catch this..."

The magistrate of Zhai County said: "I was worried about this before, but I don't think they seem to be very timid about it. Thinking about it, it is also clear that the Zhou family raised her since she was a child. And she is now an official in the court, how can this name be changed if she wants to?"

The master thought about it too, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

Bai Shan, who was riding out of the city on a horse, was also bringing up the topic, "I'm afraid the Xia clan will hold on to your surname."

Bai Erlang said: "It will definitely be, what will you do then?"

"What else can I do? I won't change my surname after being beaten to death," Man Bao said. "My child will have the surname Xia in the future, so I won't change the surname. If I change the surname, my father will cry to death."

Although her grandparents are important, her parents are also important. The most important thing is that she does not follow other people's surnames, but her own father's surname.

Man Baodao: "And the Xia family is different from the Zhou family. I changed my surname back to Xia. I don't know how many things will happen in the future. My future industry, and my official voice, who knows what will happen to them in the future. ?"

Her fourth brother is so good, and she occasionally worries that he will use her name outside to mess around, so she will tell her from time to time.

Change to the Xia family, who knows what will happen?

Therefore, she will not change her surname. In the future, the child will be surnamed Xia, and the relationship will be further away. At that time, she can think about separating her grandparents.

Man Bao's eyes lit up when he thought of this, wouldn't her son or daughter be the patriarch from now on?

As for the patriarch, it sounds very majestic.

Bai Shan originally had a lot to say, but when he turned his head and saw Man Bao's complacent face, many words were stuck in his chest.

He shook his head and didn't say anything at all.

Forget it, they even pulled the King of Yizhou down, so they won't be wronged here.

The four of them followed the officer from the county government office to Da'an Mountain. He didn't know where the tombs of Xia Yan and his wife were, but after hearing the description, he led them up the mountain in a short while, "It's about going around a big banyan tree, then it should be It's near here..."

But Bai Shan had already stopped and asked Man Bao to look down the mountain: "Do you think this place looks like the feng shui treasure they said about Dao and Daoxu?"

Man Bao turned his head to look down the mountain. When he saw the trees in front of him, he had a wide field of vision. There seemed to be a water belt in the distance.

Man Bao blinked, then glanced up the mountain and said, "Is this not a good idea, let's go up?"

So the four hurried up the mountain.

Office Servant: ...does an official still do the work of a Taoist priest?

After walking up the mountain for a while, the group saw a very large banyan tree. They went around the banyan tree and searched among the bushes and grasses. Daji had the best eyes, and immediately pointed to the back of a tree and said, "There is a monument."

Man Bao immediately went over and saw the two trees that were leaning against each other.

Two tombs made of brick and stone stand behind the trees, and the tombs next to each other have two tombstones, which not only bear the names and origins of the deceased, but also the person who erected the tombstones.

Man Bao retracted her gaze from the other tombstone and settled on the one in front of her. She reached out and touched the tombstone. The words "Xia's Shanyan" were still obvious on it.

Man Bao raised his eyes and looked at the tombstone and grave carefully, and found that there was grass growing on it, but it was not high, and the tombstone was not damaged, so he knew that someone had been cleaning it up.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Shan squatted down and touched the incense ash in front of the tombstone, and said, "It looks fine. It should be someone who came to sacrifice and sweep it during Qingming."

Man Bao stood between the two tombstones for a while, then got up and knelt down and kowtowed to the tombstones, Bai Shan was with her.

Bai Erlang stood with his hands down and looked at it, waiting for them to kowtow before asking, "I don't know who sacrificed the sweep, is it Master Xia?"

Bai Shandao: "Although this is more troublesome, it is not difficult to inquire. I just saw it along the way. There are indeed many tombs here, and probably because of good feng shui, most of the tombs here have tombstones."

Except for the wealthy and some very particular families, there are few people who erect monuments, let alone build tombs with bricks and stones.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find the owner of the nearby tomb, and the Qingming Festival sweeps are basically in those two days. The people who come up for the sacrifice sweep will definitely meet people, as long as they find people and ask for a little bit.

Bai Shandao: "I'll write down the name in a while, and then let the next person inquire about it."

Man Bao nodded, turned his head and smiled at the stunned yamen, "We are not familiar with Shangzhou, so please help us find out where the people who erected the monument are in the future."

The yamen nodded shyly.

Bai Shan walked with Man Bao's hand, and found three tombs nearby, two of which belonged to the same family.

Bai Shan wrote down the names above and asked the yamen.

Not to mention, the yamen really knew one family, but the rest of the family had no impression. Bai Shan didn't mind.

Only then did the group enter the city in the afterglow of the setting sun.

When they returned to the inn, Zhou Dalang and Wu Wulang had returned early. They had already eaten and were waiting for them.

Old Zhoutou was holding his heart, and when he saw Man Bao and the others came back, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately pulled her and asked, "Are you hungry? Are you tired?"

Finally, he asked, "Have you found someone yet?"

Qian Shi disliked him for being impatient, pulled him aside, and said to Man Bao, "Go wash and change clothes first, light up what you want to eat, and come down to eat later."

Man Bao responded and comforted her father, "Dad, don't worry, I can still be bullied?"

After that, he ran.

Old Zhou felt relieved at first, and then he touched his stomach and said, "I just ate something, and I'm a little hungry now."

Qian:  …

Lao Zhoutou waited for Man Bao and the others to come down and have another meal with them, and everyone talked while eating.

See you at 6 pm

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