Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 1915 Hint (March Monthly Pass Plus 3)

Du Lao and Xia Xia have a good relationship, so they know more, and said: "After a year of leaving Zhou Yin and his wife, he didn't feel good when he didn't hear back, so he took advantage of the convenience of managing him for him and changed it to renting a shop by himself. , let his son come out from the original owner's family to work alone, and leased the fields to their Xia clan's patriarch..."

The magistrate of Zhai understood after a little thought, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Master Xia is smart. In this way, even if the fields are divided, they should not be very scattered."

"Yes, I heard that the three fields are now in the hands of Patriarch Xia, and the other one has been divided in half, which is dedicated to sacrifice fields, and the other half is divided among the families. The remaining one seems to be Xu Lichang bought it."

In other words, at least two pieces can be easily recovered, as long as Xu Lichang and Xia Patriarch agree.

The magistrate of Zhai felt that this matter was almost certain.

At this time, Xia Xia was also carefully explaining the details of the division of production twelve years ago to Man Bao, "Because Xia Yi's family is closest to your grandfather, Xia Yi's father and your grandfather are the same grandfather, so at that time Songhua Lane's father was the same as your grandfather. The house was directly distributed to him, but the land was taken back to the clan..."

If he hadn't occupied the shop ahead of time, he wouldn't move out or give it up if he was killed, and he was also a famous silversmith in Shangzhou, and his owner had some power, so the shop wouldn't be able to keep it.

But over the years, the clan has said everything, and Xia Xia's reputation has also deteriorated a lot.

He and Zhou Man said, "I keep the shop's annual rent alone and keep it for your parents."

Man Bao nodded, didn't say yes or no, only asked: "I don't know where my grandparents are buried, I want to go see them."

Xia Xia nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, it should be buried on the Da'an Mountain outside the city. Don't go up the mountain when you leave the city, you must go first..."

Xia Xia elaborated on how to go and then paused, "Why don't we go up the mountain together tomorrow."

He said: "People from Hongtian Village can't come so fast, and they can't enter the city until noon at the earliest. We can go to worship in the morning."

Man Bao nodded with a smile and responded, then seeing that he seemed to be out of breath, he said, "Uncle Xia, why don't I give you a pulse?"

Xia Xia smiled and said, "I'm not your uncle, but my uncle. I'm two years older than your grandfather."

Man Bao was surprised that her grandfather had indeed died prematurely.

Xia Xia also wanted to get along with Zhou Man more, mainly because he still had a lot to ask her, so he reached out to see her doctor and kept asking her questions, "How are your uncles and aunts treating you?"

Man Bao nodded, "Okay, I never thought I wasn't their child before."

That's great.

Xia Xia felt a little better, and asked again, "I think you're about to get married, right?"

Man Bao nodded, "It will be fifteen in winter."

Xia Xia sighed and said, "Okay, okay, you have grown up too, who ordered your marriage?"

While speaking, he also glanced at Bai Shan.

Bai Shan smiled politely at him.

Man Bao said, "My uncle and aunt ordered it."

She said, "We grew up together and worshipped the same teacher."

Xia Xia could only nod his head. In fact, he wanted to ask, why are you still surnamed Zhou? Why not change back to Xia?

But after all, I just met, and the child is afraid that he is still unfamiliar with him, so it is difficult to speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak anymore, Man Bao asked him some questions, how much he eats every day, and how much he can eat per meal...

After asking clearly, Man Bao got up with a smile and said, "It's not too early now, I think Uncle is also tired. It's better to go home and rest first, and see you tomorrow."

Xia Xia hurriedly said: "You go home with me. Once you are at home, you can no longer live outside. I will ask your aunt to clean up the room, and you will live at home."

Man Bao refused and said, "This time my uncle, aunt, and some older brothers have also followed. There are so many people that it's not easy to come and harass. Now we live in the Fulai Inn. Just talk to the Zhou family and they will know."

Xia Xia was taken aback, "Your uncle and aunt are here too?"

"Yes," Man Bao said, "After all, I was too young when I left home, and I don't remember anything. They were afraid that I would not be able to find it, so they accompanied me."

Xia Xia looked at her age and felt that she was right, but thinking about her performance and ability just now, she felt that it was not the reason.

However, he was really exhausted today, just thinking about these things made him exhausted, and now he doesn't have much energy to talk while lying on the rattan chair.

Man Bao naturally saw it too, turned around and went out to have Xia Xia be carried back.

The county magistrate Zhai also finished asking questions, and was leading Du Lao and Zhu Lao, so he simply let them go together, and even let Xu Lichang who was standing under the corridor let go.

Watching the group of them go out together, after thinking for a while, Man Bao still stopped the servants of Xia Xia's family and said, "You guys can leave in a while."

Then he turned to look at Daji, asked him to fetch their umbrella, and asked a guard to hold an umbrella for Xia Xia and escort Xia Xia back.

Lest Xia Xia and Xu Li have a conflict, Xia Xia's body can't take anger now.

The servant of the Xia family responded and waited for a while before going out, and went out slowly, not in a hurry.

When magistrate Zhai waited for them to leave, he turned around and invited Zhou Man and the others to enter, briefly told her what he had inquired about, and then asked, "How do you want to deal with this matter, Lord Zhou?"

It seemed that she could handle it however she wanted.

After standing for a while, Man Bao said, "I want to go see my grandparents' tombs first."

"It's easy to say," said the magistrate of Zhai, "I'll ask a police officer to show you the way?"

Zhou Manxiao: "Then I would like to thank my parents."

The magistrate of Zhai smiled and said, "Master Zhou is too polite. I think the sunset is about to set, so why don't we go tomorrow. Tonight, the county will hold a banquet in the house for the three to wash away the dust."

Man Bao declined, she wanted to go take a look now, and then go home to discuss the matter with her parents.

Seeing that she was impatient, the magistrate of Zhai also understood her, so he held her back for a while and sent her out.

Seeing that the four of them, the master and the servant, followed the yamen he had sent to them and ran away on horseback, he patted his beard and turned back to his residence.

Master said: "Sir, will Xia spit out the meat in his mouth?"

The magistrate of Zhai sighed and said, "Who knows, this county has already done this, whether it is for the Xia family or for the surrounding adults, Xiao Zhou, and what happens in the end depends on their own game."

Master said: "Although Zhou Yin and his wife are excusable not to return to the clan for fourteen years, but after all, those fields and houses have been allocated to the clan for twelve years, even if the adults sentenced Lord Gui Xiao Zhou, if the Xia clan is unwilling, only It's hard to be afraid."

See you tomorrow

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