Mr. Qian sealed the jar, "In this weather, you can eat it for about ten days. If it's hot, you can seal it for two days less."

Remembering that the plum wine she had sealed before would have residues, she said: "If the princesses drink it tightly, you can pass it through a sieve when drinking it. If it is not sweet enough, just mix in some sugar; if you are not in a hurry to drink it, go back and seal it in It can be stored in a cool cellar for a long time, take it out when you want to drink it, don’t shake it, after opening it, the residue should sink below, just take the sake on top and drink it.”

Just listening, Chang Yu couldn't help swallowing.

She instructed the maid to hold the wine, and the maid asked how much to hold.

Chang Yu looked at Man Bao and the three of them, then looked at the five jars on the ground, and reluctantly said, "It's okay to hold two, one jar per person."

The three of Man Bao didn't refuse, and just held a jar each and wanted to take it back to the room.

Xiao Qian hurriedly stopped them and said with a smile, "You don't need to put it in the room. Since it's left at home, it's better to put it in the kitchen."

Put it in the kitchen, the temperature is higher, the wine will ferment faster.

Chang Yu hesitated, "We should put these two jars in the kitchen?"

Little Qian hesitated, "It can be placed anywhere, but I think that the kitchen is always on fire, and fermentation will be quicker."

Chang Yu immediately said: "Then ours are also in the kitchen."

She turned back to the maids holding the wine and said, "Remember, put it in the kitchen after taking it to the palace, and don't forget to bring it when we return to the palace."

The maids should come down.

After taking the wine, Mingda looked up at the position of the sun, and said a little disappointedly: "We have to go to the palace, otherwise it will be too late, and the prince will be worried."

Man Bao sent them out and asked, "Do you want me to go to the palace to play with you tomorrow?"

Mingda said with a smile: "It would be good if you have time, but I guess you don't need to go to the palace, just go directly to the Baiyun Temple. I will tell the prince's brother and ask the guards to let you go up the mountain."

Baiyun Temple is not far from their palace, in the same mountainous area, but they are closer to Baiyun Temple.

Man Bao and the others have never been to Baiyun Temple. The three of them discussed it and nodded their heads. The five agreed to meet at Baiyun Temple tomorrow.

After putting the two on the carriage and watching the janitorial guards escort them away, Man Bao shook his hand and turned back without waiting for them to go far.

See you tomorrow, they don't miss it at all.

Baiyun Temple is much larger than Xuandu Temple. It is on the top of the mountains, but horses can follow the mountain road to the middle of the mountain. The mountain gate is located halfway up the mountain. From there, it stretches up the mountain. There are the main hall and side hall of Baiyun Temple along the way. .

And when you go to the top of the mountain, you can see the Yongzhou Palace on the mountain that is even higher than it is looking to the north.

However, the royal family only encircled the mountain, and did not build the palace to the top of the mountain. The current Yongzhou Palace was built by the last emperor of the previous dynasty.

Although it was built by the last emperor of the previous dynasty, the palace is still well preserved and well maintained. There is not only a warm soup in the mountain, but also a cold spring on the other side. It is a good choice whether it is summer or winter.

It is a pity that the emperor rarely comes to Yongzhou Palace, but the princes and princesses under him come to stay for a period of time to escape the summer from time to time.

The emperor is too busy. He wants to go to Beijing to escape the summer, so the whole office has to move here. Although it is only half a day away from the capital, it still adds a lot of administrative costs for no reason. Therefore, since he ascended the throne, he came to Yongzhou. The number of times of the palace can be counted by a slap.

On the other hand, the Crown Prince and Prince Gong came often, and they were familiar with each other like the imperial palace in the capital.

But the next day, when Man Bao saw Prince Gong in Baiyun Temple, he realized that his walking posture was not right, and it seemed that he injured his waist.

As an imperial physician, especially King Gong is still her patient, Man Bao couldn't help but pay more attention.

Ming Da sighed when he saw it: "We only found out when we returned to the palace yesterday that the prince's elder brother pulled the third elder brother to discuss, but the third elder brother couldn't push it, and finally he was dragged into the martial arts field to wrestle, and the third elder brother fell hard. ."

Man Bao: "...The officials of the East Palace didn't stop him?"

"The officials of the East Palace went to the palace to arrange accommodation, and left for a while. When they received the news and arrived, within a quarter of an hour, the prince's brother and the third brother had eight games."

Man Bao: "...It's too embarrassing, His Royal Highness Prince Gong has been practicing martial arts this year."

Losing eight games in a quarter of an hour is equivalent to throwing a move from His Highness the Crown Prince.

In the end, it was his own brother, and Mingda still felt sorry for him, so he said, "You can help him take a look later."

Man Bao did not refuse. If she didn't watch it today, she still had to watch it when she returned to the palace. It would be better to treat it early.

Man Bao asked, "Since he was injured, why did he come back?"

"We came to Yongzhou to pray for the emperor's grandmother, so naturally we came."

Otherwise, if the capital knew that King Gong did not go to the White Cloud Temple to pray for blessings, not only King Gong, but also the Crown Prince, Ming Da and Chang Yu who were with him would be questioned. At that time, a person who only wanted to have fun and had no heart of benevolence and filial piety would not be able to escape. .

Among them, King Gong must be the most guilty, followed by pulling King Gong to discuss, and the prince who is the head of their group.

Man Bao didn't expect so many twists and turns, so he was stunned for a while before saying, "Okay, I'll go to see Prince Gong in a while."

The prince had already met with the watcher, and he donated sesame oil money, and they prayed for the queen mother.

Blessing activities include but are not limited to chanting scriptures, doing deeds for the people near Yongzhou City for free, distributing blessing rice, summer medicine, and blessing bags for free...

The prince gave a large sum of money on behalf of the emperor, and encouraged Baiyunguan's contribution to the stability of the world, and then went to recite the scriptures.

As for the Mingdas, they naturally acted independently after group activities.

Mingda and Changyu discussed it and said, "Do you want to go to the palace to have a look? We can go to Lengquan to play, it's cool now, we'll go to Yongzhou City tomorrow to play, and tonight you will stay in the city. Let's go to the palace."

Man Bao discussed with Bai Shan and Bai Erlang, and then agreed, letting Daji pick out a guard to go home and report the letter first.

As for King Gong, he gritted his teeth and said, "This king wants to pray for the emperor's grandmother in the White Cloud Temple."

The prince felt that he was showing off, so he snorted coldly, but did not stop anyone.

Man Bao was in the guest room behind the White Cloud Temple to see King Gong's injuries. This kind of flesh and blood can't be seen from the pulse, so Man Bao asked him to take off his clothes to see.

Prince Gong had already untied his belt, but when he turned his head, he saw that Man Bao had grown almost to his ears, and he couldn't move for a while.

How did this guy grow so tall all of a sudden?

Man Bao lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

see you at nine

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