Everyone looked moved, looked carefully, and sure enough, they noticed that something was wrong.

Before the knife, Gu Xuan was like a whirlpool.

Between walking, the fog is entangled, making it difficult to see the depths, and only occasionally shooting will make people feel amazing.

But after Ming Hong's knife came out of the sheath and defeated Beichen Tianshu with one sword, Gu Xuan's whole temperament changed.

He began to exude a kind of momentum that was full of scarf, and between the pitches, it was full of edge.

Someone's eyes were condensed, and he said: "I see an invincible momentum from Gu Xuan, he has the ambition to overwhelm the audience..."

The duel on the Hidden Dragon List continues.

At this time, there are not many people who are still on the platform, and there are still twelve, which is almost the top twelve on the True Dragon List.

The golden pillar fell, and the rest of the people were transported to the new platform in pairs.

As soon as the results of the duel distribution came out, there was a commotion at the bottom.

"Ji Lingsheng vs. Ling Tian Domain!"

"Prince Prison Yan to Gu Xuan!"

Several giants in the younger generation suddenly met four people in advance in this round, which is really unexpected.

Especially the one between Ji Lingsheng and Ling Tianyu.

One of the two is the second on the Qianlong Gold List, and the other is the third on the Qianlong Gold List.

One is the prince of Jiuhuang, who was born with the blood of the emperor, and the other is the descendant of the holy land, accompanied by the green lotus when he was born, and has the image of an ancient sage.

Moreover, both of them are powerhouses in the Divine Aspect Realm, and the difference in the size of the Fortune Golden Dragon is not particularly large.

This duel between the two can almost be regarded as the strongest battle of the True Dragon List so far.

How can you not be excited, how can you not make people look forward to it?

In contrast, the duel between Gu Xuan and Prince Prison Yan is also very exciting, but it is a little insufficient.

"Boy, I advise you to be more attentive..."

The red-eyed and red-haired Prince of Prison Yan ascended to the Dragon Snatching Platform and found that Gu Xuan's attention seemed to be on Ji Lingsheng's side all the time, and his expression was a little displeased.

"Don't think that if you are in the Xuandan Realm, I will show mercy to your subordinates.."

Prince Prison Yan said, glancing at the Golden Dragon of Fortune behind Gu Xuan, with an undisguised look of greed on his face.

Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon was thirty-eight zhang, more than twice that of Prince Xuanyan.

If he could devour Gu Xuan's luck, his luck Golden Dragon would definitely be able to greatly increase by a bit, even surpassing Ji Lingsheng!

"Looks like I'm lucky to be the first to meet you. "

Prince Prison Yan rubbed his hands, and his face showed a look of eagerness.

Gu Xuan retracted his gaze at Ji Lingsheng, fell back to Prince Prison Yan, and said lightly: "Really, I think your luck is very bad." "


Prince Prison Yan frowned, a trace of violence flashed between his eyebrows, and he sneered: "Don't be ashamed to say it." Die for me!"

Saying that, Prince Prison Yan shot directly.

Carrying the body of Hell Hell, his whole body was like an incomparably huge melting pot, exuding a high temperature unimaginable to ordinary people.

Prince Prison Yan punched out, and a raging flame immediately ignited around his body, and the surging waves of fire spread out in all directions, and even the void was burned into a twisted appearance.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he didn't take out the knife, but met it with the same punch.

Seeing this, Prince Prison Yan's eyes burst out with a strong essence, and he laughed, and the fiery qi on his fist became stronger and stronger.

The pupils of the people who were watching this battle at the bottom constricted, and they couldn't help but whisper: "Prince Prison Yan's Hell Xuan Body is a low-grade Xuan Body, and it can emit thousands of degrees of heat with every move, and the earth-level treasure of a Hidden Dragon List Tianjiao of the Nanli Dynasty before was captured and melted by him.

How dare Gu Xuan ?..."

Before the words were finished, fists collided with fists on the stage.

Gu Xuan's body shook slightly, and Prince Prison Yan took two steps back.


The man who was still worried just now was stunned and couldn't say a word.

Someone next to him shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you have forgotten, Gu Xuan is a person with a divine body."



Prince Prison Yan was shocked back by Gu Xuan's punch, and his face was a little calmer, and his contempt was gone.

"It's a bit of strength, just right, I haven't fought with someone for a long time..."

The red flames on the prince of prison Yan rolled, and he put on a posture of wanting to open his strength.

Gu Xuan glanced into the distance, frowned, and said, "I don't have to work hard with you." "


Before Prince Prison Yan could react, he saw Gu Xuan take a step forward.

At this step, large swaths of thunder and flames poured out from Gu Xuan's body.

There are also dense mysterious and noble divine patterns, like the roots of the divine tree, all over Gu Xuan's body.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Xuan turned into a divine general who walked out of the ancient picture scroll, condescending and majestic.

Gu Xuan took another step, this step directly ignored the distance between him and Prince Xuanyan, and in an instant, he came to Prince Xuanyan and smashed it with a punch.

Prince Prison Yan's eyes widened, and a violent anger appeared on his face, and he punched out the same without dodging or dodging.

"Is it a god? I'm about to get a good lesson... Poof!"

Gu Xuan's punch, thunder and fire were intertwined, and the divine pattern contained great power, enveloping the power that seemed to be able to collapse everything.

The flames on Prince Prisonyan's fist were automatically extinguished before they touched Gu Xuan's fist.

A fist-to-fist collision ensued.

The divine pattern on the back of Gu Xuan's fist lit up, but he was only slightly frozen for less than half a breath before continuing to press down.


Prince Prison's right arm was crushed like a hemp stalk, bent at a strange angle.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the mouth of the prince and flew out, his face showing a look of disbelief and shock.

"Impossible! This is impossible! I have the power of ten dragons, how can I not be as good as you in the flesh?"

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he took another step.

Prince Prison Yan looked grim, and his face showed a look of madness and violence.

"I'm really afraid that you won't make it?!"

As he spoke, a huge body of the Law Appearance appeared behind the Prince of Prison Yan.

This body of the Law Aspect is the image of a flame giant, full of the breath of barbarism and antiquity, and there are ten Dao marks looming around his body, instantly doubling the momentum of the Prince of Prison Yan!

The audience at the bottom looked moved.

"The body of the law of the prince of Jiyan!"

"Those who are strong in the divine phase realm condense the body of the Dharma phase, and those who manifest one to three Dao marks are inferior to the Dharma Phase, those with four to nine Dao marks are medium-grade, and those with more than nine Dao marks can be called high-grade.

Each Dao mark can allow the martial artist to mobilize one more heaven and earth aura, ten Dao is ten percent, and the additional combat power is doubled!"

"This time, Gu Xuan is likely to resist?"

"Devour the world!"

Prince Yan's right arm was abolished, and his left arm was replaced to punch.

This punch set off layers of fire waves, and the illusion of a sea of fire in the void was conjured, and it was obvious that the fist intent of his punch had also comprehended Xiao Cheng.

And the flame giant behind him also threw a punch, affecting the infinite aura, and even the void was shattered with a slight crack.

The power of Prince Prison Yan's punch can be described as earth-shattering.

"Divine Power Dao Palace!

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and a Dao palace in his body suddenly opened, and majestic qi gushed out.

Close to the power of twenty dragons!

Gu Xuan's upper and lower body was bright.

He stepped on thunder and flames, like an ancient god descending, bucking the trend and throwing a punch.

At the landing point of this punch, the void collapsed directly inward, forming a small black hole.

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