Beichen Killing.

It is a top inheritance of the Beichen Dynasty.

The Beichen Killing Technique contains a total of seven martial arts, each of which is at the Heavenly Level.

The seven kinds of martial arts also have a mysterious connection with each other, and when they are used at the same time, they can condense the powerful and incomparable Big Dipper Star Seal!

This was originally a secret technique of joint attack, but now it was used by Beichen Tianshu with his own strength, which immediately caused a huge commotion underneath.

"The seven heaven-level martial arts are all connected to the great completion! All of them have comprehended the artistic conception of martial arts! Beichen Tianshu's comprehension can no longer be described as demonic, it is simply terrifying!"

"No one in the Beichen Dynasty has ever done this for thousands of years, and this generation of Tianshu actually did it?!"

"Hiss-this is the true face of the Beichen Killing Technique, with this Big Dipper Star Seal alone, Beichen Tianshu is qualified to rank in the top ten of the True Dragon List!"

"I doubt that an ordinary martial artist of the third or fourth level of the God Realm can take this move. "


Beichen Tianshu's shocking Big Dipper Star Seal affected the starlight, swaying the void, and exuding a terrifying power that even several young giants on the competition platform next to him couldn't help but look sideways.

Offstage, the light in the eyes of Xie Tianyi, who was in a weak state, bloomed, and there seemed to be countless messages flowing rapidly.

Soon, Xie Tianyi spurted out a mouthful of blood, and shook his head helplessly: "I can't see through the flaws of this trick.."

The other six of the Beichen Seven Yao looked shocked and muttered, "It turns out... He's already strong enough to get there. The so-called Beichen Qiyao is a joke at all, we are all Tianshu's foils."

Xiao Chen, who had been eliminated a long time ago, stood in the corner, his face full of shock.

Relying on the advantage of foresight, he has obtained many powerful martial arts inheritances along the way, including several heaven-level martial arts.

Therefore, he knew best how difficult it was to practice the Heavenly Rank Exercises.

It's hard to get into one, let alone seven, it's incredible.

"Compared with the real top Tianjiao, I am too much behind, whether it is in terms of qualification or understanding... Hey..."

Xiao Chen sighed softly, and there was a bit of thinking in his eyes.

"I seem to remember the identity of this person, although he didn't make it to the king list, but he is also the top demon at the level below the king list, and he is one of the important supporting roles.

In his previous life, he was one of the few Tianjiao in the Southern Regions who entered the Zhongzhou stage with Ji Lingsheng and did not have a clear crowd!

It turns out that this person turned out to be a genius of the Beichen Dynasty..."

In the face of such an amazing move, Gu Xuan, who was the enemy against him, naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"I don't know if Gu Xuan can take this trick.."

"The myth of invincibility at the same level may be shattered. "

On the sidelines, the little Yan Shaoyang clenched his fists, his little face tightened, more nervous than anyone else.

"Master, come on!"

Many eyes converged on Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan's expression was indifferent, and there was a kind of calm that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and his face did not change.

His right hand rested lightly on the hilt of Minghong's knife.

The Ming Hong Knife seemed to sense the current strong enemy, and it trembled with excitement under the stimulation of the sword qi, and the lark on the handle of the knife seemed to be alive and lifelike.

Gu Xuan's eyes drooped.

The moment he raised his eyes again, he took out the knife.


A sword light that cut through the eons pierced the sky, as if it was about to cut everything in front of Gu Xuan.


Only one slash!

This knife is an extremely pure Heavenly Sword Intent.

There is no foreshadowing, only one word - chop.

Break through the nine skies, cut off everything.

Where the sword light passed—

The void is divided, the starlight fades, and the Beidou falls...

The star seal shot by Beichen Tianshu was directly cut into two pieces under this knife.

The platform of the Dragon Capture Platform cracked in the middle.

The forbidden circles around the Dragon Snatching Platform burst violently.

The sword qi stretched out.

"Bang bang bang-"

On the trajectory of Gu Xuan's knife, the forbidden light shield of the magic circle connected to the four competition platforms was directly slashed.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan slightly deflected two inches when he slashed out this knife.

This knife was rubbing Beichen Tianshu's cheek.

For a moment, the entire Hidden Dragon Ancient City was silent, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard clearly.


Gu Xuan put the knife into the sheath, looked at Beichen Tianshu who was standing in front of him, and said lightly: "Your move is not bad." "

After a brief silence, there was a sudden cacophony of noises on the field.

"it! it!"

"What kind of knife is this?!This is Gu Xuan's real strength after the knife?!"

The onlookers below are going crazy.

Gu Xuan's knife had too big an impact on them.

The sword intent that cuts through the ages and cuts off everything... Anyone who sees it will have a feeling of being amazed to the point that their scalp is numb.

Extreme, pure, powerful....

It is difficult to describe the amazement of Gu Xuan's knife in words.

Many people suddenly jumped out of their minds with a word - shaking the past and the present!

This knife may go down in history!

Beichen Tianshu, you don't lose unjustly!

Many people looked at Gu Xuan's "masterpiece" with shocked faces.

The competition platform that was cut open in the middle, the magic circle light curtain that was slashed four times in a row, the void that was slowly recovering after being cut off...

The mouth is wide open and difficult to close for a long time.

"It's... Is it the ultimate combat power of the Xuandan Realm?"

Someone muttered, "Is it really something that can be done in the Xuandan Realm?"

No one answered.

"Shizun won, Shizun is too strong!"

Yan Shaoyang cheered excitedly.

He remembered what Gu Xuan had said to him - "Before you are ready to make a move, it is best not to let the opponent know how sharp your knife really is." "

The next sentence of this sentence should be: "If you shoot, then this knife will be amazing in the world." "Let's go.

It took a long time for Beichen Tianshu to slowly recover from the huge impact.

He bowed to Gu Xuan extremely calmly and said, "Thank you for not killing, I hope I can still have the opportunity to receive your second knife in this life." "

After speaking, Beichen Tianshu jumped directly off the dragon platform.

He completely gave up the next competition and walked directly to the outside of the Qianlong Ancient City.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Xuandan Upgrade Pill*1"

Gu Xuan was a little surprised.

The shock caused by his knife to Beichen Tianshu seemed to be a bit big, and it directly made him give up the battle for the True Dragon List, and he seemed to have other understandings.

With the power of the Beichen Tianshu's Big Dipper Star Seal, he is fully qualified to compete for the top ten of the True Dragon List, even the ninth and eighth...

But he gave up, so Gu Xuan was equivalent to cutting off his chance, which was an unexpected joy.

Beichen Tianshu can be regarded as a rather pure martial artist, and Gu Xuan still has admiration for such an opponent.

After this battle, Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon devoured Beichen Tianshu's small half of his luck, and it directly skyrocketed to thirty-eight zhang, and his body became bigger and bigger.

This battle also made everyone on the field fully realize Gu Xuan's true strength.

The ceiling of the Xuandan Realm, the ultimate combat power of the Xuandan Realm...

Not weaker than any young giant!

At this time, someone at the bottom suddenly spoke: "Have you noticed that Gu Xuan's momentum seems to have changed..."

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