Fantasy: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Became Heavenly Emperor By Swiping My Cards

Fantasy: My Understanding Is Incredible, I Became Heavenly Emperor By Swiping My Cards


210 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Feng transmigrate the fantasy world and awaken the Dao Ancestor possession system. As long as you complete daily tasks, you will be rewarded with the Dao Ancestor possession experience card, enter the invincible state of enlightenment, and open the road to invincibility in the world!

Don’t panic if your physique is ordinary, swipe your card to directly understand the most powerful physique in ancient times, Hongmeng Dao Body!

As long as you swipe your card, you can master the ancient and modern Supreme Divine Ability and Divine Level techniques in one second!

Nine days and ten places, all over the world, is there anything that an experience card can't solve?

If so, then two, three, ten, a hundred...

This is destined to be the era of Chu Feng. Let the gods and demons in the sky be frightened, the empress' Taoist heart is broken, the fairy's heart is messy, and Chu Feng can only say Yun Danfengqing...

"Ha...Ji Cao...calm down!"


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