Chapter 23-The new hatred and the old hatred

Mo Wuji is not a fool, and Su Changyu should have tried everything he could to please Su Changyu during these days when Su Changyu stayed in Wujizong.

Now that the Promise Sect is alive and dead, even if Su Changyu looks down on the Promise Sect and no longer treats the Promise Sect as a human being, at least he has to show his face!

But no!

Su Changyu never appeared from beginning to end!

All the information about Su Changyu came from Mo Wuji’s mouth.

Therefore, the authenticity of this so-called “Su Gongzi” has to be questioned!

By now, the four of them are completely sure, there must be no such person as Su Changyu!

That’s why they dare to invade and plunder the Promise Sect so boldly!

At this moment, Mo Qingxue mentioned Su Changyu again, so what’s the fear?

Anyway, there is no such person. What’s wrong with Gulidan’s bragging?

Granny Xuanqing agreed with a smile, and said: “Yes, if there really is Young Master Su, then the old man will take him down, completely cutting off your hope of Promise Sect!”

Ouyang Xiao sighed and said, “Oh, Mo Sect Leader, Holy Maiden, don’t deceive yourself. Now, I am afraid that you are all immersed in own lies and cannot extricate yourself. The so-called Su Gongzi, but It’s just an imaginary made up by you, wake up!”

“Mo Sect Leader, today my Ouyang family came here for no other purpose. I just want to count with you. One hundred and thirty years ago, your Promise Sect elder Sect Leader took away three dragons and grasses of our family. Written account! For one hundred and thirty years, your Promise Sect has not explained anything about this matter, and has never given us any compensation! Isn’t it a bit extreme for what you did in this matter?”

“Today, if your Promise Sect can return the three dragons and grasses to my Ouyang clan, or use the equivalent Spirit Stones to compensate, then my Ouyang clan will immediately withdraw without leaving a single soldier, and this matter Ouyang The family is not blending!”

Dragon grass is extremely valuable, even if it is just a seedling, it can be sold at the price of 100,000 Spirit Stones!

The dragon grass is the main material for refining the healing pill, and the elder Sect Leader of the Promise Sect at that time snatched three plants from the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family has kept this account for one hundred and thirty years!

In Cultivation World, mortal currency is also used, copper coins, one thousand copper coins, then silver ingots, one silver coin is equal to one copper coin, and then gold ingots, one thousand taels of silver equals one gold.

On top of the gold ingots, there are Spirit Stones.

One hundred taels of gold can buy a Spirit Stones.

And that one dragon grass is worth one hundred thousand Spirit Stones!

It’s not hard to guess how precious it is!

This account, let alone one hundred and thirty years, even one thousand three hundred years, the Ouyang clan will not forget it!

For those three dragons, the ancestors of the Ouyang clan worked hard for 800 years before they transplanted the dragons from the forbidden land a little bit. Unexpectedly, it eventually became cheaper for the Wujizong!

Simply Damn it!

Coulee Alchemy: “Mo Wuji, forty years ago, your father injured my father and left my father with a disability. Realm has stagnated since then. Sixty-seven years ago, the second Elder of the Wuji Zong missed me and killed me. There are eight Elders in the swordsmanship, among them my third uncle who is under twenty years old! One hundred and twenty years ago, your grandfather severely inflicted my swordsmanship on Elder, and three years ago, you were from my swordsmanship. Taking away a thousand-year-old Profound Crystal, in recent years, your Promise Sect has become less and less of us To put in one’s eyes. Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. Today, our new hatred and old hatred, just let us forget it together!”

The four of them were all talking about their dissatisfaction with Wujizong, Mo Wuji had nothing to say, even if he did, I believe the four would not listen to him!

“Don’t talk nonsense, if you want to kill or slash, just do it. If I frown today, Mo Wuji will be a descendant of the Mo family! Qingxue, you have to live well and wait for Master Su to come back. My hatred can be ignored. Retribution, the Wujizong’s grudges may not be reported, but today’s affairs must not be forgotten!”

Of course Mo Wuji wanted Su Changyu to avenge him and avenge the Wujizong!

However, he was afraid that it would be too difficult for Mo Qingxue to do this!

He doesn’t know the specific relationship between Mo Qingxue and Su Changyu. If Mo Qingxue asks Su Changyu to do this, will the other party feel annoying? Mo Qingxue’s grievances, why should Su Changyu act for her?

Is it because Mo Qingxue dedicated herself to Su Changyu?

Can a single Mo Qingxue exchange the demise of the four major forces?

Certainly not!

Even ten Mo Qingxue can’t!

If Su Changyu really loves Mo Qingxue, then say something else. Not to mention destroying the four big families for her, even if it is worthy of being an enemy of the whole world!

Just like Xiao Han did to Mo Qingxue!

But, would Su Changyu really like the little Holy Maiden in a remote place?

This is equivalent to the daughter of the prince and other members!

No matter how delicate and beautiful the daughter outside the staff is, she is still a citizen girl, and she can’t compare with the noble prince. It is already an extravagant dream to be favored by the prince, and if he still asks the prince to do other things for her, to send troops to fight, then it seems to be an inch.

I am afraid that even the initial favor will be gone by then, but the prince will be unhappy!

Therefore, Mo Wuji just asked Mo Qingxue to remember this hatred. He believed that as long as Mo Qingxue stayed with Su Changyu, he would become stronger sooner or later. At that time, Mo Qingxue would be able to destroy the Big Four by himself. power!

“Haha! Are you still thinking about your Su master? The dream hasn’t woken up yet? I tell you, if that person named Su dares to appear today, I will let him be buried with you! Now, I will kill you first!”

Gulidan flickered, and suddenly appeared in front of Mo Wuji, grabbing the opponent’s throat, fast enough to start Mo Qingxue next to him.

After reacting, Mo Qingxue drew his sword and went up, but was shaken out by Gu Lidan’s palm!

Gu Lidan squeezed Mo Wuji’s neck fiercely, and lifted the opponent from the ground abruptly.

“This is what you Wujizong owes us! Go to hell!”

Mo Qingxue vomited blood, and when he saw his father on the verge of life and death, he shouted anxiously: “No! Don’t—”


However, Gulidan just glanced at Mo Qingxue coldly, and didn’t put her in his eyes at all!

Mo Qingxue looked around the Great Hall and pleaded bitterly.

“Changyu! Changyu! Where are you! Where are you! Come back! Come back soon!”

“Su Changyu! I beg you, you will show up soon! Will you show up!”


At this time, the Elders of the Promise Sect in the Great Hall were also praying and calling.

“Su Gongzi, where are you Su Gongzi!”

“Master Su, please show up as soon as possible!”

“The Promise Sect needs you, Young Master Su!”

Granny Xuanqing shook her head slightly with a cane. In her opinion, the Elders of Mo Qingxue and Wuji Sect were 80% crazy.

But at this moment, a sneer suddenly appeared over the Great Hall.

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