Chapter 986 Unprecedented, latest challenge!

Chu Xiao’s face is ugly now, and his heart is a little heavy.

Because he also knows that this thing has also become worse.

That guy really woke up.

What will happen afterwards, he still doesn’t know exactly.

But he also knows very well that the next thing is that he is more dangerous.

It is not clear what will happen in the end.

It is impossible to know now.

But he also knows that this guy is very strong.

If you want to deal with it, it may also take a lot of effort.

But there is no way, because I have to face it.

So for such a thing, I have completely thought about it now.

Even if he can’t solve it so easily, he must solve it!

After all, only oneself can deal with it.

And it is also the hope of others.

In this way, he might not be able to get into trouble here.

Even if something goes wrong, he will kill this guy!

Because they have already come here and have entered other people’s territory.

He doesn’t think the other party will let them go.

So now I still think clearly in my heart, and I’m also prepared for it.

Know that this kind of thing cannot be taken lightly.

In addition to this, you can’t be distracted to think about other things.

In this situation, his gaze directly turned there, looking at the figure.

Know that the guy is very strong.

In that case, he is now completely ready.

If he really wants to do it next, he won’t have any hesitation.

The situation at this time, in his opinion, is still relatively bad.

So I don’t think so much about such things now.

Knowing this situation, you have to be extra careful.

Otherwise, this matter can be dealt with if it is not so good.

After thinking about this, I didn’t think about other things, and didn’t worry about the things behind.

Because you know, you must be careful about this matter.

Apart from this, there can be no other ideas.

What’s more, he doesn’t know how to deal with it. This is the worst.

In this case, of course you have to be careful.

And we need to see how that guy should deal with it.

Now he didn’t know what the guy inside was.

All this will be known after he comes out.

Thinking of this, I have completely thought about it, and I didn’t want to do anything.

At this time, I stood quietly on the spot, without any other actions.

Nor will he act rashly at this time.

If it is really that way, then the worst thing will be yourself.

He didn’t want such a thing to happen, nor did he want it to happen.

After thinking of this, I also fully thought it through.

So at this time, I was more careful and had no other ideas.

He still wanted to see what that guy was.

If you can understand it clearly, this is of course the best, but there is no need to think about it.

And then you can still make a plan.

How to deal with it, you must first understand the situation.

So he also knows this, and of course he will not act rashly now.

He was also more careful about this time than anyone else.

Because this situation is unprecedented.

This big guy, he knows, his strength will definitely be very strong.

Whether it can be dealt with or not is still unclear.

But he also knew that as long as he was more careful, he should be careful.

So with such an idea, of course it is very careful.

So what will happen in the future, he doesn’t know now.

It depends on what the opponent will be this time.

In that case, it is indeed already vigilant in my heart.

What will happen afterwards, it has nothing to do with him.

Because he didn’t know what kind of situation it was, he didn’t know what kind of guy it was.

He only knows that this is the guardian beast here!

But as long as he knows this, he knows that such things are difficult to deal with.

Because this guy is definitely not weak.

It should be worse if they fight each other.

After thinking about this, I didn’t think about anything else.

It is still difficult to know this.

For him, it may also be difficult to solve.

Thinking of this, it is indeed more careful than ever.

When they came here, nothing happened.

Even if the danger that appeared before, it was solved by their joint efforts.

But at this time, he was the only one.

This kind of thing is really nothing good.

And there may be very big situations and many dangers later.

My own situation is not so good now.

But there is no way, this kind of thing is also to be faced.

After all, he is the only one.

The other people couldn’t help much and were trapped behind.

Only I can help them here.

Only here can I act.

This matter is not so simple in his opinion.

So things like this didn’t have to be entangled so much, because all of this can only be done by yourself.

At this time, he was also waiting for that guy to come out completely and show up completely!

Only in this way can we know what kind of guy it is.

Now that I thought of this, I really didn’t think about anything else.

He is very clear, thinking so much, anyway, it’s not very good.

Maybe it will be distracted at that time.

He won’t make such low-level mistakes, just want to see, what is that guy!

Since it is a guardian beast, what kind of beast is it?

I thought of this in my heart, indeed (Li Wangzhao), more vigilant than other times.

Therefore, I didn’t think so much about this kind of thing.

If you think about it so much, it may be a little bit uncomfortable.

He wouldn’t have such thoughts, he just wanted to see what that guy was shaking.

I thought of this in my heart, and of course I didn’t think about anything else.

So what will happen later, he only needs to look at the identity of that guy.

If you want to get to know that guy, just wait for him to come out!

I still think about this very clearly in my heart.

That way, I didn’t think about other things.

He is still waiting now, waiting for the guy in the eye of the storm to come out completely.

Only in this way can one understand what it is.

After thinking about it clearly in my heart, I didn’t think about it that much anymore.

This development of the matter, think about it now, is still acceptable, so I have calmed down now.

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