Chapter 985 Sleeping in it, the figure appears!


There is another roar!

At this time, Chu Xiao also knew very well that the guy had completely awakened.

This situation has become more and more dangerous.

He also took two steps back now, keeping a safe distance.

It is clear that you cannot take it lightly at this time.

If you are really distracted, you don’t know what will happen.

There must be no such thing now.

If such a thing happens, it is still very troublesome.

At this moment, I also know that I can’t think about this thing anymore.

If you think about the current situation so much, it will be very dangerous.

What we need to do at this time is to be more careful.

Otherwise, the situation after a while will be worse than it is now.

So after thinking of this, of course, I can’t think of other things.

And nothing can happen here.

If there is any trouble, it will be very dangerous.

Now is a thorny trouble.

Because then I can only face 11 on my own.

Such a thing is really bad.

But there is no way, I really can only do this.

In such a situation, it is not yet clear how to solve it.

The guy inside has completely awakened, but he hasn’t shown up yet.

In this way, it has become a rather strange thing.

Chu Xiao didn’t think so much, so he stared at it.

He also knew that after this, the other party would definitely show up.

It is impossible to be in the eye of the storm all the time.

If it is really like this, then I don’t know how to solve it.

So at that time, I didn’t think about it so much.

Only know that this situation is difficult to solve, and it will not be solved by oneself so quickly.

Maybe if you are not careful, you will be solved by yourself.

This situation is really unacceptable.

But there is no way.

Because when he came here earlier, he had already thought that there would be such a situation.

So, it’s too surprised if you don’t show up now.

However, he also knew that the guys there were still relatively tough.

In this case, if you want to cope with it, you still have to have enough strength.

Otherwise, it seems to be difficult to deal with such a thing.

After thinking about this, the expression on his face became more serious than before.

To this kind of situation, one can only accept and face it calmly.

Looking at the eye of the storm not far away, there is actually only a distance.

As long as he is willing to walk directly over, he can stand there.

But he is not in this mood, because he knows where the danger is, it’s great!

The guy inside hasn’t come out yet.

In this case, of course you can’t act rashly.

If you are not careful, you may really die here.

Of course he didn’t want to have such a situation, nor did he want it to happen.

In this case, of course there can be no other things.

“Damn it, I still can’t see it!”

After taking a look, Chu Xiao cursed inwardly.

Because I’ve watched it for a long time, I can’t see anything at all.

In that case, this matter would be a little troublesome.

He didn’t know what the guy inside was.

He didn’t know exactly what kind of guy this guardian beast was.

But according to this situation, it should be more powerful.

Then of course he must be fully focused here.

It’s just that he couldn’t see it, which gave him a headache.

After thinking for a while, I knew that this matter could not be solved now.

It is also very clear that you have to wait for the other party to show up.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t see anything here.

Apart from waiting here, there is really no way.

In this situation, I don’t know what to say now.

He felt that as long as he was a little more careful, there shouldn’t be much problems.

After thinking about it, I didn’t think about other things.

Because he is still thinking about how to solve it.

The guy inside has completely woken up, he knows this.

So when I thought of this, I knew that this matter was very dangerous.

If it can’t be solved, of course there will be a lot of trouble.

After thinking it over, I knew that things were not that simple.

In this way, he is also in a dangerous situation here.

This situation may be even more dangerous than outside.

But he can only do this, he can only face it, there is no other way.

That wave of volatility is now becoming more and more obvious.

In addition to this, the breath is also very strong.

Voices continuously came from the eyes of the storm, and those were roars.

Hearing such a voice and feeling such a breath, he knew that there was no way to resolve the matter for the time being.

Because the other party hasn’t appeared yet, he can’t see it, so naturally he won’t act rashly.

If it confuses, it will irritate the guys inside, and it will be even more dangerous than it is now!

And I don’t know what it is or how to deal with it.

If that’s the case, you really can’t have other ideas.

She also knows very well, this one just needs to wait quietly,

I don’t think so much about this matter now.

Because I think so much, it will make my mood irritable.

In this way, don’t think about it anymore.

In this way, there is no way to solve it.

These 567 situations today, no matter what, will be terrible.

Then it’s already bad, and of course he can’t add fuel to the fire at this time.

Don’t irritate each other at this time.

Because there is no understanding yet, it seems that this cannot be done, and it cannot be done like this.

In this respect, I am still quite aware of such things.

So after thinking of this, I didn’t think about other things.

But soon, I can feel it now, and the breath inside seems to start to move!

Being able to be in the eye of the storm, in such a terrible eye of the storm, and still able to act and sleep in it.

One can imagine how terrible this guy is.

Chu Xiao also knew at this time that things must be more serious at this time.

The guy inside is coming out!

Then, what to do next, naturally, we must first understand what that guy is.

In addition to this, there can be no other ideas, let alone impulse at this time.

So with regard to this matter, he has already thought very clearly now.

At this time, Chu Xiao’s eyes were tightly focused on the eye of the storm.

After that, while waiting for me, a figure and a silhouette gradually appeared in the eyes of the storm!

That kind, it seems, is a big guy!

After seeing this scene, Chu Xiao also knew that it was the same as he thought, the other party was about to show up!

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