Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 584 Purpose (Part 1)

Guo Nanny joked: The side concubine can draw His Highness the Crown Prince, but the maids can't! Madam Zhenxihou can't either. Of course women can draw, but portraits don't matter, especially for men. Next, women don't draw men, otherwise what is it?

Chu Miaoshu is the prince's woman, so of course she can paint him! Others will not work. In particular, Ye Tangcai has a husband, and Cai girls are the emperor's women.

Yes, no. Empress Zheng said.

But Chu Miaoshu pouted: I'm going to draw His Highness the Crown Prince. You don't need to draw... By the way, hehe, I will draw my husband, so the little sister-in-law should also draw her own husband! Draw the third brother. And the girls ...By the way, let's draw the emperor father!

The girls below were shocked, can they draw the emperor?

The emperor's sky face is not something that anyone can draw.

No, but Empress Zheng nodded with a smile: Then follow Concubine Chu's words!

The show girls were even more surprised, it turned out it was possible! But...they can't draw!

All the beautiful women waved their hands: Your Majesty is joking...but the courtiers and concubines are all women, so how can they know how to draw? Even if they don't recognize a single word.

Guo Nanny couldn't help but glared at them: Where can't it be? Of course it will...By the way, Jia Cai is very proficient in writing and ink, and has outstanding painting skills. At that time, she even presented a painting in the draft.

As he spoke, he looked towards the woman on the second armchair on the right.

The girl was sweet and lovely, about sixteen or seventeen years old, she jumped up in fright when she heard Guo Nanny's words, Fushen said: My concubine... her painting skills are really ordinary.

Her painting skills are really ordinary, that is to say, she knows how to draw and draws like-looking. At that time, she presented a picture of a lotus flower, and the minister of household department shook his head, saying that it was nothing special, and the reason why she was selected was because of her beauty.

Sister is humble. No, Empress Zheng looked at her with a smile. I also know that the talents of different girls are different. Since Sister Jia was picked out by Nanny Guo, it proves that her painting skills are top-notch and she has her own uniqueness.

Jia Cainv was dizzy, Concubine...concubine...

No, but Empress Zheng's face was stern.

Jia Cainu was so frightened that her knees gave way, and she knelt down with a plop.

You— Empress Zheng's face darkened even more, What's wrong with my sister? Is this palace so scary? I just praised you.

Cai Nu, get up! Guo Momo went forward with a pale face, and helped her up. He said coldly: Your Majesty tells you to draw as you please, what's the point of being modest?

Jia Cainv was in a cold sweat and was about to cry, but now that the ducks are on the shelves, if she can't draw well by herself, she will be unpopular at worst, and she won't be able to die! I had no choice but to nod: Then the concubine is making a fool of himself... I hope your empress and madam will not laugh at you.

Empress Zheng smiled and looked very interested: Okay, quickly prepare the four treasures of the study.

Madam Shi withdrew, and after a while, she prepared the four treasures of the study room, and she and Madam Guo personally brought three tables and placed them in the center of the room.

Normally, short tables are used in such places, but she and Chu Miaohua are both pregnant, so they moved to high tables.

Ye Tangcai narrowed her bright eyes when she saw that Empress Zheng's two confidantes actually carried heavy things over in person.

Little sister-in-law, please. Chu Miaoshu grinned,

The three of them walked behind the three tables and spread out the drawing paper.

Among the three tables, Ye Tangcai's and Chu Miaoshu's were side by side, half a foot apart, and Jia Cainu's was behind.

Ye Tangcai lowered her head and drew carefully, and Chu Miaoshu also started to write.

After Chu Miao drew a few strokes, she glanced at Ye Tangcai, only to see that Ye Tangcai painted meticulously.

After drawing for another quarter of an hour, Ye Tangcai and Chu Miaoshu's paintings took shape, but because the paintings were laid flat on the table, each could not clearly see what the other had drawn.

Nanny Shi and Nanny Guo pretended to come over to check, and happened to be on the left and right of Chu Miaoshu, blocking the sight of the two rows of pickers.

Chu Miaoshu quickly pulled out the bottom layer of a painting that had already been drawn, and put it on top. The last one was taken away by Nanny Shi.

Guo Nanny went to the girl Jia Cai in the back.

Seeing Nanny Guo approaching, Jia Cai's face turned pale, and the sweat dripped down her face.

She can draw lotus flowers, but she can't draw people... She just drew a face outline, so she can't...

She was so anxious that she wanted to cry, and she would definitely be criticized by the empress soon.

You... Nanny Guo stared at her with an anxious expression on her face.

Jia Cainu bit her lip hard.

Hmph! No, Guo Nanny threw her a ball of paper.

Jia Cainv was startled, and hastily opened it, only to see that it turned out to be a portrait of Emperor Zhengxuan.

Jia Cainu looked at Nanny Guo gratefully: Mommy...

Nanny Guo had already turned and left.

Jia Cainv breathed a sigh of relief, the nanny said just now that she has outstanding talents, she probably regretted it too! Knowing how much she weighed, she helped her in order not to lose face for a while.

Fortunately, Empress Zheng was talking to all the show girls, but none of the show girls paid attention to her.

After another quarter of an hour, Empress Zheng put down the white jade teacup: Is everything all right?

Ye Tangcai had already put down her pen: Madam, my wife has finished drawing.

Ah, then come and sit down quickly. You are heavy, so don't stand too long. Empress Zheng was very considerate.

Yes. Ye Tangcai walked to the Xiudun seat under Queen Zheng and sat down.

Queen, I'm fine too. Chu Miaoshu walked to Ye Tangcai and sat down.

Jia Cainv quickly said, Go back to your mother, and the concubine has finished drawing.

Hehe, very good, go back and sit down. Empress Zheng said with a smile. Come on, let everyone appreciate the talents of the book sisters and Cai girls. Madam Shi!

Yes! Nanny Shi nodded with a smile, and first picked up the one on Chu Miao's desk, Look, Madam!

Ye Tangcai tilted his head to look, and saw that the prince in Chu Miao's painting and calligraphy was vivid, handsome and elegant, with the dignity and majesty of a prince. The corner of Ye Tangcai's lips twitched, she was so close just now, she saw the change of painting.

Oh, the painting is really resembling. Empress Zheng praised, I didn't expect Sister Shu to be so good at painting.

Mother's eminent praise. Chu Miaoshu laughed, The concubine can always turn to His Royal Highness. Now that he has the affirmation of the mother, if he still dislikes him, then the mother must not let him go.

Naturally. Empress Zheng said. The atmosphere between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was so harmonious, Come on, let me show my younger sisters Shujie's painting skills.

Madam Shi hurriedly stood beside Queen Zheng and held up the painting for the girls below to see.

Those twelve picking girls had never seen the prince before, they were shocked when they saw it, he was so handsome! And that was His Royal Highness the crown prince, and seeing Chu Miaoshu's shy face again, the ladies couldn't help feeling sour in their hearts. Look at the people who marry...

Hehe, come on, let's take a look at Mrs. Zhenxihou too. Empress Zheng said.

Yes. Nanny Guo picked up the painting on Ye Tangcai's table and walked up to Empress Zheng.

Empress Zheng was startled when she saw it, and then nodded her head and praised: The painting is well-formed and spirited, and she really deserves to be the number one talented woman in Daqi.

Ye Tangcai lowered his head and smiled: Your Majesty praises you absurdly. The court lady is just drawing him in her mind.

That's the best. Empress Zheng admired it sincerely, and said with a smile, Let the picking girls see it too.

Nanny Guo turned around and held up the painting.

When those picking girls saw it, they were astonished. I saw a man in the painting dressed in a bright red military uniform, with black hair in a high bun, flamboyant and flamboyant, with gorgeous and picturesque eyebrows, and a heroic appearance.

The girls were amazed, this is the legendary Zhenxihou! It is really as gorgeous as the rumors say, with a unique charm!

It's true that the husband and wife are deeply in love. Empress Zheng laughed, Whether it's Sister Shu or Mrs. Zhenxihou, they are all painted vividly. Come, look at Sister Jia's.

Nanny Guo hurried down and brought it to Empress Zheng in a short while: My lady, please take a look.

Empress Zheng smiled when she saw the person in the painting: Well, it looks like it! It really does look like it. Ma'am, take a look too.

Okay. Ye Tangcai leaned over to take a look, and then his face froze, it really looked like it! Hehe smiled: Extremely similar.

That's right! Chu Miaoshu kept nodding, with ridicule flashing across her eyes.

Jia Cainu breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at it too. Empress Zheng chuckled.

Grandma Guo held up the painting, and all the girls were still immersed in the prince's handsome elegance and Chu Yunpan's elegant demeanor. When they suddenly saw the painting in Guo Nanny's hand, they froze.

I saw that the old man inside had a wrinkled face, even the sagging eyelids were exactly the same, and even the obscenely yellow eyes were exactly the same. Laughing, laughing so anxiously and disgustingly.

Some of these beautiful women were originally unwilling to enter the palace. After all, they retreated when they heard that Emperor Zhengxuan was at that age, and he heard that he would not live for a few years. But he was selected step by step, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he could only accept it.

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